
Story of the Materialistic Hero's Salvation Inn Management

"Short on staff, but overflowing with souls in need of saving... Guess I'll just have to redeem them and put them to work!"

jingha_ryu · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Story of the Materialistic Hero's Salvation Inn Management

Blood smeared across my face, I wiped it away with a weary hand. The air hung heavy with the stench of death, the opulent hall of the demon king's castle echoing with a silence broken only by the drip-drip-drip of blood from countless slain monsters. Their life essence painted the floor like a grotesque red carpet.

I flicked the remaining crimson from my holy blade and continued my solemn march. At the end of this corridor lay the grand hall, where I knew he would be waiting – the one I sought, the one who had brought me to this desolate place.

As I neared the grand hall's entrance, a monstrous shadow fell upon me. I looked up to see a demon, his form wreathed in swirling darkness, barring my path. His eyes, burning embers in the gloom, fell upon the white-hot glow of my sword.

"[You shall not pass]," the demon's voice boomed, shaking the very foundations of the castle. Dust rained down from the ceiling as the echo of his words reverberated through the hall.

I met his challenge with my own: "[Move aside]."

In an instant, the dark flames engulfing the demon sputtered and died. A blinding arc of holy light from my blade illuminated the darkness, and the demon's head tumbled to the floor. I kicked it aside with disdain and pushed open the grand hall doors.

This was the heart of the demon king's domain, where monsters and corrupted souls once gathered to sing praises to their dark lord. Now, it stood empty, save for one lone figure upon the throne at the far end – the demon king himself.

He was adorned in garments of dragon hide, his head crowned with horns that resembled those of a ram. The stark contrast of his pale face against the black attire and throne made him appear as if suspended in mid-air, his crimson eyes glowing with venomous malice.

To sever his head from his body was my final mission.

"Come down, demon king," I commanded.

"Fuck off," he spat back. It was the response I had expected. Without such defiance, he wouldn't have wreaked havoc upon the world as he had.

I ascended the steps to his throne, meeting his unwavering gaze.

"You're nothing but a puppet of the goddess..." he sneered.

The hall was bathed in the light of my holy sword, like a bolt of lightning splitting the darkness. A grin still plastered on his face, the demon king's head rolled down the steps of the throne.

My final mission was complete. My tiresome life as a hero was finally over.

I stood before the king, receiving accolades and rewards for my service – a hefty sum in the form of a promissory note and a guarantee of a lifetime pension. The amount was staggering, something I could never have dreamed of earning in any other profession. The pension would ensure a comfortable life, deposited into my account every month.

Beside the king, the princess glared daggers at me. Moments ago, she had vehemently protested against granting a pension to a "lowly mercenary" like myself, citing concerns about the royal treasury. Her resentment stemmed from my rejection of her advances some time ago. To think that a princess would confess her feelings to a common swordsman like me!

"So, what are your plans now, hero?" the king inquired as I prepared to depart.

"I plan to open an inn," I replied.

"An inn...?" the king echoed, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Yes, an inn. And why an inn, you ask? Because it was my dream.

Throughout my adventures as a hero, I had stayed in countless inns. They were places of respite for the weary, sustenance for the hungry, and companionship for the lonely. They were hubs where adventurers and travelers crossed paths, where legends and tales of heroism were born.

The romantic notion of owning such a place had taken root within me, growing stronger with each passing day. Now, with the financial means to make it a reality, I yearned to create a haven for adventurers like myself. I would cater to their needs, listen to their stories, and spend my remaining days amidst the vibrant tapestry of their experiences.

I had a small town in mind, a place I had discovered years ago during my travels. If the business flourished, perhaps I would open more inns across the land, becoming a renowned innkeeper throughout the kingdom.

"Once I'm settled, you should visit sometime, Your Majesty. I'll offer you a room free of charge," I offered.

"Father! Take away his holy sword!" the princess screeched, her eyes narrowed.

"That wouldn't be appropriate, princess. It was bestowed upon him by the goddess herself," the king chuckled. The princess scoffed, muttering about my audacity.

It was truly over. I rode my horse into the vibrant spring landscape, a sense of liberation washing over me.

Little did I know, there were still countless souls in need of saving. My journey was far from over.