
Strange Sleep

Nocturnalseaybat · Teen
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3 Chs

Mary pt2

Warning; there will still be swears, bad writing skills, and opinions by me.

Ello I'm back from being lazy anyway,

Six years pass by and Mary is standing at the edge of a portal, a portal to candy land ( yep candy land) and she's holding the hand of a little boy who is named Robbie. And the two of them jump into the portal and land into a forest of cotton candy. (I'm sorry that my dreams are weird y'all) Then it's all dramatic while David is walking through a bunch of doors and just to say he looks pissed off. And so he reaches where the portal to candy land and jumps in.

Meanwhile Robbie and Mary are following a river of what looks like fruit punch and they then see what seems to be a body wrapped in cotton candy and Mary swims over to the body and carries it back to shore ( and I just want to say before any of this continues in this dream I was not like watching all this go down I was Mary I felt everything she felt did everything she did and it was, wild man) and Mary takes out a sword and cuts open the cotton candy body bag " oh great just great" Mary said as she looked down at guess who? David. Mary then backs up tells Robbie to go hide behind a rock and she slides down into some dirt (by the way they're not in candy land anymore they're in like a jungle/savanna now) David jolts upright and scrambles to his feet and his eyes turn to Mary and then to Robbie who's slowly walking towards Mary (and me in this dream was like what did I just say kid) and David said to Robbie "get away from my wife" and he took a step towards Robbie and then Mary stepped in front of Robbie and said "get away from my son" ( first off how many of you Called it, leave a comment/tag/review and also I can't describe the look on David's face when she said that it was like disgust mixed with like- hatred and sort of pleasure) and David said "oh your son, I know he's not my son. So it's the bastard child of that guy rick or Rodger," and Mary stepped in and said "Robert. And my son. Is not a bastard." (I'm just trying so damn hard not to cringe because my mind came up with this shit-) and then David said with a proud smile "well then, I guess I'll just have to 'get rid' of him the world will never hear of this boy or his father. Only us and our children." ( beauty and the beast anyone?) and then Mary backed up grabbed Robbie and jumped off a cliff behind them.

Mary and Robbie swam up from the water they landed and David was already swimming out to them. They climbed back up the mountain by a hanging rope on the side and when they reached the top David was there

"Did no one mention there was an easier way up?" He said with a smirk and Mary dived right back into the water and swam to another side of the cliff and hid Robbie in between some rocks and laid on top of them and she heard David's voice echoing around and her heart started beating faster

and then silence.

Another cliff hanger literally Mary and Robbie are hanging in between some rocks in the side of a cliff I'll try to write the next and final chapter tomorrow guys love you all! Buh byeee!

Y’all to those of you that are actually seeing and reading this, thank you I really appreciate it. And trust me I do.

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