
Story of a girl with a good soul but have many chapters in life

In this we read about the life of teenage girl who belongs to middle class family but after her schooling her life change and she face many chapters of life now she have knowledge at teenage but limit of knowledge upto 98 year old survivor now she's is more knowledgeable girl but still is a human .

Raghuvansh_Singh · Teen
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A little girl with big dreams too much big than her financial condition

Let's start our chapter with a fresh morning we saw a girl of middle class family she have three siblings and she is eldest child of her family . Now she's ready for school, she studied in 8 th class where her journey starts in this age she knows about lavish lifestyle how her friends classmates are wearing cool clothes ,have new bags etc. But she didn't show her feelings towards her family because when she came home from her school she saw that her that her parents are discussing about monthly budget because they sent their children to expensive school in there area and we all know that in our society people are busy to trolling middle class family if they want to fly high besides cooperate with them 😐.Now come to our story : in the night time she thought that money is that important in our life, money is all love, care, everything is it right 😯🧐 ohk I will think about it and I observe it from tomorrow. She start to participate in quiz and become best performer in school now she thought that all her family issues will be solved because she is best student but with the pass of time her life change now she's in tenth class and her classmates are starting involve in relationships because as all we know that for teenagers not for all but relationship is only for satisfaction and a fashion ,and for some people it's is only for physical satisfaction. But she's too busy in her middle class life in fact she know that what is meant relationship for her because of observation she knew that money is everything until she got a sudden accident in this accident her father got a heart attack because of this her family spent their all savings which usually for her college fee but due to this situation she take admission in local area college and now she's unable to do something for her family she saw her rewards which are numerous but she realized that her rewards are not have shine which had on those days. She started her journey with the preparation of India's toughest exam at the age of 19 but she have not much sources and she connected to a boy through online chatting but she really don't want to involve any this type of distraction .

I Hope everyone will like this chapter in next chapter we will read about her new life which is really called teenage life.