
the whispering Woods

Adeline's flight through the pouring rain continued, each step taking her further from the familiar and deeper into the unknown. The thunder above rumbled as if mirroring the turmoil in her heart. Leaving home behind was a daunting decision, but the constant screams and pain echoing from her parents' turbulent marriage had finally pushed her to the brink. 

As Adeline navigated the winding forest path, memories of happier times tugged at her thoughts. Despite her parents' unspoken resentment for each other, they had always put on a facade of happiness for her sake. She had been aware of their charade but had never confronted them about it. Today, however, was different. She had exhausted every effort to mend their relationship, but their stubbornness had left her with no choice but to embark on this journey alone.

The day she chose for her departure was notorious in their village, known as the "Time of Doom." Stories of a fearsome demon named the "Lord of vorthrax" had terrified her as a child, but she had long dismissed them as mere myths, exaggerated to instill fear.

Despite her skepticism, Adeline couldn't shake a feeling of unease. She quickened her pace, hoping to distance herself from the ominous date and the looming specter of the Lord of vorthrax.As Adeline ventured deeper into the Whispering Woods, the dense trees whispered secrets that sent shivers down her spine. The storm showed no signs of relenting, and the path ahead seemed endless. Doubt crept into her mind like tendrils of fog, questioning her decision to leave the safety of her home.

With every step, the eerie tales of the Lord of vorthrax and the Time of Doom echoed in her thoughts. She had always believed them to be nothing more than superstitious stories, yet something about this day, this storm, felt different.

Suddenly, as if from the depths of the forest itself, a voice called out, "Are you lost, young one?"

Startled, Adeline spun around, her heart racing. Emerging from the shadows was a hooded figure, cloaked in mystery. Their eyes met, and a strange mixture of fear and curiosity coursed through her veins.

"Who are you?" Adeline stammered.

The figure, their features hidden in the depths of their hood, stepped closer. "I am Elias," they replied in a soft, soothing voice. "I wander these woods and carry knowledge of ancient myths and legends, including the prophecy of the Lord of vorthrax."

Adeline hesitated, torn between fear and the hope that Elias might offer guidance in this unfamiliar wilderness. She glanced back at the path she had left behind, then back to the enigmatic stranger. In this moment, her destiny hung in the balance, and she would soon discover that the world held secrets far beyond her imagination

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