
Storms in blue skies

she was a bird in her gilded cage. now the bars are shattered and the world is before her- the world of the Vikings. she will have to delve into her demons and face her future as a seer all while her heart is breaking. will the little bird survive this brutal world

A_I_Magnus · TV
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5 Chs

chapter 2: storms are coming

was stood on the dock. Night had long been established. I looked around quickly to take in as much information as I could. I saw Algeciras. The bazaar was bustling in the light of torches. I stood confused. Why would I be seeing a normal night? Nothing seemed out of place.

Then I heard the splash. I whipped my head around to look out to sea. Nothing could be seen in this darkness of the new moon- not even where the water met the sky. Then it came again. a splash only this time it was followed by a trickling. But I saw nothing. Until suddenly a creature of darkness glided into the oblivious light of the city. A dragon's head came silently towards me. I wanted to scream to run and warn them but I did nothing. I froze as my heart pounded and my blood ran like ice. I was afraid. So afraid I wanted to crumble and beg for help.

The dragon was a few feet away from me now. It made no sound still. Then a thump of knocking wood. And the dragon became smoke from which a monstrously large man stormed through with determination. Blonde hair. Ice blue eyes which refused the light of the city. He scowled moving closer. I fell back and landed on the soft dirt of the market. Around me, people ran, stood frozen, or charged with desperation. All screamed at their attackers. Men of darkness swept through cutting down all who could not outrun them. The lights vanished and I was in relative darkness. The forms crept through this environment and melted into shadows. Men fell limp before them until finally, they came to a set of golden doors. The lock clicked like a death knell and I saw a women in crimson weeping silent and still.

White consumed the sight and I was back in the bath house.

The maids surrounded me in silence. I realised that my back was arched off the ground, my muscles tight all over. ''calm, Sayida, calm. You are back.'' The eldest of the maids spoke. She spoke softly and kindly her face was the same. I was surprised to see something other than fear from someone who had seen me experience the hilm. But instead, as I eased my muscles into my lying position I allowed my head to loll to one side, I saw awe in their faces. They knelt beside me, one or two prayed, the others whispered frantically to one another. I looked to the kinder old woman seeking her help in calming the cacophony which was smashing like waves onto my rock of a head.

She raised her hands to those behind her blindly. Yet they knew their place and the whispering ceased. The elder was closest to me. She leant down to gaze into my eyes. Groggily I knew I shouldn't have let her but the hilm exhausted me this time. I looked back at her lazily.

''your eyes!'' she exclaimed in a hushed voice. ''they have changed Sayida.''

I didn't respond I knew the side effects already, they would settle, so she went on to ask what I knew was on her mind. ''is it so Sayida? Have you seen something?''

This time I felt the words bubble up without my control. I needed to tell someone. Needed to save someone...

''night... run...now...'' with that I let the fatigue overwhelm me. I was released from my aching and exhaustion to be rocked by the darkness. On the horizon, I saw a storm approach on azure skies...

When I awoke it was on too comfortable cushions. I found that I did not want to wake, I wanted to sleep through reality and let them finish the matter without me present. Unfortunately one can't sleep when the hens refuse to quite clucking.

My eyes snapped open to stare into a pair of muddy brown ones. The owner who I assume had been studying me for some time suddenly screeched and jumped back into a supporting huddle of other women. All wore fine clothes and intricate henna along the lines of their hands and feet. All were beautiful dolls for the pleasure of the master. I looked into each of their startled faces and, realising that the absence of a red glazing over my vision meant they had interfered with me whilst I slept, I snarled as I had to the master of this city.

''sahira!! Wicked thing- don't think you can hurt us – the master's chosen.'' It was the one who had been so disrespectful of my personal space. she was the prettiest of the women and far more beautiful than I with her slenderness and soft features. I had no doubt her bravery came from being the favourite in the harem.

But she betrayed her façade when I pushed myself up and unwillingly her whole body flinched at my movement . a cruel smile curled the corners of my mouth. I rose to my feet and stood for a moment simply taking in the sights of the room which they had put me in to await my sentence.

Silk. Silks of the finest quality hung and lay everywhere. Every surface was ornate form polished mosaic flooring to the woven tapestries which hung on the walls. The room was sectioned into veiled alcoves, I assumed to create false privacy for each of the concubines. incense filled the air of the dimly lit room smoke swimming on the night air. And it was night, I could see from the high vents which ringed the outer wall.

It was night. That meant... but what could I do? We were to die. I was to die anyway what did it matter if it was by the master's hand or by some pale behemoth's.

''at least you know your place!'' the pretty one scoffed and called for a weak giggle from her sycophants. They were annoyances that I would not bother with in my final moments. Instead of interacting I walked away. The pretty one was abashed by my rudeness and turned to face her audience.

''see how she runs from our presence like the shaytan from Allah's light.''

Yeah, only I'm not running. I moved away from the entrance to the selamlik. I doubted the master would bother making his appearance tonight. No, he would be more concerned with what was coming and would flee like the rats. So on I went through two dark wood doors, guarded by trained eunuchs who would protect this place with their lives, into the haremlik.

