
Story of the devil sword

What happens when a naive guy with hero complex reincarnates as a guy with anti-hero complex, well continue to read to find out...................... This is basically an amalgam of lots of ideas that popped up in my head so there may be maaaanny plot holes ................. future warning to one who wants to play hit-the-plot mole. The cover is not mine, it is of an unknown guy who shall go unnamed 'cause I didn't bother to search it. Sorry unknown dude for you shall remain unknown probably.

berserksloth666 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

3. New Start and Resolving Past

Today was going to be an exciting day for Izaiya. Maybe not as much as exciting as it was causing him to be nervous, unsettled, but he was also anticipating. Today his master(he already was master such for Izaiya) had told him that they were going to visit the place he was found. The only reason it took nearly a year was because of that area being foreign territory and complications that arise with intruding there and it took time to deal with. Now with that out of the way he was going to visit that place while his apparent master that is actual fact was red-haired loli he met earlier was going to visit 'outside world'. Apparently, she was also a sheltered Ojou-san.

Black suit. Tie properly at its place, a black butler-like suit, that's what he was currently wearing, a bit uncomfortable around edges but it's just because he is new to it. He never had a preference among clothes neither in this life nor in previous. Speaking of which, he finally managed to sort out his confusing memories - he had a previous life where after dying he made choices, those which he wouldn't regret. He simply wouldn't allow himself to be a brooding character wallowing himself in despair or something. Move on and move ahead, that's a good motto to pursue. In this life, it has started as a bad start, apparently, he was part of some evil child experimenting organization, at least that's what he can understand. There he was experimented, not cool but okay, then he was to be disposed of, totally uncool, then he got saved and is living in current circumstances. For his current living accommodations, he can only say - they're good guys based on his life till now. But there is still a need for having caution who knows what type of dudes these guys are, not going to get wrecked for misjudging.

Knock. Knock.

?? : Knight-san, it's time for you to accompany Miss for the journey. Are you ready?

Oh, yea, since he didn't trust these guys that much they got no choice to name him and come with innovative names for him, sometimes it's a bit funny, part of the reason he didn't tell them his name not that he will admit this.

Izaiya - yeah, coming in a sec, Misaki the maid-san.

Opening the door he was faced by a dark brown-haired maid that currently sported an awkward face due to how I addressed her.

Misaki the maid - uh, yeah, just, Misaki or maid is fine.

Izaiya - yes, Misaki the Maid-san, please lead the way.

Izaiya teases Misaki the maid. It's super effective and Misaki the maid leads the way while having a slightly angry face.

Looking at his personal maid, Izaiya smiled slightly, his master understanding his plight had arranged this girl as his maid, she was in actuality daughter of one of maid working here, apparently but due to him having no one to talk to here his age he got a pretty maid his age to talk too, which he only was grateful of.

After dozens of turns while walking in this huge mansion(did they aimed for a maze), he finally reached a gate of sorts, if you consider five-meter tall, three-meter wide gate to still be a gate, behind which was a car waiting.

Isn't this supposed to be a separate realm? the question was opted to be unanswered. He was only close to his swordmaster and maid, the red-haired loli master didn't give him exactly the best first impression, so it's wasn't in his best interest to ask or talk much in her presence, he can always ask these type question.

The journey onward which was in car and then in train thus was a bit awkward, red-haired loli tried to ask lots of question which he answered in two-three words which after some time managed to get the message across making rest of journey a quiet quality journey with both of them deciding to find a newfound interest in outside scenery. All while a certain someone who could have possibly solved this situation decided that meditation was more important, it's not like Izaiya wanted it to be that extreme of a discarding attitude especially if the loli is supposed to be his master. But looking at his master in art of swords to be neglecting even when he begrudgingly directed a 'please help me' stare he could only shrug his shoulders at what to do, frankly he was awkward around this loli master and he kinda admitted it but it will probably take time for this to be solved, he thought, while the supposed master laughed himself to death - there in front of him were two kids one hyperactive one asking a lots of question and other kid 'calmly' answering while glancing at him and miraculously choosing that and only that time to sweat profusely, which was even more miraculously ignored by his master. It's funny if you ask him.

And finally, their journey reached its end, scavenging and searching in his previous home resulted in having .............. absolutely zero results.

It should have been expected, but he still felt a bit sad, remembering previous life and getting memory jumbled may have helped in him overcoming this but he still can't help but want to spend some time for his friends, those that have now left him behind, those whose hope he now carries.

And so he started making graves for each body he could find in the rubble, something that surprised him was that not only his master but loli master too helped him in their own ways. Souji Okita the swordsman using his sword to dig a grave was probably the best honor his master was going to give, he thought. Loli master using her every bit of magic meanwhile to preserve the body and still move it to its final resting place, when in all honesty she should be a sheltered Ojou-san was probably also her best and going by her instinctual trembling and wavering eyes that she thought she hid it was true.

