
Strange Golden List: From One Piece To Naruto

Warning: This fanfic is absolute chaos, logic is not found, prepare to lost some brain cells after reading this fanfic. I'm testing the water if people here interested with this kind of fanfic or not. Synopsis: A consciousness named Shenwu, born from the cracks in time and space, transforms into a magical big screen descending on the Ninja World and the Grand Line. The oddities recap begins to play in both worlds! Recapping deeply hidden awesome identities: Is the demon fox Naruto actually the son of the Fourth Hokage? Ace is actually the son of Pirate King Roger! Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragon?.. Recapping brother-obsessed brothers! Uchiha Madara & Senju Hashirama: I established Konohagakure village for my brother! Ace: I blocked Red Dog’s heavy punch for my brother! Sabo: No matter where my brother is, as long as he needs it, I will rush over! Uchiha Itachi:…I killed the entire clan to give my brother a boost! Why is your style so terrifying when you fight seven alone?.. When Konohagakure ninjas appear in the Summit War, when all the Straw Hats cross the Fourth Ninja War, both worlds collapse!

Gustina_Kamiya · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 66: South River, the Origin of Love!

"Why am I bald?" He clearly had a head full of flowing hair.

Butsuma looked at his foolish appearance with disdain. However, seeing the future evaluations of Hashirama, he breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Hashirama will be quite impressive in the future, igniting the fire of peace in the world, the god of ninjas...

Hmm, there's a glow on his face.

He exchanged glances with Uchiha Tajima, and there was visible smugness on his face.

Tajima turned his head away, rolling his eyes.

Isn't it just having a powerful son? His son Madara must not be bad either, isn't he known as the Asura of the Ninja World? Although the nickname is a bit scary, it must be a super awesome ninja to be called Asura.


The last scene made the emotions of Uchiha and Senju begin to subtly oppose each other.

"How can you adults gang up on a child, you Uchiha are too despicable!"

"Aren't you Senju doing the same? Don't laugh at others when you're no better."

"Tsk, damn Senju/Uchiha?!"


[Next to the South River, Hashirama sat quietly watching the flow of the river. Suddenly, a spiky-haired kid came over, "Yo, long time no see, you're called..."

"Hashirama." His voice was filled with deep melancholy.

The spiky-haired kid put his hands on his hips and asked, "Hashirama, what's wrong? You've been down since you came today."

"Why ask? I'm fine." Hashirama's voice even carried a sob.

Madara: "Who are you fooling, tell me."

"It's nothing."

"Alright, speak up." Madara was getting more and more impatient.

"No, there's nothing."

"Alright, don't be stubborn, I want you to speak up."

Hashirama was still very stubborn, saying that there was nothing wrong, but when he turned his head, tears were streaming down his face.

"I told you to speak, so speak!!" Madara exploded in a second, but when he saw the real sadness in his eyes, his expression softened again, "What happened?"

"My brother... died." He wiped away his tears, looking at the river, as if the entanglement and sadness in his heart could be washed away, "Do you have any brothers?"

"I have four brothers." Madara picked up a stone from the ground, and when he talked about this topic, his voice unconsciously became a bit heavy, "Once."

"Once?" Hashirama keenly sensed the meaning in his words, and a feeling of empathy spread in his heart.

"We are all ninjas. If there is any way to ensure that we all don't die, it's only to be honest with the enemy, to swear brotherhood."

"But that's impossible, because people's hearts are unpredictable, and no one can see through others' hearts." Madara threw the stone out, floating on the river.

Hashirama looked at his profile, and there was a deep touch in his eyes. This was the first person he met who had the same idea as him.

"Can we really not be honest with each other?"

"I'm not sure, but I often come here to think, hoping to find a way." The stone rubbed against the river surface and hit the opposite bank, "This time, it seems to have found the right direction."

At this time, the voice-over of adult Hashirama sounded.

"To be honest, I was surprised, because no one has ever understood my ideas, but he did. There are not only me who want to change the era of war, but also silly kids."

