
 Story of us

I sat in my Creative writing class at the end of the day the bell had just rang and my teacher was talking to the class. The seat under me was still worm from were the last person had been sitting just minutes ago. The air was thick with the smell of people sweat, lotion, and perfume that lingered in the air and made me want to gag as I sat reading my book until I was told to stop. I looked up at the large white board and at what was written on it. Sighing at what was written in big words. Taste, sight, smell, and touch. What is that for? I thought as I fixed my eyes on my teacher Mr. Jones who was going on and on about monologs or something like that. After he told us to write about a sunrise or a sunset so I did the sunset. I wrote about the night I said good bye to Erin, the way the world looked and pain sliced through my heart again. Tears came to my eyes as he asked us to share them with our group.

Then out of no ware he asked for someone to read it to the class. My friends said that I needed to share it so I raised my hand. I read the paragraph to the class and put on a smile as the pain hit me again. It was hot and heavy as I got to my feet to turn it in. How can people not see my pain? I thought as I put it in the slot that was mine. How are people so blind to what is staring them in the face? Why is it that no one will never seem to understand me for the hurt and bleeding old and worn soul that I am? As I thought Mr. Jones told us to get on the computer so I did. After reading the paragraph he told us to I went back to my seat and portended to be reading as others finished around me. He stared to talk but being in so much pain I tuned him out. Sorry I thought as I turned away so that I did not have to hear what he was saying. What is it about this world that is so messed up that no one cares anymore?

I started to type as I thought and it went like this… "Alli!!" My friend called from behind me as I walked down the brightly light hall of our school. "Wait for me!!�� she called as she ran up to me where I waited in front of the library doors. The wall across from it was made of glass and made my stomach flip every time I looked at it. Maddie was a tall thick built girl with thick curly red brown hair that reached to her shoulders. Her phone always in hand it was not strange to see it today. She stopped and then turned it on. "Guess what?" She called as she pulled up a text message from her friend in Idaho.

"What?" I asked as I put my hand under my back pack strap then stood on tip toes to see over her shoulders. She went through at least twelve different screens before she turned to show me the text. She handed me her phone as we walked into the library. "His name is Erin and he wants to know what you look like and if you are cute or not." She rattled off as we went to our corner of the library behind the books. "Oh and I want to tell you about what happened with Zack the other day." She said with a bright grin as she leaned against the book shelf. Still holding her phone in my hands I typed in, "hello my name is Alli. It is nice to meet you."

Within seconds he sent back, "hi Alli! My name is Erin! It is nice to meet you too."… A stab of pain raked across my soul as I remembered the things that I did not want to remember. The feel of his breath against my neck the tender way his hands stroked up and down my cold arms as I stood outside in the cold rain waiting for him to come. The scent of his clone tingled my nose and making me laugh at him when I wrapped my arms around him before standing on my tip toes to touch my lips to his. The taste of peppermint on his lips. I hissed as I came out of the memory tears in my eyes as I looked around. I turned to the girl next to me and stared to talk to her before long I went back to typing and the memories came flooding back into my mind. He had sent me a picture of him standing in the bath room in only his boxers. I had laughed and sent him a picture of me in my PJs, A tank top and short shorts.

He had said he wished that he could kiss me good night that night so I sent him a kiss through the phone. Later that night he had texted me talking about… I jumped as the bell rang in my ear pulling me out of that memory. I was shaking as I got to my feet and grabbed me back pack off of my desk and headed for the door. My heart still hammering as I nearly ran down the hall to get out of the school building and to the bus. I got on the Bus only to find that my friend was sitting with her other friend MaKayla. I then decided to sit and listen to music at the front of the bus until we got to Leeds on the other side of town. I got off the bus only to be yelled at by MaKayla and told never to talk to Madi again. As I walked home I listened to the song Bleeding Love and began to cry as a memory came back to me…

I stood beside the tall cotton wood tree that stood in my back yard as I watched Erin play with his small black poodle. His blonde hair falling into his bright green/blue eyes as he laughed and ran around. I called his name and he turned. His eyes went wide as he came a little closer. He stopped in front of me his hands in fists. He reached up with his hand he brushed my hair away from my face. "What happened?" He asked as he wiped a tear away from my face. "Why are you crying Alli?" He asked again as he pulled me onto his arms so he could hold me close to his heart.

