
Little Traitor!

"Mo Fan, how bad are our finances? How big of a gap do we have to bridge to meet our monthly target this month?" 

The City Lord of Birch City, Zhen Wu, asked his aide with apprehension. 

A month ago, starting a Battle of Rights seemed like a great idea. He had ordered the closure of Sect's shops to cut off their finances and bring them to their knees quickly. And yet, there was no response from the Monstrous Flame Sect.

Neither they retaliated nor they surrendered. 

It did not take him long to understand that they planned to bleed his treasury dry before beginning their counterattack. 

As he received the month's report from Mo Fan, he missed the large smile on his face. 

While going through the report, his eyebrows furrowed. He couldn't help but look up at Mo Fan and ask, "Are these numbers real?" 

Mo Fan nodded with a big smile. The City Lord looked at the report once again in disbelief. 

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