
Strange Golden List: From One Piece To Naruto

Warning: This fanfic is absolute chaos, logic is not found, prepare to lost some brain cells after reading this fanfic. I'm testing the water if people here interested with this kind of fanfic or not. Synopsis: A consciousness named Shenwu, born from the cracks in time and space, transforms into a magical big screen descending on the Ninja World and the Grand Line. The oddities recap begins to play in both worlds! Recapping deeply hidden awesome identities: Is the demon fox Naruto actually the son of the Fourth Hokage? Ace is actually the son of Pirate King Roger! Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragon?.. Recapping brother-obsessed brothers! Uchiha Madara & Senju Hashirama: I established Konohagakure village for my brother! Ace: I blocked Red Dog’s heavy punch for my brother! Sabo: No matter where my brother is, as long as he needs it, I will rush over! Uchiha Itachi:…I killed the entire clan to give my brother a boost! Why is your style so terrifying when you fight seven alone?.. When Konohagakure ninjas appear in the Summit War, when all the Straw Hats cross the Fourth Ninja War, both worlds collapse!

Gustina_Kamiya · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 64: Back, the next brother control check!

Sanji paused at the tip of his finger, "As you wish."

He turned his back, listening to the sound of his own captain stretching his hand to pass the food box to the next cell, and praising proudly, "Hee hee hee, the food Sanji makes is the best."

"It would be great if Ace and Sabo could eat it too." Perhaps because his body has become smaller, the captain's thinking seems to have become that of a little follower who sticks behind his brothers. He looked up at the sky helplessly, when can he go back, what the hell is that ghost system bringing them here for?

Yonji glanced at Sanji, looking at the food box in front of him, a bit wanting to eat, and a bit embarrassed, "Are you really giving it to us?"

"It's okay, didn't you give me food just now?"

"That's because I was in a bad mood and didn't want to eat, so I gave it to you."

"Really? So do you want to eat? If you don't eat, I will..."

"I do!"

After a tug of war, Yonji still reluctantly took the food box, glanced at Niji, both of them had a strange embarrassment on their faces, but the modified people also couldn't bear the pain of hunger, so they decided to grit their teeth and eat!

Take a bite into your mouth, "Hmm!" Immediately, his eyes lit up, "Delicious!!!"

"Sanji, what's wrong with you? The food is so delicious? It's even better than the head chef's." After Yonji finished eating, he didn't know what embarrassment was, and praised while eating.

Niji still felt a bit awkward, "Well, it's okay." His ears were a bit red as he chewed on mashed potatoes, what's going on, he didn't think potatoes were so delicious before.

"Haha, hahaha, right, Sanji is the chef on my ship, his food is the best in the world."

Sanji leaned against the stairs outside the prison, listening to Luffy boasting about his cooking skills to his damn brothers, he was in a daze, and the scene of being laughed at as the shame of Vinsmoke when he was a child, and that as a royal, he shouldn't do the work of lower people, emerged in his mind.

He reached out subconsciously to touch a cigarette, but touched nothing, it was really annoying.

"What, you guys have something to eat." Suddenly a voice sounded in the prison, and a red head drilled in from the small window, and there was a larger food box in his hand.

"Ichiji!" Yonji and Niji shouted in unison.

"Then I'm leaving." Ichiji glanced at Sanji outside the prison, knowing that the food they were eating was brought in by Sanji.

"Wait, I haven't had enough to eat, thank you Ichiji, you're really great." Yonji called Ichiji for the first time, then scratched his head, "Well, Sanji thank you too."

Ichiji coldly said, "Hmph! I only heard from the head chef that you guys hadn't eaten, and I didn't want to starve the Vinsmoke soldiers, so I brought it in. You guys are valuable combat forces, so of course, you need to maintain a good combat state at all times." As for Sanji, he was ignored.

Now, neither of them knew how to face each other, so they simply didn't speak and didn't intersect at all.

"Hahaha, you guys are quite nice, I thought you guys were bad guys, and you also gave me a bit to eat." Luffy didn't know where he saw this from, he said with a grin, then he went to the wall between the two cells, stretched out his hand to reach for the food.

Sanji smiled helplessly, Luffy really was so naive from childhood to adulthood.

Outside the prison, Reiju listened for a long time before she left with a smile.


The next day, Judge found him, "Sanji, I want to perform a second gene modification on you, I believe that this time the bloodline factor can be successfully modified." He still had expectations for Sanji, although he didn't know where he learned it from, but he was able to perform the kicking technique so maturely, he believed that he would be stronger after the modification was successful.

"What are you talking about?! I don't want to!" Sanji sternly refused, "I don't want to become a robot without feelings!"

His father's eyes were sharp, "You have no room to resist! You will go into the laboratory tomorrow, if you dare to run away, your two friends will die."

The sky suddenly collapsed, Sanji felt that his arrival made things worse.

