1 ''Poverty is a crime'' ( Ziaar Story )

My name is Ziaar i am 15 years old i am writing a diary which i learned from neighborhood uncle to let it out what going on inside me...

the cold nights of winter of December i am looking down from my window and admiring people who can enjoy this weather in full of energy kids are playing in a playground while their parents sitting on the bench and enjoying hot chocolate with peanuts AH! such a sweet view i don't want to turn my back to this view but i have to otherwise my stepfather will beat me again it felt like ages since i sleep in peace and wake up with a fresh smile on my face he just want me to work work and only work and give him money to spend recklessly while i am living in this hell i thought countless time to runaway from home but every time i crack my brain their is nowhere i can go is it my crime that my mother died because of terminal disease she had no money for treatment but she still tried her best to not to make me worry i wish i could have done something for her but i was so young back then still even now i can't feel at easy because of this thought up until now i never found someone who can love me more then her when i was at the age to play with friends my father beat to died just because i ate his leftover bread and now when i am at the age to study he wants me to earn for his profusion but now i will change everything even if i can't do much i will at least make sure that nobody any longer can use me for their own good since the day my biological father died and me and my mother moved here he beat me and my mother and torture us physically and mentally but all of the things he said to hurt us one thing is the cruelest truth people like me have to face is that ''POVERTY IS A CRIME".

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