
Strange World: STRESS

Cole was stressed out and need to take a nap to get himself back into his lively nature. He closed his eyes and within a minute, he found himself in a strange land full of mysterious things.

Boss_B · Horror
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1 Chs


Cole is an engineer. He works in a company that deals with heavy metals. As a supervisor, he is always busy making sure that all things turned out well. He has little time to care for himself based on multiple jobs to be done.

One day at work, Cole was supervising and was stressed out. He decided to take a rest. He lay on a bench resting and he fell asleep. Cole found himself in a thick bush where no one was seen enacting. He was so confused and scared as he looks out for a way out. He keeps walking as he heard some voice murmuring. The more he walks the far the voice. He stopped and start shouting for help in the bush.

Cole: " Can anyone hear me?"

Cole: " Hello o?"

Suddenly, there was a big shake in the bush. The voices keep coming nearer. Cole was half dead as he didn't see anyone coming while the bush keep shaking. He began running back to where he started. As he runs, he would find himself back where he just left.

Cole: "Somebody help!" He screamed and bent on his knees as he cried.

A hand from nowhere touched him from the back. He jumped up and shouted, "who touched me? he asked." No one speaks. He becomes more afraid and ran back. This time, he found a big river with a canoe. Cole was surprised as there is nothing like that since he had been running. He looked around and shouted, " is anyone here to help?" Everywhere was silent. Cole began to ask questions. "How did I get here?" Who will help me out of this place?" As he was talking, the bush started shaking again. He ran quickly and enter the canoe. To his surprise, the canoe starts moving without control. Cole screamed and wanted to jump out of the canoe. It was impossible as the water turned to the ground whenever he attempted to do so. Unknown people were laughing in the canoe where he sat and fishes were jumping in and out of the water. Cole becomes cold and sick.

The canoe gets to a point and stops. Cole jumped out of it. As he was looking at the mysterious canoe, the water dried and the canoe disappear. Cole began to run again in fear. He ran and fall over. He broke his arm and injure his knees. He was pained and terrified. He was there groaning when six young boys arrived. He called them to help him but they pretend as if they didn't see him. He raised his voice more to call them, but they looked away. He managed to get up and followed the route the six boys followed and to his surprise, he saw a large crowd of people from afar feasting.

"What are they celebrating? he asked." He tried to go near and see if he can get help. The more he walked, the far the place. Cole determined that whatever happens, he's ready to fight for his life.

As he was thinking of a way out, he saw an elderly man with a fearful face. Cole didn't think twice before moving toward the man.

Cole: " hello! Can you show me a way out?"

Old Man: "I know nothing about this place?"

Cole: "How did you get here?"

Old Man: "The way you get here, that's how I got here"

Cole: "What happened to your face?"

Old Man: "Oh, I was beating?"

Cole: "By who?"

Old Man: "Master"

Cole: "Which master?"

As the old man wants to utter a word, a mysterious coil appeared and they both ran. The man ran as fast as he could while Cole tried to catch up with the man. The old man couldn't be found and Cole remains stranded again. He becomes pissed off. He began shouting, "master, master, master; come out!"

A loud voice echoes in the thick forest, "who are you?" Cole answered, "It's me, Cole, send me back home."

The voice: "How did you get here?"

Cole: "I don't know."

The voice: "You must know the reason why your heart is unsettled."

Cole: "I realized that I was drained due to the stress of walking here since."

The voice: "You have been busy before you get here and that's why you're tired!"

Cole: "Can you send me back?"

The voice: "I've nothing to do with your going and coming."

Cole: "How will I go?"

The Voice: "Until someone wakes you up from where you came from."

Cole: "Please, don't wait until that time, please, send me back!"

The Voice: "I've no power to do that until someone did in where you came from."

Cole begged and begged for help but the voice repeated the same statements. After some while, the voice vanished, and Cole was left stranded once again. He cried as he expects someone from his world to wake him. He remembered some activities to be done before noon. He remembered the food that he ordered.

He was there thinking of so many things when the old man appeared again.

Old man: "You're still here?"

Cole: "Yes!" I don't know a way out."

Old Man: "Did master speaks with you?"

Cole: " Yes, he did when I shouted."

Old Man: "Whatever he says is what you must do."

Cole: " How will I get who will wake me up from my world?"

Old Man: "I don't know about that."

Cole: "You should know! " It been how weeks you're here?"

Old Man: "I've been here for a month."

Cole: " You must have built a home here?"

Old man: (He laughed), home?"

Cole: "Yes" If not, where have you been sleeping?".

Old Man: "Wherever night meets me."

Cole: "Inside this open place?" That's awkward!"

Old Man: "Nothing I can do to it"

Cole: "That's bad! How about feeding?"

Old Man: "I eat whatever I see!"

Cole:(He was more scared) "I need to get back! I'm allergic to colds"

(The old man walk away while Cole tried to talk more with him)

As he was pondering on the voice statements, one of the workers came to wake him up.

Worker: Sir, we need you now sir.

(Cole jumped up in fear)

Cole: "I'm back! I'm back!! I'm back!!!"

Worker: "You've been here since sir"

Cole: "You won't understand." I'm just back from a strange land! It was so dreadful."

Worker: "It must be a terrifying dream?"

Cole: "Yes, it was!"

He resumed back to work and always find time to rest amidst work.

Stress is not good for one's health, take care of yourself.

Boss_Bcreators' thoughts