

The nation called Askeria has been overrun by an army of Cylinx. And were soon overpowered by the foreign creatures. And being the closest to Askeria, the kingdom Strona has begun building its defenses and preparing its people for what's to come. Thus, the best way to do such is to... create a school and nurture the powers of its youth! However, the kingdom's Queen has other plans. She doesn't believe her country's people will be able to push past their bloodline's history with one another, and so she takes matters into her own hands. Note - Queen Juno is not the main character of this novel.

Kenji_Akuma · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Bloody Spectacle

Countless screams echoed throughout the mansion, cries for help were heard but left unanswered. Louis Grady was one of the more fortunate souls, still clinging to life. His legs were mangled but he didn't care, and the only thought he could muster was…

'What will happen to all my projects, research, and my country?' Louis thought as he crawled his way across the wooden floor. Unbenocted to him, he was leaving an obvious trail of blood behind on the floor.

He crawled all through the hallway and right into his office, he didn't have much time left, and he knew it. As he propped himself up and onto his chair, not only could he feel his consciousness slip but hear large heavy footsteps that he knew all too well. He swiftly pressed a button on his desk labeled Strona, then a large projection of two people appeared in front of him.

"Now's not a good time Louis, Marth, and I are debating on the color theme for the upcoming Royal Gal…" The woman's words slowly died in her mouth as she saw the state of her alley, but more importantly her friend. The expression on her face switched rapidly from shocked to solemn.

"That's nice and all but,*cough* I bring dreadful news to my allies. Monsters of some mutated race of magical or demonic beast have invaded my country. *Cough*, they are at least Grade A monsters by themselves but there are around fifteen thousand."


These sounds filled Louis's ears and instantly replayed a violent memory. He and his little brother were at the ground level of the mansion discussing trade business as usual, but then many seven-foot fur-coated monsters flew straight into the Grady mansion.

One landed on top of his brother, instantly ripping his throat out, blasting Louis's face with the blood of his fallen brother. Louis had never been much of a fighter, and after witnessing his brother's death. He did what any sane person would do, he ran!

Louis then returned to reality once he heard Luno's voice calling out to him, multiple times. "I'm still here." He said as he began loading sources of important information onto a white tiny flash drive.

"What in the blazes happened to you?" Marth; the king of Strona asked. Marth had been quite far away when the call was answered, and so he had arrived late to the party.

"I haven't much time left, so I'm loading all the information my units gathered on these mysterious creatures on a white flash drive with my entails carved into it. Now, before my executioner arrives, I'll be forwarding all the information from within the flash drive to you."

"I hope that you will be better prepared for the enemy than I. Now, let's talk about my last words, I'd like for,*Cough*, my stone to say -"



"Filthy Human, you dare try to best me! I could smell your pitiful scent from a mile away, now die! GLORY FOR RUON!" The beast spoke the Human language fluently, even better than most Humans.

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"Run Louis, you have to get out of there!" Queen Luno shouted at the projecting screen, as tears began to form in her eyes. While King Marth sat in his chair with his head down, seemingly praying to some unknown god.

Although the beast had reached Louis before he could even utter a single word, it had no intention of letting Louis live. Its large figure towered over Louis before chomping down on his head, spraying blood, and brain matter everywhere. It then lifted Louis by his torso, and slowly pulled off his arms, it was enjoying this bloody spectacle.

The beast flung an arm at the complex device before it, stopping the downloading process and ruining all Louis's effort. It began devouring the torso before it and when finished, let out a fit of demonic laughter! Then it curled up into a ball and slept like a baby.

After all the events had unfolded, King Marth ended the projection, and let a tear shed for his old friend. Although he and Louis hadn't been very close, at the end of the day he had still lost an irreplaceable alley.

"So, what do we do now?" Marth asked his still crying wife, his wife had a better connection to Louis than him. Although when his wife did not respond he asked her again, even colder than before.

Luno knew two things, one she wouldn't settle for her husband's attitude towards their friend's death. And another, she wouldn't be asked what to do for the third time. Queen Luno raised her hand, pointed it towards Marth, then instantly, a ring of black energy began to form a magic circle.

Then a small black pillar of energy spiraled towards Marth, and although it was small in size, it certainly packed a punch. The sheer force knocked Marth into the stone wall, which rendered him unconscious.

"YOU IDIOT!" She yelled at Marth as his body slowly fell to the ground, headfirst.

Greetings, if you have any thoughts or ideas for the novel, feel free to comment them!

Also, seeing as I've only just begun this long journey, feel free to add this novel to your library and point out any obvious mistakes, I could use the help!

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