So why did he come here?

"Hey, Sanji." Someone's voice sounded in his ear, "What's the matter?"

Yonji, who had just come out of the prison, stared at him for a long time, "What's the matter, why do you have this expression, this lord kindly greeted you." Now he was very dissatisfied.

"I don't have time to deal with you." He brushed past Yonji's arm, his attitude was very bad, which made Yonji explode in an instant.

He was about to bully him as before, but he remembered that he was defeated by him, and he ate his food yesterday, the fist that was stretched out was retracted in an instant, and he left with his nostrils facing the sky, 

After returning, Sanji wanted to discuss with the green head about escaping, but found that the green head was no longer in the room, and only knew that he had been taken away after asking.

And it wasn't in the cell last night.

"Tsk! Damn Judge, untrustworthy!"

He lay on the bed in irritation, completely at a loss.

At night, the moon was in the sky.

Tap tap tap, the window was knocked, Sanji frowned, got up and opened the window, his pupils tightened in an instant, "Reiju?"

"Sanji, leave now." Her expression was very serious, with no doubt.

He frowned, "You know?"


"Then you should also know, my two friends..."

"Sanji, you are a child born by your mother's desperate resistance to protect her feelings, you are not a failure, so you don't need to do any more modifications, your father is wrong, you can't stay here anymore."

Reiju picked him up, jumped out of the window in an instant, and ran desperately in one direction, "But Luffy and the others..."

He kept looking back, worried and anxious, if it was the adult state of Luffy and Zoro, he wouldn't worry, but now the captain is stupid and stupid, although the green algae head himself looks very reliable, but he is also a little fool who can be tripped by his own knife.

As the person who brought them here, he felt that he had to...

He was thinking wildly in his mind, but he felt more and more that his body was light.

"Eh??? What's going on? Reiju?" His body suddenly floated up, no, not his body, it was his soul.

The soul of his adult self separated from his young body.

Little Sanji turned his head and looked in his direction, his eyes full of curiosity and admiration, as if he wanted to grow up to be like him, cooking delicious food, fighting fiercely, and finding many good friends.

"It's time to go back." The green head and Luffy didn't know when they came to his side, and their souls returned to their adult state.

Sanji was a bit irritable, "Why is it at this time? I don't know if they can escape."

As soon as the words fell, the red, blue, and green brothers appeared in front of them.

"Impossible!" He wanted to fight, but when his soul floated over, it passed through the bodies of the three people and couldn't touch them at all.

Little Sanji was also a bit scared. He didn't have the leg skills of Big Sanji, so he definitely couldn't beat them. Looking at Reiju standing in front of him, he gritted his teeth and almost cried.

"The trash is still dawdling, father has already found out that you are missing." Yonji's opening was a mockery, but this sentence has already shocked Little Sanji and Reiju.

Niji snorted coldly, "The people who were supposed to meet you have already been caught by the father, and going there now is just seeking death."

"What?" Reiju's hand holding Sanji tightened fiercely, "What are you talking about, how could the father find out?"

"There's no time to say so much, run quickly, the guards here are the weakest, follow me." Ichiji took a few people and rushed in a certain direction.

Reiju didn't know whether to trust them for a while and hesitated a bit. Sanji pursed his lips, "Let's go, Reiju."

"But... I understand." She looked up at her brother's eyes that were trying to hold back tears, gritted her teeth, and decided to take a gamble.


The souls of Adult Sanji, Luffy, and Zoro followed them all the way to the port, and indeed, there were fewer and fewer soldiers here.

It wasn't until Little Sanji boarded a grain transport ship at the port that a dense sound of footsteps sounded on the shore.

Sanji's eyes went dark.

Suddenly he fell back to the Momoiro Island, he collapsed on the shore of the island, sighed deeply, "Why did I come back at this time? I don't know what happened later."

But... recalling the last scene he saw before leaving, the scene where Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji blocked Little Sanji's figure, he seemed a little relieved.

[The journey through time has ended, congratulations on eliminating half of your regrets, reward you with a future skill experience card.]

A pleasant voice sounded, Sanji raised his eyebrows, there's this thing?

On the other side, on the Island of Women, Luffy returned to his body, stretched his waist, "Hahaha, this body is still the most useful, but it's really interesting, I saw Sanji and Zoro when they were kid hahaha."

Kuraigana Island.

As soon as Zoro opened his eyes, he saw the pitch-black sky, knowing that he had returned to this deserted island, suddenly slapped his head, damn, he forgot to ask Luffy where he was.

The system's backstage private message can only send one per person per day, and there is no way to exchange more information.

This island is like a maze, and you can't get out at all. I don't know how to save Luffy's big brother.


No one knew what they had experienced.

[Rewards and punishments have all been issued, now start the next strange list.

The best of brocon

Nominee 1: Senju Hashirama.]


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