"You have never told me you love me…" I cried into his shoulder. He let out a heavy sigh as he called his dog back to him then walked me back to my house. The drive way was empty at this time of day because my mom was not home no one was, except us. He shut the door behind us then turned to me. My eyes were blurred because of the tears that streamed down my face. Again he turned his hands in fists as he looked me in the eyes. I could see his anger blinding as he finally shouted, "F*** this!!! You have no idea how hard it is to say I love you!!! How many times that I had my freaking heartbroken!!! I love you!!! Okay!?"

He shoved me up against the wall and leaned over me his hot breathe mixing with mine as his lips got extremely close to mine. My breathing nearly stopped as he placed a desperate and scorching kiss on my lips. His fingers slid into my hair as he deepened the kiss… Just then I heard a car honk its horn at me pulling me out of my memories yet again. I was half way across the street when it had honked at me because it had nearly hit me. I walked on after saying sorry to the person in the car. I got home only to have my mom ask me how my day was. I looked at her and forced a smile on to me face.

"Fine mom, it was just fine." I lied as I walked past her into the house that held so many memories of him and of us. I walked into the room that was mine. The harsh sent of him still lingered in the air as I set my back pack down on the floor. Then lay down on my bed the strange sent of me filled me head and made me cry as another memory took me in… I felt his desperate hands as they slid in to my hair the scent of musky colon made my mouth water as I wrapped my arms around his heck sliding my hands into his silken hair as I pulled him close. He pulled away a little to look into my eyes.

"Can I keep you?" He asked as his hands slid under my shirt. His hands were smooth and hot on my skin. They clung to my body in a way that made me melt all over for his touch… I jumped off my bed as someone pounded on me door. "Aunt Alli, can I come in?"Taylie asked from outside my door. I got up and unlocked my door so she could come in. She had long dark brown hair that reached to her waist. She was only 8 years old but she was a beauty if ever there was one. She sat on my bed and asked what I was doing and why I was crying. I put a smile on my face and started to tease her. She laughed than said she needed to go. She gave me a hug, her small arms rapping around my waist as I leaned down to give her a hug. Her hair smelled like apples, her white shirt was soft and comforting as I said good bye.

I walked out of the house it was raining. The rain caressed my skin in soft droplets as I walked along the hard road making me forget the worm summer sun that we used to sit under and laughed for hours. I walked for a while then stopped as a sharp pain went through my foot. Looking down I saw that I had stepped on a sharp rock crossing the street. My clothes were sticking to my body because of the rain making them damp and slightly itchy as I walked under the over pass that led to Silver Reef behind Leeds. I made a sharp turn to the left, walking in to the forest trail. I walked for a good hour before I reached the place that I had been looking for. The tall pine trees stood around me making me feel so small as I walked across the hard and foreboding ground. I came to the cliff that over looked the small town of Leeds.

The sun was just setting as I reached into my pocket and pulled the pictures of Erin out of it. I took one last look at the boy that had broken my heart. Tears and rain drops fell onto his face as I let the wind take them from my hands. The sun was slowly setting. The light touched my skin from where I stood on the mountain trail. The salty taste of my tears stuck to my lips as I ran my tongue over them. "Why" was all I could think as the purples, reds, oranges, and blue slowly faded into the dark as that sun, that marked this day set before me. The dark greeted me like a friend as the sun left my skin worm, before slipping from my grasp just like him. I turned away to face the dark. The smell of flowers touched my heart as I said good bye.

Thank you for reading The Story of Us. This story goes out to the people who need a reason to cry over the men or women that have left skid marks on a broken heart.

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