Still, everything has a limit, especially when you have a devil master that decides,

Devil Master: Okay kid, I did what I think is the most part rest is for your training go ahead and finish this in a week.

and leaving while making sure I wasn't helped by an angel that is actually devil(?). And so nearly a week had passed in which I made physical improvements on the grave of my former friends, how fitting of a devil right? I can only pray to god*ouch* to forgive me for this crime. Yeah, I noticed praying to god is a shortcut to getting a headache but so what, it -

1. trains mental resistance.

2. praying is a habit of mine from both lives.

3. praying is a good habit to have even if in exchange for praying only a small headache is offered as a blessing, I can make do with this.

And so I'm making graves and improving a bit and making more graves. For lunch, Ojou-sama would come to give me some, but shouldn't it be other way around, what is with that lazy master of mine.

*tink*tink* (Kiba working on digging grave now with proper equipment available because of Ojou-san)


Whew, successfully dodged that.

Never would I have thought that when I was at second last in terms of the number of the bodies to be ........... put to rest would I get attacked, I thought this was an abandoned sight.

??: Wow, a trash making room to place trash? heh, bet this devil trash is a stray, now, let me exorcise you devil trash.

Saying so, the unknown person lunged to which I replied with sidestepping while trying to kick him, which he blocked with some sort of guard of the sword. The baffling thing was one moment it didn't have a blade and another moment it suddenly had a shining blade that screamed danger. He swung it half-hazard with no technique but unfortunately managed to nick me at my stomach portion.

*pain* it was unlike any other I had felt before. The poison before was a numbing pain as if all hope was leaving me, but this was as if getting your skin repeatedly chewed by worms at the area he hurt me and it wasn't even over. Bearing with the pain I keep dodging his wild swings when a voice sounded,

??: Freed, what's taking you so much time, stop playing around and finish that thing off.

Freed: *grinning even more wildly* haai.

Suddenly the speed at which he was swinging that giant sword increased, I powerless in front of it started getting cuts and bruises at multiple places, not having a sword to fight back was more frustrating to me than having to withstand the pain. Between this fight, I happen to glance at the person that was supposedly superior of my current opponent, he seemed to resemble someone I knew,

Disbelief filled my body even as the Freed person stabbed me at the same place he had first slashed. I turned to look between the sword stabbing me and then to person commanding Freed, Father Valper......?

He was nowhere to be found maybe it was my vision playing tricks on me, there is no way that person was behind all this .................was he?


Huh? loli master is here? thank goodness, I thought that I was going to die again without doing anything if this time you manage to save me, I promise to be the knight you asked for eternity as long as you are the kind person I believe you to be.

Maybe I said this as I felt teardrops on my face, or maybe it was only in my mind but it doesn't matter, this is one pledge I won't break.

POV - Red-Haired Girl,


I looked horrified at the state the person was in, a holy sword stabbed, it was going to be serious since it was a holy sword, without saying a word I hurled a ball of destruction towards enemy, which he jumped and avoided, without caring about him for the moment I rushed to check condition of my first family, thankfully those swords that somehow popped up beside him protected him from getting injured seriously, when I was about to turn and ask Souji uncle to deal with the idiots that hurt my knight I heard,

Yuuto : ......was going to die again without doing anything if this time you manage to save me, ... I.... promise to be the knight you asked for eternity as long as you are ....... the kind person I believe you to be.

RHG: *tears in her eyes* Then I promise to be the kind person you ask me to be.


(3rd pov)

??: Once again let me introduce myself. *ahem**ahem*, *dramatically puffs out her chest* My name is Rias Gremory, future head of House of Gremory and your King. I reincarnated you at that time you were poisoned to save you and also chose you as my knight. What's your name?

??: *teasing* Don't you already call me by a name? Then in any case *serious demeanor* allow me to be the knight and sword you hope me to be. The old name I had doesn't matter, you may name me master*eyes shining hopefully*

Rias: Then I name you Yuuto Kiba, 'Yuu' of gentleness, 'To' for soar, and Kiba meaning Sharp

Kiba: Then I Yuuto Kiba, pledge myself to be Knight of Rias Gremory that shall cut down her foes.

??; fufu, how lovely, our little Rias finally made her knight accept her as her first.

Rias: *red-faced and shocked* Mother! Father! Brother! you too, what are you doing here I told you guys I wanted to talk to him alone *pouts*

Yuuto found himself opening up to this slightly weird but warm family while wondering about his name, was it fated to be? because Kisuke Kiba was now Yuuto Kiba.

In case you guys didn't notice,

Yes, I dramatized the whole setting a bit by late introducing, and,

Yes, I made Kiba be first peerage rather than 2nd or 3rd which I'm not really sure about.

berserksloth666creators' thoughts