1 Duello: Earth?

It's 3:30 pm in the afternoon. Usually, Luca should be in school sleeping.

Fortunately, the whole country's in lockdown meaning he's free to do as he wants. Inside the house that is.

So here he is. Streaming at Wednesday, talking about this new game with his friend and 131 viewers.

"Look guys...Just because their previous game is a hit doesn't mean this new game will be good too! I mean, look at DeadDevil 2. It's at the peak of all our disappointments lists. A shadow of its predecessor."

Hearing his friend talk trash about his new game that has a potential to be all times favourite, William couldn't help but disagree.

"Hold on a minute!! Wait Wait Wait. You're comparing Duello: Earth with DeadDevil?? Are you crazy, dumb dumb?!"

"What's wrong with comparing the two anyway? It's not like this new game is that famous."

Hearing him talk sh** about the game, viewers start talking sh** too.


[BabeHunter96]: Luca stop it. You know he can't handle the trash talk.

[kingofnannya]: I can feel the willy turning red. He's going to explode soon.

[villager3429]: I think DeadDevil 2 is good.

[Areyoustupid]: Are you stupid?

[xxxtentacles]: Relax guys, it's just a game. We play it then ignore when a new game comes.


William starts shouting at his microphone.

"NO NO NO. You guys don't understand! Duello: Earth is not a regular VRMMMO game. It's a sandbox game!!You can do whatever you want! Want to build a kingdom? You can!! Want to create a planet of your own? Totally!! Elf,devil,angel, god, basically you can become whoever you want...It's a game you can both play alone and with friends without ever getting bored!! Both lifestyle and compeititive players can play-"


While William was still yapping about the greatness of this new game, Luca heard his mom calling him.

" Hey Willy!! Mom's calling, I'll be back! Entertain my viewers for me!"

"MY NAME IS WILLIAM! Nevermind, he's already gone...So yeah, guys...what do you think about Duello:Earth?....."


As Luca was going downstairs, he can hear the laughter of his mom and a stranger getting louder and louder.

'Why would mum invite someone in pandemic...We're all supposed to stay home goddammit.'

As he steps on the ground and turns his head over to the kitchen, there is a man sitting there having a conversation with his mother.

'Huh? Who is he? I know mom's friends..'

The stranger who felt the look turns his head and flashes a smile at him.


'oh god I hate nice people...'


Maria who saw her nephew looking elsewhere turns at that direction only to see the two staring each other intensely.

"Luca, don't stare at your cousin like that. Come here and greet him."

Hearing his mom, Luca was shocked.

'What the f...when did I have a cousin. When did mom have a sibling.'

He steps up slowly and introduces himself.

"Uhh, hello. My name is Luca. 15 years old. I guess...I'm your cousin?"

"Luca, you're 14..."

"I'm turning 15 in a few months anyway!"

Seeing the mother and son duo quarrelling like no tomorrow, the stranger starts chuckling.

Seeing this, Luca was pissed.

"Excuse me, what did you find funny? Are you one of the retards who think 14 can't be called 15?!"

"Idiot boy, are you calling your own mother a retard?!!"

Maria immediately stood up holding a wooden spatula ready to beat the sh** out of her son.

"MOM NO NO!! Why would I call you something rude like that? I would never call you that. You know mom, my lovely viewers are waiting for me, can I go now? You chit chat with this cousin guy! "

Luca immediately starts retreating ready to run upstairs. His mother seeing this sighs and look at his cousin with a tired face saying 'how should I deal with this son'

The guy seeing this responds with that flashing smile.

" Aunty, you shouldn't be so hard on him. He's still a kid. I bet he will learn as he grows older."

Luca seeing his cousin backing him sighs in relief. He looks at Maria in assurance to see whether her anger has already gone. She didn't disappoint him.

"Ofcause, I will teach him too while I stay here."


