
Strange Life: I Can Interact with the "Other Side" of the Screens

Life is strange, that's a fact. One moment, you can find yourself alive, probably on one of the best days of your life, and the next, find yourself dead, crushed by the rubble of the building where you worked for more than five years. One moment, you may be in the Afterlife, and the next, you may find yourself chatting with God. One moment, you may find yourself thanking God, and the next, you may find yourself alive. These are not random examples; this happened to our protagonist. The thing is, although he was prepared to live a life again in the body of a normal boy in his twenties, what he didn't expect was to have the magical ability to "interact with the other side of the screen".

GammaThryssa · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

[#003]: Pocket is Love, Pocket is Life

According to my experiences and expectations in life, a man needs three things: Money, Power and Women. Power can wait, and so can women, so I focused on acquiring money. While with my new gun I can evolve anything for an improved version of the future, it's not like I can evolve my house and expect no one to notice anything. Even Pocket's hologram-creating power had no such scale.

Besides, I'm fond of this house. This is the house I grew up in, it was passed down to me from my parents, may they rest in peace. I really didn't want to alter it.

But still, I can't deny that I want to move. This house is old, both in structure and design. And since I refuse to alter it because I think it might be an insult to my parents, the best option is to get money and move to a better place, and if it's somewhere out of town, even a little better. I need a place to test the things I extract in the future from fiction.

I can't expect to test the Omnitrix if I ever decide to get it in the middle of the city, can I? But I also knew that while it was possible, I shouldn't get money in a hurry, no matter how excited I was about the idea of moving. That would only cause me who knows how much trouble.

It was best to get the money over a long period of time, and I had to spend that money on other things to create the image that I wasn't doing anything illegal in the eyes of the government. And I already had a few ideas in mind.

The first thing I did was to start testing Pocket's holographic and artificial intelligence capabilities. After trial and error, I discovered that she is fully capable of creating absurdly realistic holograms large enough to cover the entire room she's in. So the first thing I did was guide Pocket to create a 3D model of a beautiful woman in her twenties.

Namely, the hologram was so realistic that at first glance there was no way to tell her apart from a real person. Even things like micro-expressions, breathing, natural body movements, etc., were not out of place. If it weren't for the fact that if I tried to touch her my hand would go right through her, I wouldn't be able to tell that this was a hologram.

The only thing that was out of place was her expression. It didn't express any emotion, but with a few commands to Pocket, this was quickly fixed. Next, I began to edit her appearance to be as hot as a woman could be, but not so hot that people would doubt how real she could be, nor so seductive that people would not believe that someone like her could be doing streams.

To the final product I gave her beautiful black hair, a seductive gaze with amber eyes and a clockwork figure, gifted in all the important places. Likewise, I didn't forget to give her a pair of black glasses and a mole under her right eye.

What can I say, I have a certain fetish for women who fulfill the hot secretary archetype.

Next, I modified other details such as her personality traits, important factors of her "life", for her to generate the rest, some little things like her likes, dislikes, her nationality, among others that I let them generate automatically, and finally her voice. Which, of course, I made sure to choose the most borderline seductive and mature/serious voice. In the end, I couldn't help but notice that I basically created a woman who could very well appear in my wettest dreams. Although, on the flip side, I finally understood the pain of only being able to see and not being able to touch....

Of course, I didn't create her to use her as masturbation material, although I can't deny that I might dedicate a masturbation session to her. This is an NPC with a higher level of intelligence than human due to having a large slice of Pocket's bandwidth, which I can control however I want and is indisputably under my control. And even though I can't touch it, it doesn't mean I can't manipulate it to look like it gives me a blowjob, etc.

Pocket's hologram is so realistic that I can't deny the possibility that she could trick my mind into believing for a moment that she is real and being able to feel her touch. Although that's a test for posterity, for the time being, it wasn't me who would dedicate his masturbation sessions to her.

