
Story of Bellaria

The continent of Balleria is shared by seven countries. All of them struggle for power in a war that has been dragged on for centuries. Some countries prefer to use their strength to conquer, some of them use their prosperity. This story is told from prospective of many different characters. It is a long, interwinding story that will include heavy character development, bonds, betrayal , and death. If the story leaves one character or setting, doesn't mean it will not appear again. I hope you will enjoy this engaging story.

Vecroug · Fantasy
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3 Chs


The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder. Yet again, two nations went into war with each other. Peace was a word that nobody heard in Bellaria for 300 years. There was never a time when less than two countries were at war. However, it never happened that the whole continent was at war. It is said that if that happened, it would lead to absolute destruction and the end of the world.

The Bellaria continent is surrounded by a deep, blue ocean. Nobody ever saw what was across it. There have been five voyages in total in history, but nobody ever returned.

The continent is shared between seven nations. Eficia Empire, the biggest country in Bellaria. It has the most advanced technology and most man power. It is located in the center of the continent and it stretches all the way to the north and northeast of Bellaria. Most of the countries are scared of it, which allows it to have the most political power. Pretty much whatever the Empire says goes, unless others don't use force, it won't back down.

Southeast of the Empire is the Opposition of Viparia. Viparia was once part of the Empire. However, they split apart after a civil war fifty years ago. When joined together, it was the biggest superpower. They owned seventy percent of Bellaria, so if they remained together, they would own all of it by now. Viparia is now one of the richest countries. It has so much prosperity thanks to its location. It dominates the food market thanks to many lakes and suitable conditions for growing plants.

In Middle of these two giants is a small city state called Trade Central Mitan. It is connecting three countries by railways that were built all over the continent by Eficia. Its positioning makes it the best place for trade to happen. Most trades that are completed in Bellaria are sent in and out of Mitan as it connects everything. It is also the safest way to travel between Eficia and Viperia, because it is staying neutral and is therefore protected by all countries in the continent.

Northeast of Eficia is Liberty of Liberdale. It is the last country that connects to Mitan. Liberdale is one of the smallest countries in Bellaria. Only thing that makes it special is Mount Kiseki, which is full of rich materials. Most raw materials and ores come from Liberdale. Thanks to that Liberdale has the money from trade to establish their new country in Bellaria and grow to become powerful. Liberdale was formed only ten years ago, after it split away from Viperia. It was a deal that didn't shed blood, because of their good relationship. Viperia also wanted to show the world that they are different from the Empire. However, many eyes from other bigger countries are watching Liberdale. This makes people wonder how long they will stay on the map.

North of Eficia is a huge desert. The sand stretches for days. It is not possible for normal beings to cross it alive. Legends say that somewhere in the desert, a holy city is located. Every year thousands of people attempt to cross the desert and are hoping to receive blessings from the Goddess Alua. Therefore it was labeled the Land of Alua. Alua is the Goddess of Peace. The Holy City of Alua is dedicated to raising new generations of priests, healers, mages, and holy warriors. The people who return from the Land of Alua alive tell stories in churches established across the whole continent. Commoners and Nobles across Bellaria learn that only five people crossing the desert survive each year and when they arrive in the city, they receive the title of Apostle. Apostles are treated as servants to the Holy Children who were born there and their sole purpose is to become holy and spread the message of Alua. However, new religions and cults are being formed in Bellaria, especially in the Efician Empire. There is a popular and rising belief in God Taua, The God of War.

Yammar Republic is located west of the Empire. These two forces have been at war for 300 years. Yammar and Eficia sparked a war that will lead Bellaria to a certain doom. The border of the Republic is covered with fortresses and battle stations. They are ready for whatever the Empire throws at them and have withstood their attacks for as long as the war started. The land is prosperous, similar to Viparia. The land is raising cattle, and growing vegetables of any kind. The land is harvested by slaves and servants. Slaves are owned by nobles who serve the Republic. However, the slaves are in excess thanks to the never ending war. It is the only thing Yammar isn't bragging about.

South of Eficia is a small kingdom called Sano. The Kingdom of Sano has fruitful relationship with the Republic. Yammar has been shielding the Kingdom ever since the war started and they have maintained trade for several centuries now. Sano is small and poor, however, it never was conquered before. The only advantage to their position is that they can grow any kind of fruit and have the best place to catch sea fish. Thanks to their neutrality, they maintain trade with the whole of Bellaria. There is also a huge water channel that divides Yammar and Sano. The water flows even above the Kingdom and it is only slightly connected to the Empire by a small piece of land, which proves useful because it is hard to invade. However, with multiple countries seeking expansion, the time of this weak Kingdom is limited.

This is the place where our story starts. New heroes rise across Bellaria and recently from the Kingdom of Sano. The adventure across Bellaria begins!