
Chapter 17 Dealing with a Brat

Raven watched as Shelly drug her toes through the sand, tracing patterns as she went. Raven had woken up to the front door slamming around 3am this morning. She had quickly gotten up off the sofa where she had fallen asleep watching random videos on YouTube and bolted out the door to see what was going on. She expected to find either Russ or Joslyn running down the flight of stairs leading to the yard of the apartment but instead it was Shelly. Raven wasted no time catching up with the distraught werewolf.

"Shelly, Wait up. What in the world is going on?" Raven said as she stepped off the final step.

Shelly quickly spun around, hands flying into the air. "I can't take it anymore! I'm leaving!" tears began to build up in her eyes as she let her arms fall in defeat. "How could they do this?"

Raven stepped closer to Shelly and placed her hands on each shoulder, "How could who do what? Blame it on sleep, but I'm completely lost right now."