

Living her life with a scary scar in her face, she was always being judge, always being avoided, and always being left out She suffers while other laugh at her Her cries that call out for help were block by the laughter She was unloved, but she keep on fighting on, she still have her parents by her side her dad who loves her Not until one day her parents show up at her apartment, throwing a paper saying that she should leave the family, it feels that the world stop, her heart shattered from what she just saw at that moment The parents whom she taught accepted her still abandon her at the end 'If I knew that this is coming I should have prepared myself' she said and laugh even though tears start to build up, she hold it not wanting to shed tears for the person whom abandon her at the end A slap on her face makes her wake up from reality, the reality that she don't want to happen, but now she no one to run to, she is alone Will she fight for it or will she leave? Will she accept her fate or shall she rewrite her own fate? what would happen to a girl who is left alone in the world, what would happen If the girl who everyone turn back suddenly reach the top? or will it continue just a dream? will she reach the peak or will she just stay just the way she is? _____________ This story is completely fictitious name, events and places are product of the author's mind this story is written originally by LEOVNELI and if there's a resemblance of the characters name in real life, events that actually takes place in real life it was just a purely coincidence I hope you'll like the story and support it ----- Along the story there are grammatical errors and misspelled words so I hope you'll consider it and understand it I'm just a new and inexperience author I hope you look forward to my story and I hope you like it credits to the rightful owner of the picture love lots LEOVNELI

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The moonlight that is shining trough her window was lighting the paper that is laid in her table

Sitting there without moving, Heksica who is looking at the paper at the table still hesitating whether she should sign it or leave it, but the deal that they made make it hard for her not to sign that paper

It happen suddenly that she can't think what will be her next step, or what will awaits her in the future

[The door swayed open revealing three people headed in the living room

In the Living room there sat a girl who is drinking her coffee while her hand is holding a brush, in front of her is a painting that is almost done it was a painting of a person that is in the rain

Looking at the person who just entered she smiled as soon as she saw them, putting the brush down in her hand and the coffee, she head directly to them

"Father, Aunt and sis it's been a long time since you visit, is there anything wrong?" she said and sit at the couch, followed by her is her Dad and Aunt who seat across her

Without saying a word the man who she called her dad placed a 3 pages long paper at the table curious what is it she, she get the 3 pages long paper but she didn't even finish reading the top part when her eyes grow big, the paper is about her being chased out of the household

"D-Dad what do you mean by this?" Asked by her who is confused what is going on, she grip hard at the paper causing it to crumble

"Heksica I know that this is sudden, but it might be better if you leave the country and live with your aunt Lain in states" Her dad said causing her to clenched her hand into fist

"I can leave this country and stay with Aunt Lian, but you dont have to cut ties with me" she demanded as she place the paper at the table again

"What's the reason this time?" She asked calmly, fear of displaying her rage in front of her father, she held it in

"I know you'll understand this, for you little sister's sake, you know that she is a top celebrity now, we don't want her image to be ruin just because she have a scary sister" her aunt or should she be called her stepmother

'Just for that and you're going to kick me out?' she clenched her hands into a fist trying hard to suppress her rage

"Please sis, I work hard for this and just because of you I might go down" her little sister said, she was just her half sister who should be ashamed that her mother wrecked my family and yet she is now all chin up just because she is in her father's favour

"I can't, I'm sorry Lyre but I won't sign that paper just because of that" against the thought that she was being asked by her little sister to cut off her ties with the family she once loved makes her blood boil at her

"SIS! DONT BE SELFISH!" Shouted by her little sister sho is boiling in anger from what she just heard


'Am I being selfish?'

'I live alone without your help, I suffer a lot but I still keep on working hard just for this so called family, I take a step backward for you to shine and make me stop dreaming and then you are calling me selfish?', the nails start to pierce in her flesh, she clenched her fist harder but her nails dug into her flesh but she couldn't feel the pain

"What gave you rights to say that I am selfish?" She asked raising her voice at her, she didn't know how long can she hold her anger anymore she is almost in her limits already

By her loud voice her little sister who just shout at her hide behind her father and show a scared face "HEKSICA! Don't shout at your sister!" He shout louder than her making her raised her eyebrow she wanted to laugh at that situation

'Dad actually shout at me huh!'

