
CHAPTER NINE~~Meeting Jack again

Charlotte felt like her whole world was crashing down on her when her eyes came in contact with Mr. Jack once more.

Dressed in suit and probably the hottest man in the room, she felt tempted again. Why did she have to meet him again so soon?

"Why are you here?" she asked and he smirked.

"Okay Charlotte, I'm gonna get myself a drink." Brother Mark said and excused himself even after she pleaded with him not to go. She felt bad but tried not to show it. She cursed herself for coming here.

"You are not happy to see me so soon, are you?" he questioned while she feigned laughter but couldn't speak. "Your boyfriend?" he asked referring to Mark while she shook her head.

"No, that's my boss at work."

"Oh, I get it. He owns that entertainment company which hit on all smokers pretty badly."

"Is that bad? We need to remind smokers that they're liable to die young at all times."

"Life is short anyways, either way you have it, we all die."

She eyed him."I know life is short but you don't have to make it shorter than it is already."

He laughed. "You are pretty smart." he complimented while she nodded.

"Yeah I am."

"It was meant to be a compliment Miss Charlotte."

She smirked. "No way, that's a fact and not a compliment." they both laughed. She hated herself for feeling relaxed around him. "So, what are you doing here?"

"Well, this is my ex's birthday, it will be so bad if I don't show up." he said with a shrug.

She gasped cupping her mouth in surprise. "The ex you were talking about was Marie, the bad personality Marie?" she blinked severally making him reel in laughter.

"Bad personality Marie?" he inquired while she frowned. She was beginning to be pissed as realization hit her, yesterday on his bed, he was actually comparing her to that stupid Marie.

Why didn't she know that they dated?

"Marie isn't even that hot and you compared her body to mine?!" she blurted.

He snorted. "I wasn't lying. She's very hot. A hot model. What are you?" he asked with his eyes burning and penetrating into her soul. "You're just an anchorwoman in an entertainment company, have a boyfriend and lives in a studio, tryna take care of your adopted sick mother, what have you? Nothing else." he listed glaring at her.

"How did you know all that? You stalking me?" she asked deeply pained at how he spoke to her. Like a demeaned object.

He shrugged. "At least, I should know the kind of woman I slept with, whether she's from a good home or not, or maybe she's sick type or not."

She clenched her fist, she was angry, she nearly punched that beautiful face of his. "Oh, really? So what did you find out?"

He smiled. "Just a gold digger." He blurted and turned his gaze to the crowd. "Am I lying? Just a gold digger who's tryna make ends meet."

She slapped him. A hard slap which got everyone's eyes to their direction. She couldn't control her anger. "I've been a fool for sleeping with you yesterday Mr. Jack."

He laughed. "You slapped me?"

"And I will do that again if you won't stop spewing nonsense! And please, don't ever compare me to your ex again."

"Again? Why are you speaking as if you wanna have another affair with me, Miss Charlotte." His stupid eyes looking at her. She wanted to poke them. To make him blind. How can he stare at her like that!

She smacked her lips and then sighed. How arrogant! This man is so so arrogant!! "Whatever! Just stop it! I'm better than her, get that into your thick skull!" she screamed and made to leave but he took hold of her arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked while she frowned.

"Get your hands off me!"

He giggled softly before he frowned. "Women like you don't walk out on me." he said.

His grip got tighter and she began to wince in pain. "Mr. Jack, you're hurting me."

He released her sighing. She rubbed her wrist, patches of red was there. She rolled her eyes at him. "Mr. Jack..."

"Call me Jack, not Mr. Jack." he snapped smiling. "Shall we?"

She creased her brows."What??" she asked.

"Let's hang out." he said. "Or you don't wanna go out with a hottie like me?"

She smirked. "Hottie? Is that what you're feeling like? You're so full of yourself, you punk!"

"Why won't I be full of myself when I know that I have everything that every woman want. Is it money or body? I got it all."

She gave out a fake laugh. "Wow! Well, I'm sorry but I don't wanna hang out with you."

"You have to. That's a price you pay for hitting my face and thinking you can get away with it."

"Are you forcing me to go out with you?" She asked unable to believe the nonsense spewing out of his mouth.

