

Good evening,sister Neon said as he walked into the church .Thank you Neon. How was today you look quite tired and you came back a little bit late than the the usual time you return,a woman on a black gown with a necklace having a cross at its end around her neck,asked him with a face filled with concern but yet a the same time a smile as well.Oh sister it's nothing to worry about he said as he looked at the watch on his wrist. After a stressful day that came extra special surprises Neon was officially tired,but if he was plannings on leaving the people who had taken him and Raya in with a warm welcome the least he could do was to at least tell them he was leaving and let them know how grateful he was for all they had done for him as well as Raya. Sister please where is father. Oh forgive me it skipped my mind,he said he wasn't going to eat until you where back,it seems he has already taken a liking in you in just three years. she said still smiling,forcing Neon into remembering the last time he had seen her without a smile.However keeping that aside, honestly Neon didn't know how to tell a man who refused to eat because a boy he took in three years ago was yet to return home,that he was leaving to stay somewhere else it made him look like an ingrate but for their own safety it was very necessary and he needed to start moving as soon as possible.Sister if you don't mind can you come with me to see father there's something important I need to talk about and I'll be glad if I can tell you and father at once.Of course if there is something very important we shut be on our way she said as the two walked together to what looked like a dinning room. Arriving there he could see the father seating before an untouched food. Danm she was really serious about this. Neon why don't you come over sit right next to me he said with a cheerful smile which made it even more difficult for him to tell them that he was leaving. Sitting right next to father and opposite to sister Lisa.Who also sat before an untouched food.Father there is something I have to tell you both he said as his head fell and his gaze turned to the table. I am really happy for what the both of you have done for me and Raya but I wanted to tell you I'll be leaving to settle in a dojo across the street here in the imperial capital he said as he slowly raised up his head to see their reaction. But the unexpected happened. Is that why you look so sour,I knew this would happen. You came to us as a person who craved for power and more training but all of a sudden you changed.To be honest I didn't expect your change to last this long. I don't have a problem on the condition you'll visit regularly. Of course I Will. I'll also be leaving Raya behind I want her to enjoy a peaceful life at least for now.Neon said with a smile.He was unsure how father and sister Lisa will take this news but their reaction had shocked him to his core.


Back in room his as he laid down on the bed staring at the sea ceiling he couldn't help but think back to what happened three years ago it was a painful experience that had left a fresh sore in his heart. That day his mother had come running into the woods and she was seen panting and breathing heavily. Neon she said I don't have much time left this village has just been attacked with the use of a deadly mist once inhaled you are guaranteed to die except you are capable of killing the one who had conjured the spell.Here take this amulet protect it at all cost as well as Raya it will also conceal your presence and that of Raya,I don't have much power left in me so it would only be a temporary effect within this short period of time you must run away with Raya,and as you do make sure you are not seen by any one.Remember always to protect the amulet his mother had said and she fell down lifelessly into his hands. Remembering this tears rolled of his eyes as he laid down on the bed I promise you mother I will kill that bastard,Neon said as he held unto the amulet tightly.


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so we can deal with it.

lots of Love. Randel.