
Run - Story Preview

It was dark. Miracle could hear the rain pattering against the window. She couldn't sleep. She felt as if every sound had gotten louder and louder by the second. She was sitting on her bed. She gently rocks herself back and forth. Suddenly, the noises stop.

She heard a knock on the bedroom door. 'Who could be up this late?'

It could've been her mother. Or her older sister. Her sister often liked to play pranks on her. Miracle's father died after her youngest sibling turned 7. 'Jakob?' She wondered if her was at the door.

Knock knock.

Miracle got up and slowly walked to the door in her purple pajamas. She started nervously twirling her dark hair.

Miracle's hand was on the knob now. She gulped. Her eyes shut tight as the door creaked open.

There was nothing there. Nothing but a letter with a red stamp. The envelope had 5 letters.