
Chapter 4: First Encounter (Battle of the Mizu Plains)

Unknown Pov

Numerous people in both sides are waiting to fight or orders from the ranking officers they hold their weapons: swords, spears, shields, bow & arrows.

however, on the other side of the field.

as the man whose riding on the horse delivering the 'task', he has from his 'commander' he went to the hill/HQ.


as the man stood above his men a man who wore a black dye armour& helmet, held a Longsword on his left arm, fair skin, grey eyes, long ears, and a well-built body. as the man stood among the plains another figure who was other than an elf (the same elf in Chapter 3) man said: so Shin you came". a man named Shin who wore mercenary clothes with a katana on his left waist, brown eyes, he said: " Sire, I received your message. I've gathered about 1,000 men in my service however what's going on Uncle?" suddenly a messenger arrives he bow and said" Commander Jason I receive on the front lines they say that someone appears on the battlefield but I don't know who he is". as the messenger was about to grab something a sudden arrow struck a messenger's body and fell. minutes passed dozen of enemy soldiers were rushing around them Jason was sweating bullets right now another messenger with his 40 both foot and mounted soldiers guarding the messenger as he received the 'news' from the frontlines.


as David was sitting on the edge watching the whole fight somehow he saw the left vanguard has annihilated the enemy and rushing the other of their brethren after that he stands up and said " how disappointing, the momentum was turning on their enemy's favour? I thought this army was a spearhead of their campaign? how frustrating. well, it is time to call some help" a sudden eagle landed on David's arm rested a bit and look at the direct eye on David then he put a piece of paper on the eagle's leg and fly away to the battle zone. as David looked at the eagle's fly he said to himself "well time to play 'chess' and took off.

on the other side

Jason's men were fleeing through the plains he saw Shin and said: " Shin you need to get out of here, as Shin replied " what?! I don't think that's gonna happen". Jason saw the enemy was charging towards them he looked at Shin "there's no time! you need to get out of here or else we'll die!!!" suddenly Shin barks out "Shin Unit!! we are going home!!! now, withdraw!!!!" after that Jason saw the retreating form of Shin he said to himself " young prince may God be with you" and looked at his second, all of a sudden he gave a paper and left.

a few minutes ago, * after Shin departed Jason's Army*

as Shin and his unit, we're running from their pursuers his second-in-command said: " Shin what's the plan?" Shin replied, "We need an escape route but we need some time to find one". As Jason's second-in-command appeared " Shin!!!" he said, "I'm here?! what are you doing here?!" as the man went closer to Shin " Shin I bring terrible news, the 3rd Army was advancing the main enemy force however they send about 12,000 men to kill you" Shin was getting panicked he doesn't know what to do and asked " where's Uncle?!" when he asked a sudden atmosphere was change, he looked at second's men that their face was looking down and sad. he said " is uncle Jason dead?" they began to cry and he looked up in the sky they saw a person who was waving at them, they decided to go and meet on the other side they didn't know what was going to happen.

when they reached the meeting place, a rider said to them " Shin Unit and you? are you Shin Oja? with the most trusted second-in-command from Jason's Army? however, we need to move. as the two looked at each other and asked: " so what is this place?" a man replied " this place was called a 'Circle of Death', this place where the legendary person rise up from the ground and show his might and fear upon his enemies".. as Shin was interested the 'name'. still, they pass the mountain pass and the air feels heavy from the Shin and his Unit however the man spoke loudly: "COME WITH ME IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!!!" after that Shin look at his trusted friend then said " live or die we have no other chance but to believe this guy" as they run a sudden smoke appear them was their enemy pursuers was tailing them the closer they get the life of Shin was danger as they run a sudden voice spoke " so the time has come" and the man passed the end of the road after that he saw a couple of men armed with 'rifle' as they passed on the riflemen they meet up at the canyon road which led up to the top (where David went down to plateau) David appears beside them and he saw a number of enemy pursuers are closing in then number of riflemen around 18 men blocked the road, aiming their guns, 1/4 of the men kneeled down while aiming to give the others to shoot. as the enemy was reaching the line David shouted "FIRE!!!!!!" then the first volley of rifle begun to enter a new Era, An Era where Magics and Swords are going dull and become a forgotten or turn into myths this.... will be an "Age of Warfare"

A sound of gunshots heard the whole battlefield in the 'Battle of the Mizu Plains" shakes the very core and its military system around the world and the world itself.