

Qin Chen, a young teenager from Earth who died due to his carelessness, spilled a cup of coffee on the cable connecting his computer. Before he died, Qin Chen was a great Hacker, which made him upgrade the USB for him to use while playing Video Games. But who would have thought, when he was on his way into the Video Game, he died due to an explosion in his room. The explosion occurred because Qin Chen accidentally spilled his cup of coffee into the electricity causing an electric short circuit.

BabyF_05062016 · Fantasy
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105 Chs


Qin Family Residence

The entire Qin family was shocked by Young Master Qin's disappearance. The Qin Patriarch sent all the soldiers in the Qin residence to look for Qin Chen in various places but found no news of the Young Master.

Jui Lui, Qin Chen's mother, was constantly sad and frustrated. For several days he rarely ate made his body weak. Every day he kept thinking about the condition of his beloved Son, who had disappeared for several days.

His condition, which was initially cheerful, smiling now changed. He locked himself in his room to wait for the return of a son he loved the most.

"Sob… Qin… Chen… sob…" Her mother cried, thinking of Qin Chen.

On the other hand, it was in the Qin Manor in the house near a tree. Inside his room gathered 2 people who were laughing out loud at the loss of Qin Chen.

"Night skull!" Said the middle-aged man in a deep voice.

A shadowy black figure appeared before them, and he was none other than the assassin in Xilinan city.

"Has Qin Chen been killed?" asked the Elder, who hired assassins to kill Qin Chen in the forest.

"The entire Dantian, Meridians I have destroyed, he will not survive in the Monster Forest!" Replied the assassin with a look, pleased that his mission was a success.

Hearing the assassin's answer, the two people inside burst out laughing because Qin Chen wouldn't be able to survive death.

"Hahahaha… Qin Chen… Qin Chen, he's just trash who doesn't deserve to live in the Qin family!" Qin Lang's happy laughter The son of Elder Qin Long.

"Now to spread the news of Qin Chen's Death, who committed suicide in the Monster Forest!" Said Qin Long, who was very happy to hear about Qin Chen's death.

With Qin Chen's death, obtaining the position of Patriarch of the Qin family would be easier for them. They had the ambition to dominate the Qin Clan.

A few hours later.

News of Qin Chen's suicide in the Monster Forest spread widely in the city. Many insulted him for his foolishness to end his life in the Monster Forest.

On the other side of Qin Chen was sitting on a pile of Monster corpses, the monster corpses that he slaughtered in 3 days waiting for the Lightning Tribulation that he would obtain for having ascended to the Martial Monarch Realm.

[In 1 more minute, Master will get Lightning Tribulation]

After waiting for a minute, he looked up at the initially clear sky that stretched wide without the slightest cloud, and now he saw great darkness covering 250 meters from where he was standing.

The black cloud that was originally still looking calm now underwent a great change that stretched 1000 meters away, and it formed a circle around Qin Chen.

The sound of Thunder with a flash of Gold color made the nearby Monsters move away from where Qin Chen was, as well as other cultivators who were checking about the dark clouds that kept appearing in the forest began to drift away.

The cultivators began to move away from the scene of the Lightning Tribulation. While moving away from there, they talked about current events.

"Is this the Lightning Tribulation?!" The middle-aged man saw the dark clouds that continued to grow bigger than he had seen before.

"Apparently, but who can trigger Ancient Lightning? According to ancient records, this lightning will only appear once every 10,000 years!" The middle-aged man turned his attention to the sky.

They nodded their heads. According to them, the people of the Central Continent had someone who triggered the Golden Lightning because that was where the Geniuses were born. And the place of the other great cultivators.

The side Qin Chen, who was very enthusiastic, looked up at the Sky. "Stupid lightning! Quickly attack me!" Qin Chen, who shouted towards the sky, provoked the Tribulation Lightning with his right hand pointed towards the sky.

As if responding to Qin Chen's words, thunderbolts began to appear with a loud sound, ready to destroy anything under them.


Lightning struck Qin Chen hard. It resulted in a loud sound in the surroundings, smoke that clumped up with the Monster's corpse turning to dust.

However, Qin Chen still stood calmly and casually amidst the lightning that continued to strike him.

Boom! Boom!

Nine consecutive lightning strikes signaled the completion of Ranking to Martial Monarch. Tore the clothes Qin Chen was wearing from the lightning strike.

Above the Sky tribulation, lightning made Qin Chen slightly confused by this instead of dissipating. But suddenly, it grew bigger with an aura that was more sinister than before.

The heavy pressure 5 Km away from where Qin Chen was standing made the monsters begin to lower their heads to the ground, unable to withstand the strong pressure that made the Monsters fall to the ground.

Qin Chen was still confused by the Lightning Tribulation, but suddenly Lightning started to strike him again. Now the impact was more than ever before. The trees and rocks within a radius of 5 km from it disappeared into ashes.


The lightning that struck was instantly absorbed by Qin Chen's Universe Devouring Chaos Immortal Divine Vein. He there ordered his Body to be stronger than before and learned the Lightning Release Technique because its attack power was so strong it made Qin Chen tempted.

[ Withstands 9 Lightning God Strikes, will unlock 2 Asura God Body Stage! ]

While in the middle of ordering the Body, he heard a system notification that made his eyes widen. He heard that the Asura God's body was about to open, causing a glimmer of light in his eyes.

The Divine Lightning began to strike back at Qin Chen's Body violently.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Feeling a bit of pain made Qin Chen happy because he had finished ordering the Body and learned the Lightning Release.

After the tribulation, lightning struck Qin Chen nine times, and the dark clouds above the sky began to dissipate and reveal a clear sky again slowly.

Unlike where he was now, there was only destruction and destruction, where the forest turned to dust and large rocks, and the ground seemed to melt into hot ice.

Qin Chen, still standing in tattered clothes as he tore his clothes apart, was hit by the lightning strike.

[Congratulations Master successfully unlocking Asura God Body Stage 2]

[First Stage: Asura Aura, Asura's aura is so overpowering that it's terrifying, just a little bit of it gives off the Aura of a Cultivator who will taste Death]

[Second Stage: Asura's gaze, a single glance can kill cultivators above him easily]

Qin Chen, who heard the system explanation, left him dumbfounded with his mouth wide open without supporting his chin.

He did not believe in this drastic increase, but in his mind, if it has gone up, go up.


Name: Qin Chen]

[Status: Qin Clan Young Master]

[ Age: 18 Years ]

[ Level : Martial Monarch Level 10 { 24,326,390/29,000,000 } ×2 ]

[Veins: Universe Devouring Universe Chaos Immortal Divine Veins]

[ Technique :

- 9 Fairy Sword Art 'God Grade' { 100% }

- Nine Finger Thunder Art 'God Grade' { 100% }

[Weapon: Heaven-Destroying Demon Sword' Heavenly Grade'

[ Shop: » ]

[ Exchange Points: 56,740,000 ×Double Points ]

[ Understanding Points: 90,000 ]

[ Inventory: 6 Celestial Boxes, 4 God Boxes, 1 Divine Box, 838 Tier 1 Monster Cores, 598 Tier 2 Monster Cores, 447 Tier 3 Monster Cores, 211 Tier 4 Monster Cores, 795 Tier 5 Monster Cores, 467 Tier 6 Monster Cores, 333 Level 6 Monster Core ]