
Short stories 1: "Survivor" of a Lonely World

In a dimly lit room, a young man with an unkempt appearance sits on a bed, his deep blue eyes devoid of spirit and his body static as if frozen in place.

All of this shattered in an instant when the man got up off of the bed and walked to his desk his hand shaking while reaching to a hidden compartment underneath his desk and just before his hand reached the compartment it stopped his body again becoming as still as a rock his eyes shaking in uncertainty as if taking on the role of his body.

He stayed like that for a minute or two before his eyes finally stopped shaking and his eyes gained a new found resolution.

His hand continued its trajectory towards the compartment it reached inside and pulled out a knife, its blade gleaming under the little light that existed in the room in an effort to show its sharpness.

He pocketed the knife and walked out of the apartment not even bothering to lock the door he knew he wouldn't be returning here anymore.

Entering the car parked outside the apartment complex he starts to drive, no particular destination, only one emotion influenced where he drove and that emotion was fear.

Fear of the aftermath caused by his actions, fear of the people and how they would look at him, fear of the world, fear of himself.

I guess you could call this emotion cowardice certainly seems like it but to the man none of this mattered for him who had lost himself long ago nothing mattered not this that's for sure.

Arriving at a destination nothing but dead land surrounded him no matter what direction he looked, a slight smile descended upon his lips as if to express his satisfaction at the destination, in fact that was exactly it the man felt as if this destination was so perfect it was made just for him.

He walked out of the car and opened the trunk and took out some food he prepared. It was nothing special, just some meat and rice but for him this would suffice.

He climbed onto the roof of his car sat down and started eating, he took his time as he was in no rush, he ate slowly but for him this pace was enough he felt that if his life up to now moved at this pace things might have ended a little differently, but regrets had no meaning now they like him would soon cease to exist.

After the man finished eating, he stood up looking up at the sky one last time, longing for something more hidden deep within his eyes so deep in fact that it seemed as if only the man himself and God knew of it.

But after coming this far the man had no intention to stop. He pulled the knife out of his pocket and held it to his own throat just as he was about to finish the job.

Something caught the attention of his eyes, as if in a last-ditch effort of what's left of the old him, he was hallucinating.

In front of him was a blue screen its contents were

{Welcome chosen one I am the wish fulfilment system. I will fulfil any wish you have no matter what it is as long as you can imagine it. I can fulfil it once you've decided on a wish, please fill in the details of your wish below.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ }

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" for the first time in a long time a sound came out of the man's mouth even he couldn't remember the last time he spoke but that doesn't matter right now what did matter was the laugh it was a laugh full of mockery and that laugh was directed at none other than himself not fate for giving him this chance now when his mind was set nor was it directed at the cruel world for forcing him to this point it was a laugh laughed for and by him.

Perhaps he was the only person who could laugh in this kind of situation. Maybe or maybe not that wasn't important to the man. unfortunately, or fortunately for himself or whoever made this screen once the man makes up his mind, he will never change his thoughts.

But for the possibility of a painless death the man still decided to fill out the screen.

{Welcome chosen one I am the wish fulfilment system. I will fulfil any wish you have no matter what it is as long as you can imagine it. I can fulfil it once you've decided on a wish, please fill in the details of your wish below.

A painless death. -enter}

Once the man stopped writing an option to move on to the next step appeared after the man pressed it the old blue screen disappeared and a new one took its place.

{Are you sure that this is your wish? Once you press yes you cannot make another wish think carefully.

-yes -no}

The man did not need to think twice and immediately pressed yes. For him this did not matter whether he died by the hands of the blue screen or his own; he'll die nonetheless.

{Your wish has been processed and will be completed in 10 seconds please wait patiently.}

And so, as the screen said after 10 seconds passed the man died…. or so he thought.

After an unknown amount of time the man opened his eyes again and what greeted him was a blue screen and the same dead land but something confused him. He was on land but when he blacked out(?) he was on his car.

He thought he might have fallen off so he looked around but his car was not there no matter where he looked his car was not there left with no other option, he decided to read the blue screen that was there since he awoke.

{Congratulations, your wish has been fulfilled from now on according to your wish you will "live painfully alone".}

Once he finished reading that screen a new one appeared in its place.

{You have been granted skills to help you complete your wishes please say status out loud to observe your skills and abilities.}

The man again left with no other choice complied with the blue screen "status" he said in a low voice.

As soon as the man said the word a blue screen took the pace of the old one this time containing much more interesting information.

{Name: Kong

Age: 1,000,024

Abilities: coward.

Skills: Skill Amplification, Lock with Its Key at Sea,

Imperfect Immortality.}

Unlike before, the information on this screen immediately caught the man's attention.

The first thing was his name it sounded unfamiliar in fact he didn't even remember it until now but the man no Kong was sure that was his name not his birth name no that was something that he never had but a name he as a naïve child gave himself so like his idol king Kong he too could stand tall and proud in the face of the cruel world.

Second was his age as far as he knew he was 24 years old so if the blue screen was not bugging out and showing the wrong information it meant that he had blacked out for 1 million years Kong couldn't make sense out of any of this so for now he moved on to the next section.

Third was his abilities 'coward' Kong had no quarrels about this ability he himself knows he is a coward so having the screen call him that did not affect him at all.

And lastly were the skills he could guess what all of them did by their names all except 'lock with its key at sea' this skill was a mystery to Kong.

Kong tried to ask the WFS(wish fulfilment system) about the skill as well as how his wish changed but when he tried to speak he could not he could make sounds but his mouth would not open no matter how hard he tried as if locked by a lock at this moment Kong realized the skills effects it locks his mouth sealing his ability to do anything with his mouth except making some weird noises.

Deciding there was nothing he could do he started to walk around aimlessly trying to search for some kind of hope no matter where or from what it came.

On Kong's first day of wandering, he picked a random direction and headed out. He found nothing except the same scenery of dead land even after 18 hours of straight walking in his estimation he found nothing, not even a single tree or rock nevertheless his hope stood strong not wavering in the slightest which surprised even Kong himself it seemed he wasn't a complete coward.

On the second day Kong continued to wander he found nothing the sun was killing him he was thirsty but he continued to wander.

On the third day he continued marching at this point he was sure that he was truly immortal any regular human would have died by this point but he was still standing strong although he was driven mad by his hunger and thirst, he continued marching.


On the 365th day Kong was still marching but unlike before his eyes held no hope he was like a machine. The times he had tried to commit suicide were uncountable.


In the 100th year Kong was no longer marching; he had lost all hope; now all he does is sit in the same position and not move an inch.


In the 1000th year Kong finally moved he started to search for ways to destroy his immortality. He said it was imperfect so maybe if he found that imperfection and exploited it, he could break away from it and finally achieve his true wish.


In the 5000th year Kong finally found something he found the imperfection he was reinvigorated along with his new discovery he started to search for a way to exploit the imperfection.


In the first Centum millennium Kong was still hard at work; he had yet to discover a way to exploit his immortality.


In the first epoch of work Kong found a hint he continued to work hard.


In the first day of the first Aeon Kong succeeded he broke his immortality and died on the spot with a smile to some this might not be a happy ending but to Kong this was the happiest he's ever been for the first time in his entire life Kong was smiling genuinely this was Kong's happily ever after.

----------------------------------------- THE END ---------------------------------------

Please give feedback I know this is pretty trash but please tell me what was the worst so i can improve.

traps_are_cutecreators' thoughts