
Strongest God in Omniverse Vol.1

Reincarnated as... see the title, anyway this is my second dragon ball fanfic, and there will not be a constant update, don't get your hopes up. All the pictures I use is not mine, if you want me to take it down just comment. English is my third language so, sorry for the mistakes and the punctuations.

Forgettable_Author · Anime & Comics
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*Mc Pov*

Morning arrives, I woke up from my slumber to see I was at the cradle being put here.

'Ahh, this must be the Son family, where is Goku and Chichi or Gohan?' I thought while looking around the room, I see a picture of Goku and Chichi at their wedding and the son family(Goku, chichi, Gohan).

While looking at the room, I hear the room open to see Chichi.

"Oh hi there little guy, so you are awake now huh, drink some milk first," Chichi said and pick me up, and place me at her arm near her chest to breastfeed me.

'So this is the younger chichi huh, where is Goku anyway' As I look outside of the door.

"You are quite a curious guy huh, let's go to your father and brother," Chichi said and walk outside with me in her arms.

*3rd Pov*

As they walk outside, Mc is currently looking around while Chichi just chuckle at the weirdness of her son, not minding a bit of his curious look.

They arrive at the kitchen to see Goku eating foods left and right, and Gohan drinking some milk, while Ox king reads a newspaper while drinking tea.

"Dad, Goku, I have a name in mind... It's Ryuu, Son Ryuu." Chichi said looking at them.

"That's a good name chichi." Ox king said.

"Hmm, what do you think Goku?" Chichi ask Goku who is eating.

"Yesh, ish a good na*choke* *cough* *gulp*, Yes it's a good name, let's go with that, so Chichi what will be our sons be when they got bigger, let's make them a fighter like me," Goku said while drinking water.

"*sigh*, all you think is fight, go do some work to raise our kids." Chichi angrily said to Goku who's face terrified.

A chuckle escapes from the now known Ryuu, hearing the chuckle escape from him, they look at him.

"Hehehe, he laughs chichi, he seems to like to be a fighter," Goku said while laughing and walking towards them with Gohan who is oblivious of what's happening but still drink his milk.

"*sigh*, you only think of fighting and training, no I will not make our sons become like you who is always training and fighting, I will make them be a scholar so that they can earn money for their future family, not like you," Chichi said to Goku.

"Now now chichi, don't be like that, anyway our sons might have a potential to grow stronger than me, who wouldn't be proud of his sons surpassing him, and grow stronger to protect his family," Goku said, still holding Gohan on his arm.

'Hehehe, Goku or now my Dad is a training freak, all he thinks is fight, train and eat' Ryuu thought chuckling and still drinking milk from chichi.

'*Sigh*, Why did I even want to reincarnate here, dragon ball is a dangerous place to reincarnate in, there are people who can just destroy you or run in light speed, but who cares I like challenges' Ryuu thought and look at his elder brother, who is drinking milk.

"Anyway, Goku you need to work or just wish some money from Shenron so that we can have some money," Chichi suggest Goku about using the dragon balls.

"And besides if you do that you can train more, and you don't need to work," Chichi added and Goku who heard the suggestion and the word training immediately agreed.

"Sure, I'll go get the dragon ball radar from Bulma, wait here and I will get the money in hours, bye Gohan, Ryuu, Dad will get the dragon ball first." And with that Goku handed Gohan to Chichi and called the nimbus and flew off towards Bulma house.

"*sigh*, at least he will wish some money from Shenron, Dad when will you go home, I thought you will leave when you finally know your grandson's name," Chichi ask.

"Ahh, you're right, goodbye Gohan, Ryuu, Grandpa will be back next month, be good boys okay." Ox king then walk outside and ran off while waving for the final goodbye.

"Looks like we three are the only people here, let's go outside for fresh air, you two better not be like your father who only thought of the fight, train and eats," Chichi said.

Gohan looks at Chichi and nods while drinking the seemingly unlimited milk.

Lunch arrive and Goku finally arrive with six dragon balls(4-star dragon ball is in Gohan's hat) and called out Chichi.

"Chichi I'm home, I have the dragon balls here" Goku shouted at the house.

"Alright alright, we're coming" Chichi walk out with Gohan and Ryuu in her arms.

"Go on, summon Shenron Goku, look Ryuu is looking at the dragon balls, he seems to be waiting for Shenron to be summoned," Chichi said, and Ryuu looking at the dragon ball and thought.

'So this is the legendary dragon balls huh, it's quite a nice round orange ball, what will be the Shenron looks like in real life' Ryuu thought while a smile appear on his face.

"Okay, please give me the 4-star dragon ball," Goku said and Chichi handed the ball over to Goku.

Goku then put all the balls on the ground.

"Oh, Shenron grants my wish," Goku said.

The balls shine in and out while the sky darkens around until it forms in a blinding dragon. (don't know what they say to summon Shenron)

"Who summons me, state your wish," Shenron says.

'Wahh, the mighty Shenron finally appear that was quite an entrance' Ryuu thought looking at the eastern dragon.

"I want 10 million Zeni," Chichi said to Shenron.

Shenron eyes then shine " Your wish has been granted" and Shenron then turns to 7 dragon balls and separates.

While a big bag full of money dropped, Chi-chi walk towards it and told Goku to pick it up.

Goku pick up the money while chichi told Goku to follow her since it's lunch now.

'looks like this family will be good in upcoming years, except the earth destroyer villain who will come' Ryuu thought in fear and excitement.

'Hehehe, I hope this will be my new exciting life' Ryuu chuckled while Gohan look at his brother being weird again.

(I will time skip to the time Raditz appear on earth next chapter)