Then, I repeated the process one more time, but this time I created a bombshell of red-haired, green-eyed woman with a really seductive personality, whose body language could give any man a hard-on instantly, and with VERY big assets. Same words as before, I didn't create her to have masturbation material either

After thinking about it for a moment, seeing how good this turned out, I decided to give them both some nicknames so that I could then access them easier with the following orders. I registered the black-haired one as "Lisa Bernstein" and the red-haired one as "Amy Diamond". Although it was not necessary to give them both first and last names, it was not a bother either.

Now, the reason for creating them is simple. The easiest way to make easy money these days is to have the internet, have a camera, be a pretty woman or at least have good physical assets, and have time. The internet is full of people who don't know how to manage their money, people whose only bit of happiness in their lives is donating to internet women looking for a bit of female affection. And that's what I was aiming for.

After creating them, the first thing I did was guide Pocket to create a Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Twitch account for Lisa. And for Amy, I guided Pocket to create an account on the most popular CamGirls site, also one on Pornhub and finally one on OnlyFans.

I was going to have Pocket create and "give life" to both women and have them start a life on the internet using Pocket's powers. In Lisa's case, I had planned to start her Twitter history by talking about normal things, giving her opinion on shift stuff, uploading the typical pictures of a Twitter user, talking about her likes and dislikes for video games, following famous streamers, etc.

Pocket would generate photos of her in various situations and then upload them to Twitter or Instagram and generate videos for TikTok, etc., slowly gaining followers on the three social networks so it doesn't look like she appeared out of nowhere. Not because of anything special, but because of my own paranoia.

Anyway, in a few months or so, after she generated enough followers, she would upload the news that she made the decision to create a Twitch channel and start Streaming. That's where the money would really start pouring in from Lisa's side. On Amy's side, although Lisa was also going to have her sensual side, her plan goes more directly to the sexual.

The plan with her is to start with her appearing on broadcasts as a CamGirl to slowly gain a followers and easy money. After all, getting her to ride a huge dildo or have sex with someone on camera really isn't hard with the power of 3D modeling and Pocket technology.

She would then extend her influence on OnlyFans, where she would upload photos of her naked, cosplaying, sending "custom videos" to "real fans", fulfilling assorted fetishes like feet, etc, without going to the nefarious like shit, piss, etc.

And while all that is going on, porn videos of her scripted by me would also be uploaded.

Technically, it's not labor exploitation, since they are artificial intelligences... right?

The money would come slowly. Yes, naturally I don't expect to get rich overnight. But it's for that very reason that I also started exploiting Pocket's amazing multitasking capabilities.

The amount of things it can do simultaneously is simply monstrous. While Pocket was taking care of all of the above, I also gave it the task of investing some of my money in stocks of companies that in the not too distant future would explode into success. Another part of my money I would invest in online gambling sites, with the basic rules such as not being such a jerk as to win, win and win like an idiot drawing everyone's attention.

And finally, lastly, I gave him the task to start creating various things like web novels, animated mini-series that can be uploaded to YouTube or TikTok, and an account on sites like Fiveer, among others, and take jobs.

Explaining little by little, it is simple to understand why webnovels. People on pages like Webnovel are idiots enough to pay to read a novel that, besides being stolen from a Russian or Chinese page, is translated with Google Translator and was not even reviewed to fix all the translation problems.

That's the point of idiocy some people get to. Not to mention that, although I can't say I'll make a lot of money from it since I'd feel like garbage stealing so much money from idiots for a web novel, it would be an interesting monthly income through Patreon.

Something similar happens with animated miniseries. If it's interesting, people are willing to pay on Patreon to watch the next parts. Not to mention that if the miniseries becomes popular enough, maybe some company like Netflix, HBO or others will want to buy the rights to create a full-fledged series. Finally, the issue of freelancer sites is also easy to understand. There is literally no freelancer job that Pocket can't do. Not to mention that it can take as many as it wants.

Its processing power simply cannot be overwhelmed by this "small" amount of processing.

In all honesty, I fell in love with Pocket. I could live without sex, but not without Pocket.

[WARNING]: I am not a bottle of motivation and inspiration, I am not always in the mood to write, don't expect me to create chapters like breads, they will come out when I am motivated, write them and re-edit them. So the wait can be long almost certainly, so if you like what you read, add the story to your library and wait patiently!

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