
Julius Wenvard- A goddamn loser nerd

A man who earned his well-deserved titles

Prime Man

The Prime Man

The Dragon Slayer

The Devil Destroyer

The Ruthless One

The Crimson Lord of Destruction

The Lord of Darkness

but before all these, he was just a

pitiful loser who lost his parents in a car accident and his relatives stole his property that his parents left behind and was again stolen from by his orphanage , all when he was just 7 years old.

At the orphanage, he was bullied by everyone every single day, as other orphans was jealous that his parents left him with quite a bit of money and property but most of it was stolen by his relatives and the orphanage. The measly rest was taken away by the bullies. Nobody helped him, instead everyone was against him saying it is his fault for being so weak and ordinary . From age 7 to age 9, he had survive in that hell waiting for the sole chance of escaping from there to his parents' secret house in the deep forest in the country side . He had used all his money and had no food. Traveling 89 kilometers on foot was too harsh on a mere 9 year old, let alone his body was too weak, but his will kept pushing him . For three days and four night straight , he was walking towards the direction of that hidden house, without any food or rest, walking seemed endlessly long. Many saw him , a very young, weak, hungry child , struggling to walk even further, but they all ignored him and even disliked him for being so dirty . Many even tried to beat him as he ran away from them quickly. Finally, his body and will, gave in after 60 kilometers and he fell down abruptly onto the ground. Seeing himself falling into the endless darkness around him, he thought, "I think I still have some more kilometers to cover but..." . This child who seemed too unsightly to the eye now, was slowly dying away on the footpath. There was nobody around and even if there were, they all would have ignored him and dissed him like before. Suddenly a fancy car was driving towards his direction at full speed , he thought, "Ah, is someone trying to save me , this worthless me?" and opened one eye to look towards the road and when he saw, if there was even a single dust of hope in him, it all got destroyed completely as if there were never any to begin with. Why you ask? The sight of a young rich man driving his fancy car at full speed towards him wasn't hurrying to save him, rather to crush him as that man looked evil to his very core and so did his butler sitting right next to him. Julius closed his eyes and thought one thing, 'Yes, I see now. This world, its very foundation and rule to survive is only unrivaled strength, intelligence and control. I was too weak from the very beginning to the very end. Only when someone or something is useful , you will cling to them . That is the nature of every human being of this world. I am no different. I relied on my parents whenever I had any problem and I clung onto them because they protected me. I am a selfish , worthless and useless person . So I am the worst person ever, right? Then as the worst person , I shall be myself to the very end."

The car was now just seconds away from crushing Julius and Julius could hear the sounds of the car getting closer as well as his death . But as soon as the car got near 10 meters to Julius, a message popped in Julius's head stating

" Congratulations , you have awakened !

Congratulations , you have awakened 'The Eye Of Destruction' at 0.00001% power in your left eye . With you, all nine of the Lord of Destruction candidates have been gathered . The one who shall win this competition among you nine candidates , shall become The Lord of Destruction , An SSS Ranker but the ones who shall lose , shall also lose their Eye of Destruction forever and also lose the memories of this competition if The New Lord of Destruction wishes so. Well then , best of luck!"

Immediately there sparkled a brilliant crimson ray of light in Julius's left eye, and his target , the fancy car with those bastards , got annihilated instantly and left no trace whatsoever. And, Julius getting his stamina and strength back thanks to the system , got up and looked at the bright blue sky which was raining heavily just moments ago.

Then , Julius could feel the RDL system inside him and he said to himself, "Of all the times , The All-Powerful RDL system chose this one. Anyways , I am glad I got to kill those bastards , after all, they were human beings who I hate the most. Since I have already fallen to this path, why shall I hesitate? I have become an awakened one and an irregular at that. My identity shouldn't be disclosed until I have gathered enough strength to fight back, no, to become the unrivaled strongest one. That is what I, Julius Wenvard, shall become. All my enemies shall be crushed , burned ,annihilated to nothingness and I shall rule my own world and become an existence above humanity. Ouch! my body still hurts like hell. Maybe I should first reach my house first."

With that, Julius again started to go towards his secret home left behind by his parents at full speed and reached his home the next day thanks to all the power-ups of the RDL system.