
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

End of Exam

[Bonus points 200 burning Point gained for killing a Monster General for the first time ]

'Holy f*ck I even gained bonus points,is this a game ?" Flare said as blood fell from his injured left shoulder .

The surrounding spectators looked at Flare as if he was a monster, flames were still burning the Tiger General's body,releasing crackling sounds, paired with the Tiger blood across his face it made for a really gruesome sight.

01.Flare Hitoshi 1206 Points

02.Hugo Blanc 1098 points

03.Yuki Snow 1095 Points

04. Catherina Jensen 1090 Points

05.Ouyang Li 1083 Points

Flare left the entire crowd stunned, with a single brilliant feat he surpassed everyone on the placements , if nothing strange happened he would take the first place as right now the only powerful monster remaining was the Eagle General as most of the remaining monsters fleed after the death of Sky Thunder Tiger.

A few hundred meters away ,Ouyang Li watched everything as it unfolded, few hours ago he was first now he barely hanging on to 5th place."Damn that bitch ,not only did she leave my team , she is even helping the white haired witch" Ouyang Li said angrily.

"Just you wait, do you think just by joining the Battle God Palace you can escape my palms"


Back at the camp on the high wall, the three elders watched everything as if they were watching a movie, with their high level cultivations,they could see everything clearly.

"That Ouyang family's kid talent would of been quite useful for the human race , unfortunately his heart is so dark and scheming" Elder Lei disappointedly said

"So what if his talent is useful, with his dirty heart he will do more harm than good for the human race"

"Anyone who fights alongside him, not only do they have to be aware of the monsters,they also have to protect themselves from him"

"I think that the little Lolita's talent is way more useful than his, luckily she didn't get corrupted by him, humph if the Ouyang clan even touches a hair on her family hehe..... "Said elder Rosa viciously

"She can teleport and has a radar that can see the location of enemies and allies "

"It's almost as if she has two separate talents combined into one, while still losing some of the benefits she would have if she only had one" Elder Sung said after some consideration.

"Even the Sand village sent out some of their youths, how long has it been since one of their younger generation appeared? 100 ,200 years?" Elder Sung said thoughtfully

"This year's recruits are really the best our Battle God Palace has seen in the last 100 years, the other mountain peaks will really cough up blood when they see our recruits"Elder Lei said laughingly

"Humph,who told them to look down on the students publicly recruited,not even wanting to take part in the Public entrance exams" Elder Rosa said with distain


Every year students are privately and publicly recruited by the Battle God Palace, however the privately recruited students are usually the ones that shine the most, simply because, only the most talented students can be recruited without even going through the entrance exam with the strict standards of the Battle God Palace, but for the first time in a long while, the public recruits might be able to shine over the private recruits.


"Old man Lei is that red haired kid really your illegitimate son? Where did he get Flaming Battle Body? " said elder Sung

"You... you can ask the Palace Master about that when we return " Elder Lei stuttered as black lines covered his forehead

"I hope none of you fight with my Blossom Peak for the little Lolita and the phoenix girl." Said Elder Rosa

"Who said only the the Blossom Peak can accept females student?that little phoenix girl is more suited for the War Peak "said Elder Lei protesting

"Don't you already have the red haired boy and those kids from the Sand Village ,is your War Peak really going to even fight with our Blossom Peak over these two girls" said Elder Rosa angrily

"There's no need to agrue, the kids will decide which mountain peak they want to join"Elder Sung said shaking his head

"You can always be calm because

you know no one will join your rusty Weapon Peak" Elder Rosa said mockingly


Back on the battlefield

Yuki shouted from Miora's back "falling moon arrow " , a dazzling blue arrow quickly left the bow in her hand causing a spectacular sight, ,everywhere it went , snowflakes would appear, the Golden Eagle General known for it's speed, had no chance of dodging, the arrow passed through it's chest leaving a hollowed wound.As the Eagle General fell from the sky, the residue from the falling moon arrow froze it's body ,by the time it finally hit the ground, it was broken into many ice fragments.

The spectators hearts trembled seeing this, "a monster general was actually killed in one blow" one of the spectators said with a trembling voice.

The few straggling monsters that remained rushed back to the depths of the forbidden forest marking the end of the monster horde and the end of the entrance exam.


"No... no.... not yet I'm so close " a youth cried aloud. He was placed 501, only one place away from making it into the top 500.

He wasn't the only one, many other students fell to the ground in dismay.


Back at the camp, the elders looked at the dejected faces of the youths infront them,they only shock their heads reality was really cruel.

"This has been the most intense entrance I've witnessed in a long while,you mustn't feel dejected, not being able to join the Battle God Palace is not the end of the world for you, they are many other forces that will accept you into their ranks."

"The prizes promised to the top 10 will be give when you arrive at the Palace"

" If you're not in the top 501 students, you can leave, a spaceship is waiting to bring you to the closest city. "

"You might be wondering why is there 501 instead of 500, it's simply because some of you think that you could break the rules without us noticing"

"Ouyang Li, your placement of fifth is stripped and you also fail the entrance exam" said elder Lei without pausing

"Noooo!!.... Why???! Ouyang Li cried

" Don't think that your little scheme went unnoticed, baiting the Tiger General towards examine Yuki Snow, you're the worst type of scum in our human race, your talent is good but your heart is dirty, you deserve a place in our Battle God Palace" Elder Rosa said with distain

"I didn't attack them, I was only..."

"are you questioning us" Elder Lei said as coldly cutting him off, a strong killing intent was released from his body that only Ouyang Li could feel.

"I don't dare!! "Ouyang Li said as he fell to his knees as be peed his pants.

You're lucky you weren't kill right here for breaking our rules "

I will announce the new top 10

01.Flare Hitoshi 1206 points

02.Yuki Snow 1204 points

03.Hugo Blanc 1098 points

04.Catherina Jensen 1090 points

05.Mark Lee 1078 points

06.Mariana Costa 1065 points

07. Xuan Mo 1045 points

08.Pierre Blanc 1010 points

09.Liam Becker 1001 points

10. Sadio Ake 985 Points


Listening to all of this, the doubts Flare had earlier was finally cleared up, he always found something weird about how Tiger General arrived in Yuki's battle, he could only sigh"the human heart will always remain unpredictable when there is something to gain" this was a lesson Flare learnt the hard way as he grew up in the orphanage.


Outside the windows of the space ship Flare was on , white clouds flitted across the blue sky as the space ship rushed towards the Battle God Palace. Their eyes were full of curiosity as they observed the vast lands before them.They have been traveling for seven days straight with no rest, ever since they left the camp.Because they were too many of them they couldn't use the teleportation arrays to shorten the distance to the Battle God Palace, but for Flare and the others from the Blue planet, this was perfect, they could see for themselves how vast the New World really was, vastness really opened their eyes.

All of a sudden,Elder Lei opened his mouth and said, "We'll reach the Battle God Palace tomorrow."

All the students felt great anticipation as they finally heard the words they wanted to hear,although they enjoyed the sight seeing, they were more excited about entering a legendary sacred ground, the peak of the human race in the World.

If you see any errors, please notify me, I don't have too much time to continously be proofreading it.also big thank you to all who have been supporting so far.And please leave your thoughts no matter if you think it might be negative towards my novel, I still want to know.

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