"Or do you prefer going to court. I can sue you for what you did and you know that. And I don't think your petty salary can cover for the charges, and still feed you, your boyfriend and your mother."

She frowned deeply. "Stop bringing my personal life into something like this! You stalker!"

He smirked. "Stalker? You know what Charlotte, you should be so happy that someone like me is asking you out. I mean, I don't do this sort of things with lowly girls like you but, I still don't mind."

Would he kill him to be a little nice. Must he be rude? "Well, I'm sorry Mr. Jack, but, I'm not so happy wanting to hang out with you."

He laughed. "You don't wanna cheat on your boyfriend again?" She snorted at him. "Come on, fucking someone like me doesn't count as cheating. I don't think any lady can resist me, look around..."they both did, " See, every one looking at me and wondering how one guy can be so perfect..."

She smirked cutting him off. "Well, Mr. Jack, I don't wanna go out with you, so save the long sermons. I hate arrogant jerks like you and I hate myself for fucking you."

He leaned closer. "Then I'm gonna sue you for hitting my face." he said peering into her face, his eyes making her feel like nauseating. She felt like punching him real hard on his face. Arrogant jerk!


Trevor stirred on the bed before he was able to open his eyes, he studied his environment and a familiar feeling hovered around him. He was still in Karl's place, lying on his bed, in his arms with Karl's breathe so near his face. He sat up a bit. He smiled looking at Karl's sleeping face. The rise and fall of his chest each time he breathes, he was reminded so greatly about Charlotte__when someone appears to be so pretty or cute infront of her, she'd say that the person is like a strawberry. He chuckled, touching Karl's nose, he kissed his forehead, his eyes causing Karl to stir and open his eyes. Their eyes locked into each other for a while before Karl touched his face and smiled.

"Hey babe." he mumbled while Trevor kissed his lips.

"Hey babe." he replied while Karl snuggled him closer to himself. He kissed Trevor's hair. "I saw you in my dreams." he said while Trevor chuckled.

"Really? What was I doing in your dreams?"

"You were fucking me. Driving me crazy with that dick of yours."

Trevor laughed. "You even sleep with me in your dreams?"

Karl nodded. "Yeah, any chance I get." they both smiled and silence reigned between them. They loved the silence and enjoyed listening to each other's breathes. Their caresses, pecks and kisses.

"Karl," Trevor broke the silence.


"I have a date with Charlotte tonight."

Karl blinked his eyes repeatedly before sitting up from the bed abruptly. He frowned, "What?" he blurted.

"It's just a date. I can't avoid it, not when she's tryna be nice."

Karl scoffed. "And I'm not being nice. You going on a date with her and..." he suppressed his anger, "And you show up here, fuck me and then tell me about your date with your girlfriend!"

Trevor's lips trembled. "Karl, it's not what you think and you know that already. "

"Just get up and leave my house now."

"Karl, "

He came down from his bed. Utmost anger on his face. "Please leave. I don't wanna see you right now. So get up and leave. And have a nice time with your girlfriend." he said pointing to the exit.

Confused Trevor was yet to get down from the bed, he just sat and stared at Karl who was angry and pointing at the exit door and glaring at him with the eyes of a hawk, looking for a prey to crush.

"I'm sorry Karl but please, I can cancel the date I have with her."

That triggered Karl off the more. "You can cancel a date with her? But you can't break up with her? Are you kidding right now? You think I'm some fool?" he paused trying so hard to control his feelings. "Trevor, I love you but you don't love me enough, at least, not like I do."

"I do."

"Then prove it! Show me how much you care about me. Instead of hurting and soothing me words, why don't you act it out?" he snapped.

Trevor got down from the bed, standing naked just like Karl. "I am waiting for the right time for that. I can't just break up with her, I don't think she's ready for what is coming for her just yet."

Karl scoffed. "So now you're worried about her? And you tell me you love me when you're worrying about your girlfriend?"

Trevor heaved. "Karl, I love you."

"Please leave, I don't wanna hear that from you." he helped Trevor pick his clothes, "Put them on and get out of my sight. I need to cool off right now." he said.


Charlotte hissed. How can one guy be so rude, arrogant, a scum, name it. That's what he is! The sweet guy which she had in his bed yesterday is so different from what she's seeing infront of her.

