

Little_buzzing_bee · Fantasy
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Chapter One

Addalyn Stormflower released her hair from its clip and let it fall in waves down her shoulder. The tips almost reaching the puddle she was crouched over. The sky was dark even though it was still daytime. A storm was brewing.

Addalyn could smell wet earth and feel the chill of the wind blowing the storm right toward her. Lighting flashed in the distance and soon the sound of thunder pricked her long pointed ears. She stood and began making her way back home.

"Where have you been?" cried her sister Jasmine. "It is not safe to be outside in this weather!". Addalyn sighed "I know". Her sister was her only living family member. They loved each other but were not as close as Jasmine wanted them to be.

Addalyn being the oldest, was usually out looking for work or food. Jasmine was still young enough to be in school and would spend her time with friends while waiting for Addalyn to come home.

Both girls were slender, delicate, and beautiful. Addalyn had a bit more muscle from hunting and gathering. Her hair was dark and pin straight. Jasmine's hair was lighter and wavy. Addalyn leaned against the kitchen table and said "Will you stop worrying so much?". "I know when to seek shelter.". "I just want you to be safe!" Jasmine replied. She walked around the table to be closer to her sister. "I can't lose you too.".


After dinner, Addalyn retired to her bedroom. Her thoughts swirling around. She kept picturing the puddle and the way the sky looked before the storm got worse. She was often lost in thought. She wished for a greater meaning to her life. Something to fill the void created when her parents died. A loud clap of thunder pulled her attention away from her melancholy. The storm was at its peak. She pulled the silk shades over the window, changed out of her day clothes, and crawled into bed. She fell into a deep sleep and began to dream. She stood in front of her home staring at the sky. The clouds were almost black and lightning crackled continuously. She heard what sounded like a man's voice as the thunder rolled. It seemed to be calling to her. The next lighting strike revealed a massive green dragon and as soon as it appeared, it was gone again. Thunder clapped and she woke with a start.