
Strangers: Alliance

She stands in front of me only a few feet away, she scoffs at my comment. Her beautiful brown eyes, so daring, so deep. Her shape, perfect curves in perfect places... Her scent lingering around me. "You wish." What? Oh yeah, I maintain my schooled face and focus on my words. "Huh- maybe." My sarcasm earns a small frown, I turn around and start heading toward my place; she can watch me all she wants, I don't mind. "No apology? " her voice is strong and pulls me to a stop, if I hadn't heard her voice a second time I could have managed to leave without looking back, now...

xxEmlee_00 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

I| Meet


The night air was crisp and frozen, the fall colors turning into shades of white and gray. The moonlight shining silver, and the stars somewhere blinking in the sky. The sound of my footsteps on the pathway, blends in with the howl of wolves near the cliff edge. My senses heighten as the moonlight falls on my olive skin, my caramel hair glowing in the glinting shine of the stars. The alpha wolf's howl pulling at my instincts, making me react, falling on my hands and knees; in moments I no longer feel the cold ground against my delicate flesh.

My feet are paws just like my hands, the shift of a human body to wolf form leaves a slight tingle. Thankfully no pain; the sound of the rest of the pack excites me, so I run.

The cold wind of the winter forest collides with the heat emanating from my fur. The muffled sounds of paws beating against the snow-covered ground makes me want to laugh of joy. The glee of running with my pack the first day of winter presses me to keep up. I haven't transformed in two years, and today being the first in a long time, I seem out of shape.

 I realize I'm not the only one panting for breath, a few wolves off to my left seem to mirror my response to this pack run. Oh, how I missed the adrenaline rushing through my veins as I run beside my pack, stronger than blood family with loyalty and trust. The pack stops by the stream deep in the forest and the alpha howls to call us together, we howl together in response. Our shared wolf blood allows us to communicate through our minds, so his authoritative voice booms in our thoughts. I wonder if he sounds the same to everyone else.

Pack, I've called you here to celebrate the freedom of our pack and the return of the missed. To finally howl together, our resounding voice in celebration after two winters. Yet we have a duty, a mission to fulfill.

You, alright? 

A strong presence gently distracts me, and I feel the wolf against my side. It is my brother, an actual blood brother. The one that didn't give up on his crazy sister, me. His dark fur gleaming silver from the moon, his brown eyes concerned.

Yes, I'm fine. What does he mean, the mission to fulfill. Are there more...

My thoughts stop. I realize my body is trembling and with a surge, a wave of anger starts to flow. Damnit, why am I afraid, fear is for the weak. My brother comes closer, nudging me again.

Hey, don't worry. I am here for ya sis. And yes, we are going to get others as soon as we can. The pack has your back, alright? Enjoy now so we worry about tomorrow later.

His words calm my shiver and fear, but one thought still nags my mind, I hope brother, that there is enough time.

Dawn begins to melt the ice on the trees and the snow becomes muddy puddles. The freezing water seeping into my dark fur, as I walk back to the cabin house alone. The cabin was part of the few that there was in the villa; big and natural, blending into the forest around and very modern, yet considering the size of the pack I would expect they'll begin adding more cabins soon.

I live in one with some other wolves, part or in my family line which in truth there are only 6 left, the rest were killed off. The fact that I have my blood brother, Reze, who has stood by my side, his mate Diane. My cousin Mori. My Aunt Miren and Uncle Ruben, are just here for show, and I bet it would have been a relief for them if I had been killed off too. I am the sixth: Scar, short for Scarlett, who "unfortunately had the knack to survive" (Aunt Miren's words exactly). The "baby" of the house (unless Diane is with child, hopefully, fingers crossed.)

The trek alone to the cabin helps me come back to my peace state, to bury the nightmares and fears; to be the strong and fearless Scar. The thought hurt, I have to be fearless and be brave... maybe I'll be allowed to not fill that expectation? What do I expect, to just pretend it never happened? But it did... I am a guardian.

My strong scent brings me back, away from my thoughts. I spot a deer about half a yard away, with thick dark skin. I realize I haven't eaten anything and I'm still in my wolf form. The deer begins to look delicious in some stew or maybe I can eat it raw. I position myself in my hunting stance, and creep forward. The delicious scent increasing, I don't want to wait to eat it at home, so raw it's gonna be. Suddenly another scent grabs my attention. The smell was mesmerizing.

I glance up, a few yards away I spot another wolf. Its black fur shifted ever so slightly in the night wind. I inch closer to the deer, no matter who that is I claim that damn deer! I caught the other wolf's scent again, it's a male. I watch the deer, focus on it, Huh- it doesn't even realize I'm a threat. I attack, pushing off the ground with my back legs: teeth bare, claws ready, savoring the fresh meat.

Instead, in seconds black fur hits me. His force of attack against me throws me off. We tumble onto the frozen ground littered with fall leaves. I hear a small patter of feet scurrying away; that deer was going to be mine, now it's gone! My instincts kick in and I growl and snarl.

The black wolf responds similarly. We circle each other, and I throw my anger at him. I notice that he is bigger than me, and I begin to feel my fear rise. No! I can't be scared, now is when I have to prove to myself that I'm strong. Still, I morph back into my person... dammit! Although my anger prevents my canines and claws from retracting, I still feel like a failure! Now I can't even maintain my changes; I focus my eyes on the stranger, my growls still low and menacing. I guess it'll work. I watch him attentively, the winter night wind blowing my hair.

He watches me, sharply considering my movements. He steps back, and I watch him morph into his human. Damn, I should be more careful who I run into. His black hair slightly pushed back, a perfect length. My eyes look him up and down, and I see him smirk. Crap, he noticed. I force myself to look at his eyes and not at his perfect jaw or his nude body.

"Well, this piece of artwork has to go get his lunch now, you can continue your scrutinizing later." He says with a deep voice that is so soothing, the moonlight shadowing off his olive skin. Arrogant and hot almost describes him perfectly.