
my new life

If this is how things went, Shane said while standing in front of millions of monsters, like a lion standing tall in front of the enemies, but before we start, let us go back to know the beginning.

What happens when people live in peace and suddenly blood spreads with everything that exists and there are creatures that have never been heard of before and nuclear missiles begin to spread in the sky as a flock of birds spreads in the sky but with all the forces and guns that humanity has not You can kill all monsters.

Humanity kept trying to escape from the monsters, trying to get away from the end of the world that shone on humanity without warning, but with desperate attempts by humans to survive and test many methods, scientists found that only iron escapes, as these monsters will not be affected by ordinary weapons. Rather, with the weapons of their kind, and this is how humans began resistance against monsters.

Ten years later, in the year 2040, the monster forces all retreated to the depths of the abyss from which they came out, and humans closed them using the magic of the seal, and thus the Great War ended, but there are still some monsters hidden in different places and in order to preserve the safety of humanity and with the help of the five families that It was the main force of war

The Gold Family, Pandemic Family, Z Family, Dragon Family, and finally the Frost Family established an academy hades to train promising young men awakened with unique abilities.

"I seem to have reincarnated in another world like in fantasy novels, but this world is not entirely magical."

The 10-year-old said, remembering how he was born, and after he realized this fact, he started reading books about this world, and his name was Shane, and he joined the academy at the age of 19 after doing several jobs to provide for the expense of the academy since childhood, as he had no parents And he was living in an orphanage

"Looks like a new beginning."

And after Shin saw all parts of the academy, which was like a secluded island, a summons was announced for everyone to the inner hall, and Shin went there and found a seat and found a black-haired girl next to him and asked her permission to sit, and she showed a lack of interest

Shin thought to himself

"This is the problem of children of prestigious families who see themselves above everyone else."

And the lights went out and focused on the stage, and the director of the academy appeared. He was a person who looked in his fifties, with white hair and beard, and tight muscles. He spoke into the microphone, saying:

Hello to all the new students here, for those who don't know me, I am the president of this academy, and I was the director of logistics in the Great War, and I am here to say that you will become protectors of the future.

After the head of the academy, Clark, finished speaking, all the students headed to their classes. Shin was in the same class as the children of two of the Five Families. He sighed after knowing this fact. One was Jun, the son of the Z family, and the other was Charlotte, the daughter of the Gold family. He was the only commoner in the class. Describe him, and without anyone speaking, he knew that his presence was not pleasant. Soon the teacher entered, and the students greeted him with a slight bow, then he explained that he is a teacher of magic theories.

And after the class ended, the magic tools class came after it, and I went to the selection room there, where weapons choose their owners. Unless you are able to agree with the weapon, it will not choose you. I had five family members and some other students. It is suitable for those who could not agree with his weapon and those who succeeded.

And the children of the five families had special treatment, as they inherited the weapons of their families. John carried a huge hammer, Rachel, a golden whip, the son of the Pandemon family, a gun, and many others. Then I wandered around to see something, and I was attracted by a large arc with a drawing of a crow, and when he picked it up, it was strange that he agreed with me as if he knew me since Time and so each student chose what suits him.

And when the work ended, I went to my room in the boys' dormitory. I thought about what happened today and the new weapon that I got. I fell asleep, and while Shane fell asleep, the night was still. He flew flying away.