
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Talent evolution, Dragon flame armor

High in the sky an one arm old man watched as Flare ended up finishing all the monsters, it was elder Lei "not bad although he is inexperience he has basic common sense, and his luck isn't bad, finding a spirit pool although very small, many people travel the mountains and forest for years without even glimpsing a spirit pool"

"I've wasted enough time, let's see if we can find anymore promising youths on this planet"


After taking the important parts of the ape and wolf, Flare went to the pool where the strong spiritual energy was coming from, standing above the pool he felt the pores on his body open up, a comfortable feeling washed over his body.

In a trance like state Flare entered the pool, he felt his body start to greedily absorb the spiritual energy in the pool.

Minutes passed as Flare was absorbing the spiritual energy, he heard crackling sounds as the spiritual energy started to concentrate around his body, at this time his cultivation brokethrough the early stage of spirit concentration realm.

Name : Flare Hitoshi

Cultivation : Spirit concentration early stage

Burning Points (BP) : 90

Talent : Dragon Flames D rank (C rank 0/200 BP)

Martial Arts : Basic Sword technique mastery stage ( 0/300 BP)

[ Sytem AI Help: Burn your enemies, ignite the world to get Burning Points (BP). ]

Seeing the amount of burning points needed to upgrade his talent doubled cursed

"I was Only 10 points away wtf, now it increased by a whole100 Burning points "

"If I he had known about this, I would have delayed my breakthrough, it's too late to regret now."

"Atleast I need less points to advance my basic sword moves"

The spiritual pool Flare was sitting in became regular water, however as the years pass it might become a spiritual pool again.

"For now let's focus on collecting Burning points since I only just brokethrough I don't need to breakthrough quickly again. "


In a valley Flare stood, and below him tens of green snakes were burning, for 3 days flare continuously hunted beast, now he was in the snake Valley where he hunted down an entire green scale snake family.

Messages continously rang out in from the strongest flame system

[You have burnt a Tier 1 monster, 1 burning points gained]

[You have burnt a Tier 1 monster, 1 burning points gained]


You have burnt a Tier 2 monster, 10 burning points gained]

Name : Flare Hitoshi

Cultivation : Spirit concentration early stage

Burning Points (BP) : 220

Talent : Dragon Flames D rank (C rank 0/200 BP)

Martial Arts : Basic Sword technique mastery stage ( 0/300 BP)

After working hard for so long he finally achieved his goal, now he can evolve his talent.

Flare found a safe cave to rest,without hesitating he added 200 points to his talent.

Like setting fire to oil, Flare's entire body was set ablaze in the blink of an eye, the flame tried to escape to the sky, but was only met by the roof of the cave leaving multiple scorches.

The trapped flame caused the temperature in the cave to become so high,Flare's clothes started to melt off his body.

Flare could feel his sensitivity to fire increase so much, he started to doubt whether he had flame sensitivity before.The flame in the cave started to condense around his body slowly forming a flaming red armour with dragon patterns all over it, it could easily trick someone into believing it was a real Armour.

Messages rang out in his mind

[Congratulations Talent advanced to C rank talent]

[Unlocked innate skill Dragon Flame Armour]

Name : Flare Hitoshi

Cultivation : Spirit concentration early stage

Burning Points (BP) : 20

Talent : Dragon Flames C rank (B rank 0/500 BP)

Innate Skills :Level 1 Dragon Flame armor (0/200 BP) ( Cooldown 2 hour)

Martial Arts : Basic Sword technique mastery stage ( 0/300 BP)

Seeing his updated information he had a basic understanding what a innate skill should be "innate skill should be something only I have because of my innate talent of dragon flames.Its not like martial arts that anybody can use, because not even I know the information about this dragon flame armor, only the instinct of how to use it "

Flare said as he observed his magestic dragon flame armour, it covered his body from his neck to his toe, like dragon scales made from condensed Flames.

" if I were to guess my dragon flames destructive power and heat it generates, should already be at S class talents, the only thing that will improve when my talent evolves should be my Affinity with Flames, I can't control it as well as other's with S class talents until then"

Holding his enchanted heavy sword in his hand, he realized his defense atleast doubled and holding his heavy sword felt alot easier.

Flare excitedly left the cave to test out his armour. He quickly discovered another family of Green scale snakes.

Wielding his sword every move he made was accompanied by Flames, if someone were to observe this they would think Flare was a professional entertainer

Atleast 5 tier 1 green scale snakes bit Flare's armour, but to their dismay their teeth only met a sturdy Armour, Flames off the Armour ignited their entire body burning them to crisp.

You have burnt a Tier 1 monster, 1 burning points gained]

[You have burnt a Tier 1 monster, 1 burning points gained]

[You have burnt.....]

Seeing these messages Flare still wasn't satisfied, these monsters were too weak for him, with his dragon flame armour still activated he left the snake valley in search of a new challenge.

As soon as he left the valley a bolt of lightning struck him only to face the resistance of his armour.

In the sky a eagle with lightning surrounded it's body was bolting towards him.

Name :??

Cultivation Early stage Tier 2 Beast

Race : storm eagle

Skill: lightning strike

With a single swing of his sword, a Flaming sword arrived infront the eagle ready to spilt it in two leaving nothing but ashes, the storm eagle sensed the danger and soared back into the sky dodging the sword strike and looked down at Flare condescendingly.

Seeing the eagle's smug expression Flare had an inspiration, controlling his Flames, he condensed them into swords that spiraled around him, with a thought, the swords shot towards the storm eagle in the sky, however the storm eagle was too fast it ended up escaping with a speed that is beyond common sense, watching the storm eagle escape Flare was helpless.

"Since you inspired me to make this move I'll spare you this time" Flare said to comfort himself

" if I hadn't upgraded my talent, controlling the flames to this extent would have been impossible" Flare said as he moved towards a new location, he was still searching for strong monsters to test out his armor, so he didn't deactivate it because he was too impatient to wait on it's cooldown time.

As Flare was searching, he heard a bird cry coming from the north eastern direction "why does that sound so familiar "Flare said to himself as he went in direction.

One hundred meters infront, Flare saw a giant two headed lizard that was almost 4 meters long, a few meters away a girl with white hair was coughing blood with a large white bird guarding her.

" Isn't that Yuki, why is she here?"


"Little MI fly away I'm not it's opponent"

"No... I"

"Stop being so stubborn, it's my fault for being too greedy" Yuki said she coughed up blood

"But I was the one who said I could be beat that beast with a flop of my wing" Little MI said dejectly

As they spoke the two headed lizard was condensing ice and attacks in both it's mouth.

"Little white quickly leave "Yuki said as she summoned a white bow in her hard

" If she escapes you'll die faster" Flare said

"Who's there!!!" Yuki said she aimed her now in Flare's direction

"Calm down!! calm down it's me !!" Flare shouted as he revealed himself.
