
Story of Bellaria

The continent of Balleria is shared by seven countries. All of them struggle for power in a war that has been dragged on for centuries. Some countries prefer to use their strength to conquer, some of them use their prosperity. This story is told from prospective of many different characters. It is a long, interwinding story that will include heavy character development, bonds, betrayal , and death. If the story leaves one character or setting, doesn't mean it will not appear again. I hope you will enjoy this engaging story.

Vecroug · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Morning in Vudan

After the brothers finished their breakfast, they began preparing for their daily training. Today they were only sparring, because they needed to leave early for the graduation ceremony. When they stepped outside they greeted their mother Diana.

She had already finished work in the garden and now she was drying clothes in the sun. Her bright, blond hair shone as the rays of light were reflecting off them. Her eyes were light blue like the spring river running behind her. Diana was forty years old, ten years younger than Brock. Both Josh and Danny looked way more like their father.

As they entered the small shed in their backyard, they grabbed their practice equipment. Danny reached for his wooden staff made out of Black Iron wood, which is one of the heaviest woods you can find. It is great for practice, because it has a similar size to his main weapon. The heaviness trains all his arm, shoulder, core, and leg muscles. It also improves his stability.

Danny's weapon is then easier to swing and he has better control over it.

Josh on the other hand has a different style of workout. He opened his cabinet and grabbed four slightly damaged iron bracelets and one old heavy bag filled with sand. He put the bracelet around his wrists and ankles. It felt uncomfortable at first, but as his muscles began to grow he got used to it. After he took the heavy bag and put it on his back. This training prepared him for real battle as it honed his two biggest skills, speed and agility. After every training session he could feel his movement was faster and he had better control over his whole body. After many years of training he doubled his speed and could dodge almost anything that was thrown at him. He also began to anticipate movements of other people, because when his body was heavy, Josh needed to move before the attack even started to have time to deflect it.

"I'm ready", a voice called from outside. "I'm coming", Josh replied. Josh walked outside from the shadows of the shed. Danny was already warming up with his staff. He was holding his staff like a commoner would hold his scythe. He was swinging from the upper right of his body and finished down at his left leg. After ten swings he switched sides.

Meanwhile Josh closed the door of the old shed. It's doors creaked and no wonder, the shed was standing there for thirty years. Their father built it when he was in his twenties. He put a tight lock on it so no one could get in. It was common for people to steal in the Kingdom, so Sanoans had to be extra careful with their property. After Josh pulled on the lock to make sure it won't come off, he picked up two small iron pipes that were dropped on the ground and headed towards Danny.

Danny turned around. The brothers were standing seven meters apart. Both eying each other and thinking what their first move would be. Light gust of wind picked up their dark hair revealing both of their focused eyes. Danny's eyes sparkled as the sun met its scarlet color. On the other hand, the light got lost in the brown eyes of his brother. However even a child could see the shine of eagerness from their eyes and posture, as they were ready to take on a difficult challenge.

"Whoever drops first to their knee loses", shouted Danny. Josh grabbed a small rock and threw it above his head. Both of them knew once the rock dropped to the ground and the dirt consumed it, the battle would begin. Danny smirked and positioned himself into a defensive position that didn't leave a single opening for Josh. Josh lowered his arms and body and prepared to spring forward. He knew he had to strike first to overcome the power of his brother. As the rock lost its velocity and began descending to the ground, both of the brothers closed their bright eyes and focused on the sound of the ground.

The sound of the river was flowing in the distance. The birds were singing and the fishermen were shouting, they probably caught a dinner for their family. Suddenly a new sound appeared. The green grass was moving. Did the wind start blowing stronger? No, Josh didn't feel it on his soft cheek. It has to be the falling heavy rock that is nearing the ground, already being supported by the weak grass. Danny felt a little cold as the fluffy clouds covered the sun and set a dark mood for the battle that was about to happen. Suddenly the dirt made a squishing noise. The rock buried its body and covered itself with the brown ground. The dirt under Josh's feet flew upwards, uncovering worms that were hiding under it in the shadows, as he leaped towards Danny with lighting speed. The clash of two brothers who wanted to earn bragging rights has just begun.