"You gonna sue me?" She asked while he nodded, still giving her those intimidating gazes of his.

She's doomed! She's really done for. She gulped hard. "Look Mr. Jack, I will go on a date with you but not today. "

"Why? I want a date with you now and you dare postpone it? You really wanna face my lawyers."

She heaved. She touched her head. She is gonna explode anytime soon. "Mr. Jack..." he took hold of her hand even before she's done talking and dragged her along with himself.

"Mr. Jack..." she paused staring at her hand and the way he held her.

How warm. His hands are so warm. The thump of his feet on the floor as he walked made her heart thump greatly. She crane her neck to look at his face. His neck, yeah, that long neck which looks eatable, she was biting and clawing at this neck yesterday, right? Her eyes came to their hands again. His veins, they decorated his hands, and his tattoos added to the beauty of his arms. They nearly collided into a couple coming towards them and the speed he took to protect her from falling, made her heart skip a million times.

"I'm sorry." The couples apologized and he scoffed.

"You're lucky that you didn't hurt her." he mumbled and turned to look at her. "Are you hurt?" He asked deeply concerned for her. She almost melted into his large arms. Stop thinking! Stop thinking!...she told herself but would she? Not when he's being so nice and edible at same time.

They were outside, car door already opened for them and he guided her into the car, he got in after her and the car door was closed by the bodyguard, who was already waiting for them to get in. Her eyes never left his face and when she finally did, her eyes fell on the hot lady inside the car.

"Hello." she waved but the lady ignored her. Ohkay...she have to mind her business here. She sighed our and checked the time, 4:30pm, Gosh. Is she gonna have a date with Trevor at all? She texted Brother Mark: *I'm hanging out with Mr. Jack...*she texted.

*...Sure, have fun and make sure to use condom! You won't wanna disappoint your boyfriend...*

She sent him a frowning sticker *...Can you please reason right now? Stop kidding around. Tell Trevor not to wait up for me because I might be late...*

*...Already did that...*

She heaved and looked up from her phone to catch Mr. Jack staring at her."What?"

"Nothing." he looked away and then to that lady. "Addie, my cigarette plate please?" he snapped while the lady bowed and served him. "Want some?" he asked Charlotte as he lit one stick of cigar.

"I don't smoke. It's not good for the lungs."

"I know."

"And yet, you take it."

He smirked. "That's why I'm Jackson, I break rules. Right from when I was a kid. I always broke the rules." he said taking a puff from the stick. She covered her nose as the stench of the cigar filled the air. How can a man be so mannerless. He should've respected the presence of people in the car before doing something like this. "What if I'm allergic to smoke?"

"But you're not." he let out a smoke from his nostrils and his lips. "Here, help me with a glass of brandy," he ordered and the lady called Addie, served him again. "You want some?"he offered.

"I don't want anything strong. And probably not with someone like you." she replied.

He smiled. "I understand. You've never really dated a guy like me before, so I get it."

"What makes you think that you're special?"

"Everything. I think I'm special to every woman, even you."

"You're not special to me."

He peered into her eyes. "But you fucked me, the moment you saw me." she didn't reply. "You love strawberries right? I had Miss Smith make a strawberry juice for you." he said while the lady brought out a bottle, filled to the brim with strawberry juice.

Her eyes widened on seeing that. He chuckled. "Serve her."

And the lady served her a glass. "Thanks." she said and took a sip from the glass. "This is good."

"You love strawberries that much?" he asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, I love strawberries so much, just like you're obsessed with your cigarettes and alcohols."

He laughed. If only she knew what he's up to with her, she won't have taken more than a sip from that glass. "Hmmm, you're really a lover of strawberries." he said and just then, her eyes began to feel dizzy. She shook her head to shake off the dizziness but it came back much stronger. She was feeling sleepy. She rubbed her eyes but that couldn't shake it off. She took another sip thinking it will go away but she was falling into a deep slumber.

What's happening? "What did you do to me?" She asked Jack with her eyes closing very fast. She struggled to keep her eyes open.

She tried to be awake. "You jerk. What did you give me to drink?"

He smirked."Strawberry juice. Don't worry you will be fine. Sleep, we have a very long night ahead of us."

"You scum! Pervert!!" she mumbled weakly and dozed off...