
Strongest butterfly with a system

He was betrayed by the person he trusted most. Now he wants revenge, but he's a butterfly, so how can he get his revenge?

RiverGoat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


After waking up, the peace that was supposed to come from a new day did not come, all that was left in him was despair. His world once again became a lie, ideas of ending his own life arose in his mind, but hatred once again reminded him of what he should do.

'Shit, I only managed to climb two levels yesterday, I have to get to level 10 as fast as possible.

Looking at his ass, he sees that he is still injured, despite the despair of the previous night, the rest made the bruise heal.

Thinking about it made his gaze cold, without him realizing, at the same time, in his wings a myriad of eyes opened and released a bloodshed around him. If anyone got close, they'd see that those eyes were red.

Knowing that if he continued to kill weak enemies nothing would change, he begins to fly looking for something, passing through the forest he begins to feel more and more light in his eyes, after a few minutes he came out of the forest and there he was, where his old body died, but had no further trace of his death.

Looking at the fights he's had so far, everything seemed in vain, the difficulty of killing a wasp, an ant, required everything he had.

Ridiculous, just ridiculous! Looking at your status one thing caught your eye.

"Poisoned Butterfly Tears? how did my race change so suddenly?

Due to so many things happening he took time out to clear his thoughts, started flying and tried to get away from the problems, but previous events would never leave him alone.

"I love you, Alex, I'll never leave you." She said as she hugged Alex, her lips approached his, gradually they leaned over, but the once sweet sensation left him only a putrid taste in his memory.

Trying to get as far away from all these thoughts, he focuses on the plan to stop reaching level 10 in two days. After thirty minutes of meditation and planning he decides what to do.

"Activate ability: Transmutatio"

[Warning: If you proceed with the activation of the ability, the evolutionary paths related to the human race will disappear from the system.]

[Do you want to proceed?]

"Yes" By saying this an shocking pain took over his body, gradually he could feel his body expanding and decreasing, his nerves were changing, the body of a butterfly that should not be able to speak, cried!"


The pain was increasingly agonizing, the body still expanding transmitted pain throughout his body, but a smile appeared on his face.


Walking up that lake he looked at his reflection.

He saw a man with platinum hair up to his shoulders, his hair was wavy, his eyes narrow, his sclera should be white, shone with a slight meaty, his iris in a shade of blue that contrasted with his sclera, a thin nose, rosy mouth, piercing pupils like those of a cat give chills in the spine. His body was humanoid of 1.85, blue wings with tears yams everywhere

Running to where he had spotted an enemy while planning what to do, he picks up a stick from the ground and begins injecting mana into the grave. The mana injection was similar to aura handling, but as now he would never be a human again, Alex has lost the ability to use aura and now, like all monsters, will have to learn to use mana.

Already having an idea of how to handle, in a very unsatisfactory way, but for now it was enough. Looking at the green monster, of short stature, bulging belly, long ears, bald, with teeth that had difficulty growing, are few scattered in the mouth, giving him a macabre smile. In his hand was a spear, made in a rustic way, with a stone as a tip and a stick as a cable.

"A Goblin. It's going to be hard, even though he's weak."

[Time remaining: one minute.]

With the mana emanating grave, he makes a vertical blow toward the Goblin, but the Goblin raises the spear horizontally and defends the attack. Time passed fast, after the attack he once again swings the stick, the Goblin quickly raises his hand to defend himself, but it was just a feint.

He for the attack, hits the wings and a powder goes towards the Goblin, when the powder hits him large ulcers have appeared on his skin. Desperate with a pain he's never felt before, he drops the spear, a sound of wind blowing rises and a stake pierces the Goblin's eye.

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[All skills level up]

Soon after goblin's death, the body that was once humanoid, returns to that of a butterfly, but the pain was as great as before. Recovering from the pain, now that he has gotten used a little, looked at the body of the Goblin, without wasting time, immediately begins to absorb, perhaps because it is infinitely higher than him, the points gained this time were huge.


Name: Alexander Smith Level: 7 Hp: 22/22 Mp: 35/75 Class : null Race: Poisoned Tears Butterfly Strength: 1 Dexterity: 13 Vitality: 15 Charisma: 15 Intelligence: 50

Skills: Confusion, Venom wing, Transmutatio.

Ability: Deceased absorption

With this new force after evolution, he becomes more confident than ever


[Recharge time: 12 hours]

'What?? Can I only use this every 12 hour? Damn it, damn it... Damn it!' He kept repeating as his heart got harder and harder, he was in a hurry to get stronger, but that was a huge disadvantage for him.

Knowing he couldn't stand still he decides to focus on learning how to handle the mana. He tries to remember how the aura arose and a scene from his father explaining how the aura arose and how it changed the situation of humans.

"Daddy, how are you so strong? Uncle is his age and he can't make his sword shiny."

"The name is aura, you're still young, you'll soon learn to use it too."

His father was a man with tanned skin, short hair whitened by age. His eyes were brown, his thick eyebrows gave an air of stiffness on his face, a large nose, and a smile of affection, rarely seen on his face. His stature was 1.60, but his muscles were apparent, even with the wide sweatshirt he wore.

