

Three weeks had passed, prolonged, and ever since that bridge incident, Alistair began to get close to me by consoling me whenever Jenn Roswell had a new girl toy. It wasn’t a great idea for two barely acquainted people—man and woman, to comfort each other, but as everything went rough between Jenn and me, Alistair was the only one whom I could turn to. So, Alistair and I became closer without my boyfriend’s knowledge. Jenn, like the usual, didn’t seem to have an interest in my actions either.

Jenn Roswell must be busy with his own sexual escapades.

“Hmm, that’s too bad since I’ve kept my virginity for the man whom I’ll be facing before the altar and share marriage vows with,” I thought to myself. “Who will that man be?”

I paused on my thoughts when Alistair suddenly queried, “Hey, are you listening?”

“Huh? I’m sorry, what did you say?”

Alistair breathed out a deep sigh before he faced me. Both of us were in their mansion’s living room, sitting with ease on the couch while watching some movies together since the cat was out—Jenn was off to work. Don’t get me wrong, Alistair and I were not in a relationship as of now. We are more than friends but less than lovers, and no, we hadn’t done anything sexual. We’re watching movies like the couple Jenn and I had never been to. It's the weekend, and the talent agency personally gave me a five-day leave to enjoy and rewind before my fifth project for this year starts.

Again, he asked further questions, “Matilda, are you alright? Are you feeling a bit under the weather?” I only shook my head in response, however, he still insisted on placing his hand on my forehead to feel my body temperature or whatnot. “Well, you don’t have a fever, although you don’t seem to be in a good state. Are you feeling unwell?”

I shook my head at him once more, and a smile crept up to my lips. In stark contrast to Jenn, Alistair is thoughtful and much enjoyable to be with, which does not seem like it at first glance. Jenn’s supposed to look more of a considerate person and not the other way around. Alistair has a stubble on his chin, which made him look more manly, while Jenn has always had a clean-shaven face.

On the other hand, both of them had identical shades of eyes, but Alistair had a gray tint around their realms, in which it somehow added a mystifying vibe to him. Nevertheless, the two have the same shape of cupid bow lips, almond-shaped eyes, tall nose, and an apparent jawline that added manliness to the both of them, and which appeared to be inherited from their father. Speaking of their parents though, the acting chairwoman of the Roswell Group is not their mother.

Furthermore, rumors being rumors, there were stories about Jenn being an illegitimate son, so they pressured Alistair to take over the responsibility when the time comes. At some point, Alistair didn’t have the urge to do so, and it seemed as though he’s hiding a deeper reason as to why he hesitated to take the chairman position.

“Oh, don’t mind me. Nothing is wrong,” I retorted before shifting to my sitting position.

“You know how much I worry when you say nothing’s wrong, Matilda,” he softly spoke, “Is it about my brother again? Jenn?”

I didn’t give a response to his question; thus, it urged him to talk.

However, as Alistair opened his mouth to speak, a voice from behind us boomed all of a sudden, causing me to straighten up on my pose for a second. Jenn exclaimed, “Both of you!” he paused while pointing a finger at us, and he even raised one brow at Alistair and me before continuing, “What are you doing?” Suspicion hugged Jenn’s tone in an obvious attitude.

“Watching?” Alistair bluntly blurted as if he’s pointing out how dumb his brother could be, though, he added so that Jenn would not misunderstand or think of some irrational ideas between the two of us since there’s actually none, too. Alistair and I were friends; friends with personal benefits, I suppose. Of course, Alistair’s comfort benefited me in some ways that Jenn hadn’t done to me before. “Matilda and I were simply watching a movie, my brother. Don’t stress yourself for nothing.”

“Is that so?” Jenn speculated in utmost doubt, “How did you two become close to each other, then? Don’t even try to spit lies on me, Matilda.”

I lifted my chin to stare at my skeptical boyfriend before responding to his queries with a calm and controlled expression, “I’m sorry. Your brother and I have talked sometimes whenever you brought your girls in here.” My voice trembled, and by instinct, I glanced at Alistair and saw him nod like he’s silently cheering me to speak out all of my grudges right at the moment. So, I sharply inhaled before finally continuing, “I’m done with those instances where you’re trying to slap such a hard reality onto my face, Jenn. I know you’re flinging with all those women to show that I’m only an option, and that there is never a chance for me to be your first choice.”

Instantly, Jenn clenched his jaw, making his jawline look even more prominent. Still, I dared to let it all out as I opened my mouth for the third time. “I know I’m not going to reach my title in the industry without your help, but Jenn, please let me breathe. It does not mean that you’re allowed to step on my pride after helping me reach my dreams.”

“I thought you’re here for money,” Jenn harshly spat. “You came after me to fulfill your goals and nothing else, Matilda–”

“It was love,” I cut him off beforehand, “I loved you once, but this is too much. Do you really think that I could suck it all up merely for money?” Now, this is not an appropriate approach to the situation, but I’m not too low to kiss their feet and act as if I’m too easy to quench this time. I depend on their social status, yes, but I have not been entitled the queen of all actresses for nothing. I’ve also invested time, effort, sweat, and tears for it. Jenn was only a bonus.

