
Crush 16



‘To the land where no sorrows exists’

The voice said, leading me through the darkness.

Can I even get through this? I found myself asking, feeling overwhelmed by the looming golden eyes.

No, get away!!!!

‘shhhh just follow me’

And I did, at the very end of the line I found a sliver of light. Happiness surged through my chest but I froze, my feet unmoving. I tried but all I could do was watch, watch the beauty of a garden lacking nothing from where I was.

Tears rolled down my face.

‘Don't worry, you'll get there’

The voice said again.

When? When I- I'm scared.

‘Yes I know. Be patient’

I screwed my eyes shut and started counting to ten. If it reaches one, father, will you come from behind me and pooh me like you always did? No, of course you won't. You went away like mom did, but don't worry, I have my superhero grandpa!!!!

I saw a vision of a younger me running around the park holding his wrinkly hands.