Smiling he lifts the pen he wore; in a snap the pen began to float around the room as it was slapped by a cyan glow. Losing the focus of what his father said he began to try to jump to pick up the pen that flew all over the room, jumping from side to side, the father realized what he was trying to do and laughed; an unexpected move took the father out of his moment of joy and filled him with torpor, while jumping from side to side, Alex instinctively put energy on his foot and flew up to the pen and picked it up.

"Yuuupiii" Alex, smiled with genuine joy, a silly smile was emblazoned on his face, but he wasn't the only one.

"W-What?" Alex's father, Owen, looked at his son in amazement.

"H-He isn't even 13 years, yet he used aura, how???"

"Is that it?" A frown appeared on his countenance, but that was quickly replaced by joy.

"Son, do you know how the aura came about?"

"No, Daddy, how?"

"Well, let Daddy tell you a story." Owen's eyes closed as he remembered the past, an air of reminiscence floating around him.

"In the past we did not live on this planet, we lived in a place called earth, where there was no magic, aura, and the use of swords and bows was an outdated thing. We fought with different weapons, but in one of these fights the planet was destroyed because of radiation..."

"Radiation?" You asked Alex with a face full of doubt, I don't understand what that was and how it would destroy a planet.

"One day you will understand. First, let me go on,"" he said as he picked up his son from the ground and put him on his lap, messing Alex's hair with his hands a little.

"Hihihi" smiled because of his father's affection, rarely showed affection in this way.

"Anyway, we spent several years thinking it was the end, but one day we received the news that there was a habitable planet near us."

"Amazed by the news, humanity migrated to the planet that was baptized Canaan, excited we began to dwell there, but quickly the problems arose. Our weapons didn't work in this new atmosphere and every attempt failed, the animals we found were not normal, they used an energy that made them stronger than us..."

"That I know, they wore mana! The teacher told me that the mana is stronger than the aura, but we humans can't use it." Alex said with a proud expression.

"All right, but you know why we can't use the mana?"

It was possible to see the smoke rising from Alex's head trying to find an answer to the question. Suddenly he found the perfect answer, with a proud face he said:

"Why is she as strong as Dad?"

"HAHAHAHAHA" That innocent talk of his son made him proud, if someone from outside looked at the dandy Marshal Owen would not believe he could laugh that way.

"Almost that, our passages aren't thick enough to handle the mana, so in case it passes us..." Owen paused for a few seconds

"Boooom." Screamed him scaring little Alex

"Aiiiiiiii, Papa" Starting to cry, his father felt guilty for scaring him, until...

Little Alex suddenly stops crying and shows his tongue to his father, realizing he's been tricked, Owen laughs inwardly

'That little devil is smarter than he looks.'

The memory that warmed some of his cold heart ran out, but a tear still flowed down his face.

"Will my father recognize me in this form? Does he still..." Realizing the state of his emotions he to and refocus on his mana, controlling the mana to make a line to a nearby grave, tried to lift the grave, but the line quickly dissipated.

Dissatisfied he continues to create the same thread for hours, until finally he manages to lift the branch. Trying to launch the branch and not knowing how to control the force he swings with the wire and sends the branch to a nearby tree. The force of the swing that the branch was destroyed by the pitch before it even reached the tree. convinced of the strength, he takes a stone and begins to practice with it, the first pitch created a hole 1 cm deep, the second 5 cm...

5 hours later

The noise of his training caused a commotion at the site, 4 goblins went towards a tree full of holes, he was resting on a hidden branch of the tree, but eager to test his discovery.

"Finally, a bit of fun" When he said this a thread went toward a nearby rock, turned it and threw it toward one of the goblins, who seemed to be hungry, unlike the goblin that had the bulging belly, these had apparent bones.

Without understanding what was going on the three remaining goblins turned to the side when they heard a noise


The body of one of them was falling with a hole in his head, but turning around was a mistake. A butterfly appeared above them and poured a powder toward them, while dark eyes stared at them. After some time of passing of facing those eyes, the last goblin woke up and saw that the club in his hand was in his friend's shattered head and the other seemed to have been killed by some kind of poison, since his body was full of deep ulcers.

The goblin's body began to tremble when he remembered what happened, he killed his friend after being stared at by a terrible animal, but that was not the end.

Alex slammed the wings towards the latter, a yummy powder went up to him, this powder was totally different from the ones he's used so far. After coming into contact with the body, blood began to come out through his eyes, he howled, scratched his eyes trying to tear them out, but even after tearing them off the bleeding did not stop. The once-green body was now white, as was a canvas that would receive a beautiful, or in this case, a terrifying painting

When he was finally dead, a dark painting was demonstrated on his face, tears of the eyes falling from his eyes, his body once full of strength was thin and his hair completely whitish, his hair fell out due to unbearable pain, the remaining hair was white.

Looking at his first work he says with a smile all over his face.

"Beautiful, just beautiful, but I should give you a little more hope before you kill it"

"I'm predicting that Soon I'll create a masterpiece, but in the meantime, I'll be baptizing this work "Despair"