

When you travel around the world you come across different stories, the pleasant ones, the sad ones, the bitter and meaningless ones, the passionate and romantic ones... all are simply the feelings of those who live and who wish that their mark is not forgotten. One-shot of different couples. The characters do not belong to me are from different mangakas with excellent stories.

Lucy_Garces · Anime & Comics
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The Hunter

"Good evening", said the man, passing me the letter so that I could order something to eat. I'm tired but I haven't eaten for almost 24 hours, so I decide to fill one need so that I can prepare to please myself with the other.

By habit I see the prices even more than the names of the dishes that have them, my pocket must bear until the next fortnight and if things continue as they have been up to now, it may well be in the middle of the month or at the end of it.

With a smile I ask for the cheapest thing I can find, I don't even know how to pronounce it, but as soon as I fill my stomach a little, it will be fine.

I take out my mobile phone and watch the messages from my boss, it's a routine that repeats itself every time the date of publication approaches.

"Our lifestyle" came to mind, one that we have both become accustomed to. Maybe he'll get his story before the deadline and I'll get my salary a few days later.

The waiter serves me something that I logically know is much more expensive than I asked for. I look at him and get ready to make the claim, he writes the bill and passes it to me by leaving quickly.

I read the paper hoping it won't tear out everything in my wallet, smile and put it in my wallet, one that I sometimes think I should nickname "bin".

I take the cloth napkin and place it on my legs, I give thanks for my food and I get ready to eat with pleasure, more so because that night I already know who will be my narrator.

The Hunter