"To be honest, compared to being shocked, I feel more that Madara is a revelation given to me by heaven."

(Madara was so cute when he was young)

(Madara is so cute)

(Origin of Love)

"Puff!!" Madara, who was drinking water, sprayed it out all at once, "Love... love?? Are you kidding?!"

Hashirama also blushed super embarrassingly, "It's not love, I think Madara is a revelation."

Tobirama & Izuna: "..."

Butsuma & Tajima: "...."

"What revelation." This sentence also makes people very embarrassed, but, originally Hashirama looked at him like this? The corners of his lips hooked up unconsciously, "Hmph, you are also the only friend I have ever recognized."



Uchiha Hikaku felt as if he had been shot in the wound, the only friend he acknowledged? Indeed, he was not worthy.

The arguing Uchiha and Senju clansmen were also very embarrassed. They were arguing endlessly here, but on the battlefield, it was a matter of life and death.

The young clan leaders of the two families turned their heads and were actually getting together behind them.

It must have been Senju/Uchiha's seduction!


[Oonoki: Madara? That spiky-haired butterfly knot is Uchiha Madara? You must be joking!]

[Terumi Mei: Love? The God of Ninja and the Asura of the Ninja World are a pair?]

[Shimura Danzo: Absurd! Ridiculous! How could they possibly be a pair! They are clearly mortal enemies! This is a rumor, this is clearly defaming the First Lord.]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Did Hashirama become friends with Uchiha Madara so early? It's incredible.] From the history books, I always thought they were mortal enemies before the village was built, and after the village was built, they were leaders with different political views.

I didn't expect their relationship to be so harmonious.

Hashirama also said that Uchiha Madara was his revelation?

And someone on the screen said this is the origin of love?

No, his heart can't take it. Thinking of Lord Hashirama's increasingly thin body and gradually dimming eyes after Uchiha Madara's death, he gasped for breath.

At that time, I thought it was a side effect of being seriously injured by Madara. Could it actually be because of Madara's death? So that's why Lord Hashirama was so devastated?

It's terrifying to think about!

[Morgans: Big news can be released, the ninja world's newspapers, get ready!]

[Jiraiya: Yo! I can write the story of the First Hokage and the Asura of the Ninja World into erotic literature, it's great, there will be a lot... Ah! Tsunade, don't hit me, it hurts! Help!]

[Tsunade: My grandfather is married, don't talk nonsense, don't defame his reputation!]

[Madara despised Hashirama's dress and hairstyle, it was really outdated, making Hashirama depressed again.

"But our ideas are not exactly the same, after that we met frequently, without knowing each other's surnames, we discussed Ninjutsu and talked about the future."

After the discussion, sitting on the stone drinking water, Hashirama propped up his arm, thinking seriously: "But what exactly should we do? There must be a specific plan."

Madara also looked very serious, "First of all, we must firm up this belief, we must become very strong, no matter how loud the weak bark, no one will listen."

"That's true, if our strength becomes strong enough, the adults won't ignore our opinions, right?"

Madara stood up, "That is to say, we have to overcome the Ninjutsu and weaknesses we are not good at, but in this respect, I have no weaknesses."

He went to the side of the stone to pee, Hashirama curiously stood behind him, then showed a cheap smile, "It really stopped."

"I told you not to stand behind me."

"Found the weakness!"

The two of them started to play on the shore, and then they both fell into the river where Madara had peed.

The scene changes.

Madara stood there waiting for Hashirama with an unhappy face.

"Madara, I learned a super powerful technique today, Taijutsu, Super Fire Release, Genjutsu, Big Shuriken and..."]

Fourth Hokage Timeline.

Minato heard this name, his eyes lit up, "This name is so cool! It feels like a super powerful technique."

Shikaku's forehead drew a few black lines, are you serious Minato, don't be so naive, the key is to record information, information!

["This, I can't imagine it at all, is this Taijutsu or Genjutsu, no, first of all, this name is not right..."]


Hi everyone, I'm sorry but I'm decided to drop this novel, because this novel has too many timeline, it's so confusing and my brain can take it anymore.