
Strongest God in Omniverse Vol.1

Reincarnated as... see the title, anyway this is my second dragon ball fanfic, and there will not be a constant update, don't get your hopes up. All the pictures I use is not mine, if you want me to take it down just comment. English is my third language so, sorry for the mistakes and the punctuations.

Forgettable_Author · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Ch - 48

Age 778, January 2.

Morning arrived as I reviewed how to create Dragon Balls. It's quite simple, all you have to do is have a God Ki and Magic to create a dragon ball. The hardest part was creating the rules which is a hassle but I have to do it and become stronger. I have only 3 rules in my dragon balls, Rule #1, You can only use the Dragon Balls for good. Rule #2, Only the users with a good heart can use the Dragon Balls and the final rule. Rule #3, Wish anything that can be categorized as Good like a Power boost for protecting the home planet, etc.

After finishing with the rules, I created the Dragon I had in mind. The Alpha Dragon in HTTYD( How to Train Your Dragon). As for the color, A mixture of green and gold.

A burst of light was presented as a roar reverberated all around the multiverse, all angels, demons, GoDs, and every species of the Multiverse heard the roar, making the others worshipped and feared.

" Finally, I created my own Dragon Balls. Sadly, I can't use it on myself despite being the creator. This must be because I am the creator and had absolute authority over the Dragon. the creator can't use the Dragon they created as it would create an imbalance to the multiverse and abuse the power of wishes." I sighed but it is what it is.

Walking back to my house where Eris was, I saw her smiling gently and singing a lullaby.

" Look how happy my wife is. Eris, I created my dragon ball. Use it and become strong or we could use it for our child and make him stronger by unlocking his potential. What do you think?" I asked Eris while patting her stomach.

" I see... Use it for our child. The stronger he is, the better it is. But, how did you know the gender of our child?" Eris said, suspiciously.

" Well, how do I say this... I met him when he saved me from the invasion that causes me to lose my memories. So, for the last months of staying with him and regaining my memories, I saw the familiarity of his face mine and yours. So, I assumed that he is our son but I didn't tell him as it might cause a butterfly effect. Making this multiverse more complicated than it is." I said, laying down on the bed.

" Really!? Was he handsome? Did he use any of my beloved weapons?" She excitedly asked.

" Of course he is handsome, he got it from us after all. As for the weapons, I don't know but I do know that he has a talent at making things which he got from you." I said, Eris smiled happily and looked at her stomach.

Eris urged me to use the dragon ball and use it on our son which I just sighed and summoned Alpha. The Dragon I created and named in respect to its appearance.

A gigantic Dragon emerged from the boulder-sized dragon balls I stored in my storage. Also, I added a feature that makes the boulder-sized dragon balls into smaller pieces and makes it more challenging of finding the dragon balls.

" What are your wishes, my creator?" A majestic voice resounded and reverberated around the earth, making the earthlings hear.

" I wished for my child to have the highest potential of everyone. I also wished for my wife, Eris to have her potential at the highest potential you could ever do in your current limit. Also, I want every kid I bring on this planet to have the best lives they could ever have. That's all, you may disperse" I said as its eyes glow in gold.

A shining light appeared around Eris's body as she feels her limit being reborn and as if she can get stronger at a rate from when she was still in the growing phase. I looked at her in jealously as I can't wish myself to use my dragon balls but I didn't let it stay in my mind and just be happy that Eris can become stronger than she ever was.

While this is happening, a phenomenal thing happened at the corner of the ever-expanding multiverse and a newly born Universe was detected by Zeno who monitors the multiverse.

" A newborn Universe with no GoD? Wait... this universe doesn't need a god who destroys but a god that can bring peace? I can put a Kaioshin there as they are God of Creation and perfect for the role" Zeno said and summoned a Kaioshin who appeared immediately.

" You called for me, Lord Zeno?" The Kaioshin asked in confusion.

" I want you to create life and become the God of this newly born Universe," Zeno said.

The Kaioshin nodded and was teleported but as if the universe had a consciousness, the Kaioshin was rejected and teleported back to the Palace of Zeno who looked confused.

" Why are you back immediately?" Zeno asked.

" My Lord, the Universe seem to reject entry as I teleported back to this place," Kaioshin said in uncertainty.

" I see, you can go back for now as I will let Grand Priest investigate the Universe" Zeno waved his hand and teleported the Kaioshin back.

" A universe that rejects entry? I think I heard something like that before? It should be here" Zeno said as he searched for a file on his tablet and minutes later, he finally found it.

He read it for hours before he finally stopped as he was shocked by the thing he read.

" A Universe that rejects entry means... The Universe is waiting for the rightful God who will rule the Omniverse and all GoDs shall worship him? This is absurd! But, what if it's true and the person who is worthy of the Universe is greedy and wants to usurp the whole Universes I governed? This can't happen. I gave all my responsibility to make the Multiverse peaceful by destroying the 6 universes that want to rule. " Zeno anxiously said as he immediately ordered Grand Priest to not disclose the news of a newly created Universe.

Despite Zeno trying to keep it hidden from around the multiverse. The energy that attracts the worthy person kept getting stronger as if desperate and wants his child to return home.

I looked up as I sense the energy trying to communicate with me.

" Who?" I said in cautiousness, looking around while Eris was worried again and recalled the trauma of losing me again. But I reassured her that it was okay as the energy seems to be looking and longing for someone. I told Eris that I will follow the energy which she resolutely want to follow me. I sighed and allowed her to follow me. I teleported multiple times and soon enough, we arrived at the border of the Universe and it is expanding at a slow speed.

The energy it emits was getting intense and I heard voices in my head, calling me to go inside.

" Eris, I think this universe is calling me. Please wait for me here" Taking out a spaceship from my storage, I let Eris inside and flew inside the Universe.

The space warped and I was teleported to a planet full of mythical beasts, Gods in mythology, and the God who reincarnate me here.

" You have finally arrived, Ryuu. Welcome to your Universe" He said while the Gods clapped their hands. Congratulating me and giving me gifts.

"Uhm? What's happening?" I asked in confusion.

" Well, this is your Universe that I created with the help of these Gods and Mythical Beasts. Of course, we make a trial you have to do and make sure that you are worthy of this universe we gave. For the 1st trial, you need to defeat the mythical beasts that are on par with Gods. 2nd Trial is fighting the Gods and Mythical Beast and the last trial is fight me and you shall be rewarded." He said.

" Is that all? What happens if I lost the trail?" I asked.

" Nothing, you will go back to your family and live while this Universe will go poof and gone." He said, smiling.

" I see... Then, I shall start the trial but before that. Will the time stop outside?" I asked to make sure I won't miss a big event like the birth of my first child.

" Yes, it will stop," He said and the trial initiated, an arena big enough for us to fight was created.

" How can I defeat these mythical beasts when they are on par with Gods? Oh well, it doesn't matter if I win or not." I said and attack immediately but the beasts dodge it with ease and as if toying with me. They always make mocking faces, making me annoyed but I didn't let my emotion control me as I formulated a plan on how to defeat these beasts and that is by brawl.

I grabbed one of the beasts by its fur. The beast I grab was Fenrir and slammed it to the ground and throw it outside the ring.