
Story: Fate/ Against Fight

A person died and reincarnated the medieval era of Arthurian legend with Chastiefol. Note: If you are looking for a super action-packed and op mc, please leave immediately. This fic will be story-oriented than action or adventure. English is not my mother language and I don’t own anything. Constructive criticism is welcomed but you start BS like pushing your own logic of fate verse or other BS then I will delete any kind of review. Last, just enjoy this story. I may or may not add harem or 18+ scenes. For more advanced chapters, must visit: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan Discord: https://discord.gg/vfWgNbskJt

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 42: A new enemy 3

"For a pregnant woman to give birth, she's gotta feel the pain of pulling a watermelon out of her nostril. For an artist to create a masterpiece, he's gotta feel the pain of pulling entire galaxies out of his ass."

Gintoki Sakata (Gintama)



A big explosion could be seen replacing the magic circle and destroying the surrounding with it.

"Did I get it?"

After the explosion, a deep pit was formed however due to dust, it was still hard to see Yu. I took out my spear and spun it to create an airwave to clear the dust.

I saw bloody Yu covered in wounds and even missing an arm.

"Are you all right, Miss Yu? Because I am still in the mood to play with you." I decided to mock her a little.

She was a worthy opponent whose strength was unparalleled so I was hoping to fight with her.

"Hah… It is nothing…" She only smirked and within a minute her wounds started to heal rapidly.

"What the…" I was surprised to see her healing speed. It was even faster than Pollen Garden.

[Einar, she is not using her mana to generate.] Elaine told me about Yu's healing capabilities.

"I know and what about her stats?"

[Einar, she is using the lifeforce of the blood of people she killed. As for her mana, I don't know but she either doesn't possess mana or using an external source.]

"External source?"

[It is possible that she is connected to Root.]

At her statement, I widened my eyes but soon calmed down.

"So does it mean-"

[Yes but first figure out how to heal with her first. Don't get hit by her attacks, they are highly corrosive.]

"I know but what is the fun if I don't even enjoy a good fight."

I didn't know why but I was feeling kinda excited to fight with Yu, maybe due to my monkey- Saiyan blood.

[Do as you say, don't come crying like an idiot.]

"No thanks."

Yu was soon healed. I don't know how but her clothes were also fine, maybe it was so-called anime logic.

"That was a good surprise attack, I appreciate it."

"Why thank you."

"But you that was your last chance to kill me!" She raised her hand in the air and a big crimson ball formed. She then pointed her ball towards me and smirked. "Let's see how you manage to dodge this!"

The crimson ball was shot like a bullet towards me.

"Ah, shit!"

I instantly flew in the air and dodge the crimson ball.


The ball exploded upon hitting the ground and a big explosion took place even bigger than mine.

I was also not unscathed as I took some damage to my right hand.

"Ah, hot! hot!"

My skin started to deteriorate and my arm turned cold.

"Chastiefol Form Eight: Pollen Garden"

I then encaged myself in the Pollen Garden to heal my arm. I could have fought with her using my single arms only but I knew that her corrosive powers were lethal for a fairy like me.

Yu also didn't let go of this chance and fired more crimson bombs towards me.

Boom* boom* boom*

However, Pollen Garden was able to withstand every last bit of her attack. The only downside was my mana consumption. It neared drowned 50% of my mana which is equal to 10 times Merlin's or Vivian's total mana reserve.

"How is that possible?!" Yu was desperate to even damage the Pollen Garden but she couldn't make even a dent on such a shield.

"Haha, bitch, that's what she said! Why don't you try 'harder?" I decided to mock her by showing my butt and guess what, she was enchanted instead of getting annoyed after see my pale butt. "Now who is a pervert, huh?"

She shook her head with red cheeks and then poured her powers on her flaming twin blood, charging them with her vampiric powers and then slicing the air forming two cross arcs.

Booooom* Crack*

This time, her attacks were able to make cracks on Pollen Garden.

"Well, I am good to go anyway."

I then dispersed Pollen Garden and flew in the air. It was still hard to control myself in the air since [Flight] is a magic spell and not my natural ability. However, it is still not impossible to get that ability.

