
Chapter 2

After I had figured out everything, I went to my Grandfather and told him that I wanted to become a hero. He was extremely supportive and told me that he would get me a trainer as soon as possible. The next week I had been told that my trainer was here.

When I had gone to go meet him he was waiting at our playground.

"There you are, little guy. I heard you wanted to become a hero."

"Yes, I'm gonna be the best."

"That's a hard goal, can you do it."

"Of course I can, that's why you're here to help me."

"HAHA of course, of course, such conviction from such a little guy. Tell me why do you want to be a hero?"

"Because heroes are cool."

"Yes of course they are. Well, let's get started then."

After that, we started training. We didn't do anything serious because I was still two years old, so all we did was play games like tag, or using the monkey bars. Games that would help build stamina or strength without harming my body because I was too young to properly start working out. Every once in a while, he would teach me how to properly throw a punch or a kick. This continued on with the difficulty getting slightly harder, like adding parkour to tag, until I was four and finally gotten my quirk.

I was running along the playground trying to catch my adult trainer when a blue mist starts coming off me and I start to run faster. I'm actually able to start gaining on my instructor, mostly because he hadn't noticed my increase yet. Just as I was about to catch him a wall of rocks sprung up into my path causing me to faceplant into them at full speed. I was taken to a doctor to make sure I didn't have a concussion and to test my quirks. As it turns out I have two quirks that they decided to call Earth Power. I have no clue where they came up with the name but I had gotten to completely overpowered quirks. The first was Earth manipulation. I could do exactly what it sounds like with it. I could control any form of earth and make it do whatever I wanted. At the moment I couldn't do very much. I could make a wall but anything that requires fine control I couldn't do. My next quirk was Strength Multiplication. Pretty straight forward, I could multiply my strength, but If my body isn't strong enough or I push it too far I could injure my body. Basically, I had Kaioken but it was blue instead of red.