
The Whistle

I wake hearing dogs barking in the distance. everything was blurry at first but my eyes soon adjusted after a couple seconds. I stood to find myself in the middle of a playground the same playground that was from my childhood the one I thought of right before everything went black. I started to look around to see if I can find anything that could help figure out when I was. I begin to walk down the street that I once live on as a kid as I start to have a uneasy feeling, I start to smell a hint of smoke. I follow the smell while all I can think of the story my father told me the man who saved him that night. As I got closer I could see the house ablaze and once I reach the yard I hit by a bush not knowing what to do as I knew that I did not want to mess anything up in the past as I sat there waiting for the stranger to arrive I heard screaming coming from inside it sounded like a little boy, not seeing anyone in sight I rushed in toward the yell, screaming back to try to and figure out where it was coming from as I go upstairs I find a little boy crying on the ground for his mommy. I grabbed him and run of the house just as it collapses behind me. As I lay there with the boy in my arms I yelled neighbors that had came outside to call the police as I stand there not knowing what to do not knowing whether to run or stay, the little boy starts to cry and sobbing and all I can think to do is to whistle. As I do the boy begins to calm down as he looks up at me we meet eyes, he was so young and innocent. I decide not to stick around as I hear the sirens in the distance growing louder I sat the boy down with the neighbors as began to leave. I begin to walk away as I turn around to see the police arriving in distance I think to myself "What am I to do now?".