"Why don't you come down?" Yu tried to bait me since she couldn't fight me in the air.

"Cum down? Why are you so 'desperate'?"

"Asshole! Come down and fight like a warrior!"

"Who said I am a warrior? And I am not fond of fighting with bitch with an itch!"


She was flustered with anger but then soon calmed down.

[Einar, she is changing her surrounding to her favor.]

"Yeah, and she is going to launch her final attack." I took some distance and landed on the ground.

[What are you doing?]

"Just testing something."

[Don't tell me…]

"Cry and beg for forgiveness because I am going to show you hell!" Yu raised both of her hands in the air. The cloud turned into crimson then pure red. The sky was also giving the feeling of hell. Surrounding also seems to turn lifeless.

I was just calmly waiting for her to recite her lines and the name of her last attack like an anime character. I could bitch slap her in a middle attack but I was curious to see her last attack.

"The eternal wail of one abandoned even by death. O sky! O clouds! Rain tears of compassion to curse life!"

As she finished the chant, the cloud exploded and rain of big crimson blood drops started to fall everywhere.

I smirked and expanded my arms as to welcome all the attacks without any kind of shield protecting me and a smile could be seen on my face.

Boom* boom* boom*

Crimson drops exploded everywhere and turning it to lifeless except for one spot that was me. Soon the cloud dispersed after running out of power.



I could feel their jaw-dropping faces.

"What the Fu*k!"

[What the Fu*k!]

Both Elaine and Yu were shocked that I didn't receive a single hit from the rain of attacks.

"How is that possible?! That was my most powerful attack and you didn't even take a single hit!"

"Yeah, that's what I am also confused about." I shrugged my shoulders but then my eyes turned cold. "It is now time to end this."

I waved my hand and before Yu could even respond, a big teddy bear grabbed Yu's all limbs leaving her paralyzed.

"When did you…" She was confused when Mono suddenly appeared behind her and made her immobilized but then she smirked, "You know you can't kill me with normal means."

"That's why I have a surprise for you."


"Guah!" She spilled blood when a spear pierced from behind that emerged from Mono.

"It is called Fossilization. You have just run out of option~"

[Form Three: Fossilization: This form of Chastiefol is a twin-headed spear with a spearhead shaped like the claws of a crab. This form has the ability to petrify an individual whom it pierces, rendering them unmovable and immobilized as a statue even if they are still alive.]

She then started to turn stone until only her head remained.

"So any last words like 'so this is it' or 'you can use my body and let me go' some kind of thing. Body using option is unavailable by the way since I have a girl who is acting like a man and I am not MC of Akikan who could do anything for a pair of tits." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Guah… your mouth can't just stop running…" She weakly said.


"Very well…" She smiled and looked down just like villains with who you would show sympathy. "I am sorry for killing innocents…"

She then started to confess.

"Apologize to them yourself since you will be meeting them some in the hell."

"And… thanks for a good fight… It was my dream to die with a good fight… Now I can finally reunite with my Xian Yu…"

She seemed like a vampire from Jojo. I wonder if those thicc thighs vampires exist.

"Hey, you still haven't answered my question. You know I could keep you alive as long as I want."

"Haha… I pity you and envy you… You, who is free from any predetermined fate…" She then looked into my eyes and warned me. "Let's see how long you are gonna run when the will of this world comes after you…"

She then turned into stone completely. I then waved my hand and my spear swung shattering Yu Mei-ren's statue and ending her life.

[So I guess this concludes what is coming after you.]

"Yeah… Gotta prepare for it." I dryly stated and then fly away back to Artoria's settlement only to hear the news that King Arthur broke his sword of selection, Caliburn.


(3rd Person POV)

A person could be seen watching the flying figure of Einar. She was a girl wearing black kimono. Her hair is short, ink-black hair, pale skin color, and black eyes that could be described as being of "clear void".


Her eyes got narrowed and she soon disappeared without leaving any trace of her existence.


I wish to congratulate Happy Eid al-Fitr to all people.

Don't even think about leaving without dropping Power Stones.

1.4k power stones/ 2 chapters in the end of week.

1.8k power stones/ 3 chapters in the end of week.

Is that called robing? Hell yeah!

Thank you~

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