She close her eyes and relax herself, she calm herself, trying her best to hold herself from shouting back at her own father, trying her best to hold it but she was starting to reach her limit

"Then what do you want?" Asked calmly by her but can sense anger in her voice

"Sign the paper" her Aunt said and point at the paper that is at the top of the table

"If I knew that this is coming I should have prepared myself" she said and laugh even though tears start to build up, she hold it not wanting to shed tears for the person whom abandon her at the end

"I will sign the paper with just one condition" she demanded she now catch up with her cool, she dont want to waste her voice and time with this person who just abandon her

"We will accept any condition just for you to sign the paper" said by her father, she look at him in the eyes, his father's eyes who would shine when he saw her now it's gone she knew that she now not his favourite daughter

"Then, I want to take back all of my mother's assets, even her shares from the company I want to take it back, her things that she left behind i will take it all" she said in a cold voice, she is not that kind of person who will not get back to those person who had her beloved ones, she is not that person who will just leave quietly for not wanting to have a war, she is that kind of person that she will do anything to get back what she have lost

"NO WAY! that house belongs to me now, father gave it to me" the little sister said as she move forward disagreeing with her

"Then just dream on that piece of paper will be signed by me" she said and lean her back at the coach, she crosses her arms at her chest and sit there comfortably

It makes them stop, her statement held a power that makes them think twice, the room were filled with small talks and arguments whether they will give what she wanted or just leave it

"Fine we will give it to you" hesitation can be heard from her voice, it made her her smirk and sit straight and gave them with a smile

"Then by tomorrow I will wait for it and this piece of paper will be signed the moment I checked all things that belongs to my mother"she said and stand up her voice were rather cold but she smile sweetly that makes her hard to read

"Get out before I call the security guard" she said and pointed at the door, all of them were hesitating to go but they had no choice they stand up and leave

She exhale a sigh of relief and look at the paper again, she want to tear that paper but it was her only chance to get all of her mother's belongings she wouldn't want to waste this precious chance

"Mother dont worry I will take back what is ment yo be ours"]

She get oup from the seat as she head to her bedroom, she walk towards the drawer and gather a bunch of documents relating to her mother's assets

She make sure that not a penny will be left, making sure that nothing is missing, she calculate the shares that she will be receiving when her mother's shares and hers combined, and locate where all her mother's property

Before her mother passed away she gave all of the documents regarding about her assets and all of it were handled be her father but she can't claim it all when that stepmother of hers stop her for claiming it all

A total was 2 property at the Mountville village and at the Royal Casatella, a total share of 5% percent at Timeless Entertainment, 10% at Lunar Corporation and a 40% at her father's company Yuran Empire

She is almost the highest shareholder at the company if her shares were added with her mother, she has a total of 10% is she added it to the 40% she is the highest shareholder, but she isn't thinking about being that she made up her plan and she is not going to have anything to do with that family anymore even if that company she will erase everything related to them as soon as she sign that paper

Everything was going well to Heksica but not with them, problem start arousing as they found out something that met their doom

"Sir that 40% of shares doesn't exist anymore, it was sold 4 years ago when the company meet it's crisis"the secretary said as he handed out the papers regarding what had happened 4 years ago

He close his eyes as he hold his anger

'That damn daughter making things hard for me' He clenched his hands as he think of something but couldn't think any it was already dark but he still can't think straight

he just give up and just believe that that daughter wont know anything, she is alone and she doesn't know what is happening in the company, she wouldn't know if something were missing, he believe this and went out of his office and go to sleep, thinking that they'll fool her because she is a naive girl but they dont know what will awaits them tomorrow

I change the plot of the story as I thought that the story is not that good and this is the newest update

I hope you'll like the new story

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