Jenn’s face instantly turned into a sour expression, while Alistair showed off a thumbs up in secret. Although, dejection flashed across the depths of his eyes, and that’s when the realization struck me that I had confessed my feelings for Jenn in front of Alistair, who also professed his love for me before. Silence then enveloped the whole living room, aside from the television’s noise since we picked an action-thriller film on Netflix. After a short while, Jenn gritted his teeth before he calmed down and said, “Okay, then. Pack all of your things in your condominium and move them here. Besides, the mansion has a lot of rooms to sleep in.”

Confused, my brows met below the center of my forehead, and later creased into a wrinkled line of perplexity. “What do you mean, Jenn? I have my own place, so why do I have to move in here? Look, we’re a couple, yes, but we’re not live-in partners or such. It’s not necessary, trust me. Reporters will flood over the mansion if that happens,” I insolently muttered in response with a hint of panic.

It then earned a deep sigh from Jenn, but his next statements made my jaw drop toward the floor. Just kidding, that’s exaggerated, but hey, it has totally blown off my mind. As soon as I finished my previous sentences, Jenn declared, “You and I were going to be engaged, and that’s not a question for you to say yes or no. My father told me to get a wife before this year ends if I want to secure my place as the successor.”

“What?!” I blurted out in a vulgar manner, which has then prompted Jenn to squint his eyes before he attempted to cover his ears. However, I stopped him before he could as I raised my palms as a gesture to make him pause. “Are you telling me that we’re about to get married after this year ends? I mean, for real? Jeez, what a romantic proposal! I bet the other girls will swoon over for the title of Roswell Group chairwoman.”

“Are you insulting me?” Jenn groused, though he lowered his hand. Perhaps, he finally realized that he needed me after all. Of course, he does, he couldn’t take the chairman position without a woman—a wife, and that’s none other than me. Moments later, Jenn spoke once more, “Let’s get moving, and make sure that my dad will believe this stunt of ours. Act as if we’re in love with each other and serious about getting married. After all, you’re an actress, and that’s why I chose you.”

Flabbergasted, I couldn’t speak.

“How would she know that you’re not going to leave her after you get the title and all?” Alistair queried which also has a point. On prompt, his question brought Jenn’s brows to a knot. Jenn was about to answer when Alistair added afterward, “How would Matilda know that you’re not going to abuse her until then? I bet you’re going to keep all of the benefits of the marriage to yourself, brother.”

“Don’t call me brother,” Jenn hissed at him, “Also, what does it have to do with you? I am the one who’ll get married and take over the entire Roswell Group. And, what’s with the sudden interest in it, Alistair? It’s not like you are going to compete with me for the chairman title, are you?”

Alistair snorted, “I have always cleaned your reputation in all ways possible, yet you’ve never thanked me once. So, what if I will? What are you going to do, then?”

The muscle of Jenn’s jaw ticked, and that’s when I got between them before a fight will be made. “Stop it, you two. Remember that you two are brothers. One can manage the medicine and pharmaceuticals and one for the industrial or whatsoever. You can share, why is it so hard for the both of you?”

“Who are you to step into our conversation, Matilda?” Jenn retorted back which made the whole living room into a living hell as of the moment. His hazel brown eyes looked as if they’re spitting fire on me, and his nose was flaming red, as well as his whole face. On the other side, Alistair maintained his impassive expression. However, his knuckles were cracking up as if he’s resisting himself to throw a punch at Jenn.

So did I. How dare this jerk still treat me like shit after everything that I’ve told him!

“Oh, really? Who am I, you’re asking?” After telling so, I scoffed, in spite of the attempt of slapping his nose off his face. “Don’t worry. I’m just a nobody; the nobody that you’ll be needing to get to the chairman’s table, don’t you think?” Again, Jenn clenched his jaw for what I’ve said, but I never had the intention to take it back. I may need tons of money to fulfill my wishes, however, this is beyond limits!

Out of the blue, Alistair interrupted, “If that’s the case, then let’s see as to whom will father give the title of chairman to either of us. Didn’t you say that you will have to meet him?” Several seconds of silence have passed, prolonged, until I finally spoke up before them who’re too focused on each other.

“Let me meet the chairman today.” I summoned all of my courage to say such a phrase and statement. “Let me meet Mauro Vann Roswell. After all, I didn’t say yes to the offer, even though it’s a great catch.”

“What are you pertaining to, exactly?” Jenn questioned, somewhat dumbfounded.

In an instant, I raised from the long sofa bench before I strode with tiny steps towards him. My legs crisscrossed as I went close to him even further and then, as soon as I reached Jenn’s position. I shot my head up to face him with a lifted eyebrow, then a slight smirk crept to the side of my lip. “What if I will marry Alistair instead of you? Besides, he’s the best choice for the chairman.”

Jenn’s facial expression tightened, and when he tried to speak, I quickly added another statement before he could even utter a word. “What do you think? Should I marry your brother instead? It will be one sweet revenge, and the first time for you to get dumped.”