
Stroke of Love

He is the third young master of a powerful family. An artistic and financial genius. But he is not the heir or the spare and thus free to live his own life fully. Not lacking in wealth or talent, Matt Long has everything. Until one day fate takes away something he treasures the most.. thus changing his life.. thus changing him...He will not let the person responsible go unpunished... Xue Qian is a photographer who has had the golden opportunity to work for two of the most handsome and rich men's wedding at the beginning of her career.. From then on it has only soared to new heights as she explored different avenues... But then everything is taken away from her and all she wants is revenge.. and take care of her little sister... Qian Qian and Matt are both walking their own paths, facing their own hurdles.. What happens when these two meet? Will they fall in love or will swords clash?

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209 Chs

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As he watched the few people help the man out of the pool, Ru could imagine what the man looked like as he made wild gestures towards the woman. The respect that the staff meted out to the man, it was clear that the man was some 'VIP'. Looking at the time, he realized that it was already half past eight and his date had yet to arrive. Sigh! He would have to go with Plan B and stand her up tonight. If she arrived. If she thought that he would call her worriedly, then she was bound to be disappointed. He wondered if he should wait a bit, at least until the gossip mill could work and the wait staff inside would know what happened to the 'Wonder woman' from the poolside but decided against it. If that Ying Yue arrived before he could satisfy his curiosity, he would be deemed a loser in her silly mind games.. uh huh.. not gonna happen..