Here where men could not enter, the more esteemed and experienced concubines reclined. I walked through the room without giving a greeting, which was an offence in and of itself, only to stop when caught by the most treacherous sin: vanity. In the small wall mirror, framed by gold, I saw my eyes. Silver tones as usual but the old maid was right they had changed. I moved closer eyes fixed on eyes. When I could reach out and touch the polished glass I saw more clearly the altered detail. Ringing my dark pupils gold bloomed like ink on the page. Half of the iris was consumed. I knew that this was supposed to happen- it was one of the fucking reasons I was here. The telltale sign that the hilm had taken place. But it receded as soon as the visions left; it didn't remain hours after. I examined the eye: black to gold to silver and ringed by darkest purple-black before finally white. Someone had put kohl on me whilst I was passed out...

I covered my eyes for a brief moment of laughter at the refusal of the universe to let me forget for one fucking moment that which trapped me here. In response to my sudden and humourless laughter a mumbling of distaste rolling through the room. I blushed, angry, for letting them see me like this. I swiftly turned from the mirror and sped from the room in pursuit once again of my true goal. Through another set of doors and along a dark corridor I found it. The room which was used in case of emergency- invasion.

Through heavy gilded, metal doors was a room adorned much the same as the haremlik and selamlik but this room was much smaller. It was designed to hold all the concubines in one space to await rescue whilst the city burned. I sniggered at the idea. Rescue from the beasts that were coming was impossible, best just to wait. Of course, I wasn't running to meet my death. I was near heartless but that didn't mean I was overly zealous to actually die. In the centre of the room was a small white podium currently holding a bowl of fruit that was probably thrown every day. The wastefulness alone sickened me.

I took the bowl and sat on the podium, just enough room for me to cross my legs. I placed the bowl of ripe and juicy fruit in my lap. I had refused their extravagant food for a long time now. I picked up a quince and bit into it. The juices flowed in and around my mouth. I giggled as i wiped the fruit's juice away, then I heard it. Distant and sharp in the night air a scream went up like a crazed goat in the face of a wolf. It had started, and I had a perfect view down the corridors which lead me here to see the eunuch shepherd the women my way.

I adjusted myself swiftly covering my face with the veil once more, though I lay it over my knees so as to create my own space in which to enjoy my treats- might as well die with a full belly.

The door slammed shut and women cowered in the alcove seats behind me. The call to prayer filled the city and I wanted to blot it out. Though the whimpering didn't seem like the better option. I felt the icy shiver run down my spine, fear was taking hold for real, a quiet wine escaped me. They were here. And I was going to die. I had to get a grip. I couldn't die like this! I hadn't even felt the sun for so long...

The whispering started up again and it felt like just another slap from the gods or whoever reigned above. I didn't want to listen to them now. I wanted to think of better times. To remember home.

'' Ageh baroon beshi cheek cheek bebari'' my song filled the room with my rich contralto that sounded to me as though it was not mine. It was my mother's voice, mature and strong. The women had hushed and all was silent in the harem ''Manam sabzeh misham sar dar miyaram'' I continued the lyrics and heard my line sang as a child in my head as I had done sat in my mother's lap by the open fire.

Tou ke sabzeh beshi sar dar biyari

Manam goul misham pahlout mishinam

My family laughed and joked as my mother smiled down trying to get me to sleep. I felt safe in her arms...

A booming crack echoed outside. Then the scraping of metal on metal.

Don't think don't listen I begged my mind. The fichfich had grown louder like a cacophony of screeching birds all crying the same words. Words that I didn't understand.

''Tou ke goul mishi o pahloum mishini''

I sang louder than before tears stung my eyes threatening to roll over. But I couldn't let them.

''Manam bolbol misham chahchahe mikhoonam.'' I yelled with a desperation that scared me. I didn't want to die like this; consumed by the abyss.

I wanted to scream more but we could all hear the heavy footfalls outside of the door. And my song had finished...

The whispers took hold and before I could stop my head flew back with the force of the oncoming storm. The words rolled like thunder from my open mouth. But it was not my voice.

A bold and arrogant bellow spoke words that sounded sharp mellifluous and

''!!hvordan de små grisunger vil grynt når de hører hvor den gamle villsvin led!!''


ok, so translations-

Fichfich means whisper

hilm means vision

if you see Khanam it's because I used the farsi for lady by accident :C

according to google:

sahira means witch

shaytan means demon

sayida means lady

the song is a child's song called 'you are the sky's great moon'

i these are the lyrics i used: Ageh baroon beshi cheek cheek bebari

Manam sabzeh misham sar dar miyaram

Tou ke sabzeh beshi sar dar biyari

Manam goul misham pahlout mishinam

Tou ke goul mishi o pahloum mishini

Manam bolbol misham chahchahe mikhoonam.

and here is the translation: If you become the rain and rain down,

I'll become grass and germinate.

When you become grass and germinate,

I'll become a flower and will sit next to you.

When you become flower and sit next to me,

I'll become a nightingale and will twitter to you.

and I put Ragnar's last words in *tears*

A_I_Magnuscreators' thoughts