
Arrest Him! (Part 1)

Planet Mother, Imperial Capital, Seven Lights Tournament.

The audience was here to see a show, and Lie Wei Ying was currently in the stands with him mom waiting for his turn. He had been waiting for a couple hours, probably more, and he seemed to have this thing in the bag.

As far as he could tell, he had the highest cultivation, so when Li Quang walked onto the stage he wasn't worried. Yet, if there was one thing he felt it was annoyed at waiting.

"Ladies and gentlemen… Two cultivators are here to fight one another. In this corner, we have Li Quang of Lightning Village, and Mai Jai of Pategal Territory here to battle…"

Lie Wei Ying sighed and held up his fingers. He made it into the shape of a gun and pretended to fire at the referee.

"Boom… Boo---"

"Let the match begin!"

The referee flew up into the air sending the two dog like opponents at each other. They were fierce faced and had rolled up their sleeves into tight buns that squeezed their biceps.

Li Quang came at Mai Jai like a tiger, and his hands glowed with Qi before he slammed his hand down into the tiled floors.

The ground shook and Mai Jai went flying up into the air.

He literally spun from the shockwave, and he wasn't the only one surprised by this. Lie Wei Ying realized his power level was not that high, and felt ashamed that he had been duped by Li Quang.

Regardless, one round house landed in the side of poor Mai Jai's head. It was a big head, but it didn't stop his momentum from sending him spinning into the ground.

The referee landed in front of Li Quang and held out his hand.

"Alright, you've won Li Quang. However, are you really in the Qi Condensation stage?" It would be absurd if he was, but he had passed the entrance test.

"Yes… of course I am! I cultivate the titanium steel fists, so I can deliver shock waves into the floor when I slam! Do you have any more questions?"

The referee shook his head and sighed before he looked at the audience.

"Well... then the victor is Li Quang….!"

"Now, may Lie Wei Ying come to the stage."


Lie Wei Ying sighed and looked back at his mother. Her name was Wang Ye and she was more beautiful than a pearl and was dressed in an exquisite purple robe with embroidered flowers.

He, the fifteen-year old Lie Wei Ying, smiled at her as he arrived on stage.

Two men were waiting for him there, and one still had blood dripping on his knuckles.

The referee said some words and then pat Lie Wei Ying on the back.

"Let the match begin!"


"Something tells me he's not going to do very well, Mam… Are you sure you don't want to stop your son?"

"Shhhh, Alpha, why are you spooking a nice lady. If anything, you should be complimenting her son for making it into the finals."

Alpha was the man's nickname and he shrugged his shoulders and pat her leg. "Well, even if your son dies… He's better than all of us here."

Wang Ye nodded her head but then grabbed the man by the throat and slammed down. "My son will not lose. Kill him Lie Wei Ying!" She said as she kept slamming the man named Alpha down onto the empty bleacher seat in front of her.

Lie Wei Ying sighed and then looked at his opponent. He could hear his mom but didn't turn around to see the bleeding nose of her opponent. He was not intimidated but had a rough idea of how to survive this encounter.

First, he would pretend he was weaker than he actually was, and then, he'd win.

It was a super simple plan, but from a teenager who had seventy years of experience under his belt.

Regardless, his plan was hard to execute as the man launched off the ground like a torpedo.


He looked like a supersonic missile that caused the tiles beneath them to crack. He was so fast in fact that the flying referee couldn't react in time to stop the battle. If he was able to hover off the ground, he'd already reached the foundation stage.

It was like watching a bullet train fly towards you, and you were just a pedestrian. At least, that's how Lie Wei Ying felt at this time. Even so, he was quite confident he would still be able to win. It was like he was looking into death's eyes, and he had a sure-fire plan on how to stop its royal victory today.

Lie Wei Ying cracked his fist before he bent backwards to dodge. A series of flurries of afterimages chased his small figure. With that plus more bends he dodged all of Li Quang's deadly attacks. Then he spun at the man's chubby face and a ginormous knife shot out from his foot.

It passed right by Li Quang and flew directly into the referee's heart.


The referee who was trying to stop the battle was in shock as the knife barreled out the other side of his body.

Lie Wei Ying didn't expect for that to happen, and now had to deal with Li Quang by himself.

The referee's hand reached out towards the sun, and he fell into an eternal slumber. He was a young referee who was well respected by the imperial capital. Lie Wei Ying was not expecting for that to happen. In fact, now he was probably going to be a fugitive.

Yet, at the next moment, the guy in front of him realized his time was running out. He attacked Lie Wei with all his might and used the foundation level titanium steel fists to crush the ground beneath him.

As Lie Wei Ying spun into the air, he felt somewhat peeved that he might have to die again. He, however, had learned a lot when he reincarnated a total of sixteen times, this being the seventeenth, and was not going to let a power gap stop him.

Out of his wrists came a few large hidden weapons that were strung around his arm. They connected to the ring floor before the momentum tugged him forward towards the ascending Li Quang. At this time, he placed his Qi into his hands, and then tossed forward a thin needle.

Li Quang, obviously, couldn't see such a small needle, and it stopped in the center of his forehead causing him to feel slightly dreary. Still he approached Lie Wei Ying like a missile. Even though this was the case, he was surely in for a surprise as Lie Wei Ying's max Qi for the Qi Condensation stage traveled into his fists and he pulled on that needle.

Li Quang spun into the air confusedly before Lie Wei Ying drew another blade from his shoe.

With a turn of his foot, after pulling Li Quang towards him, he slammed it into the neck of the foundation stage expert.


Li Quang spun a few times and then crashed into the tiled floor right on top of the referee.


The floor cracked as the entire stadium turned quiet. It was like there world was just shattered. Even Alpha who was no longer getting his head smashed felt somewhat proud that Lie Wei Ying had won the battle.

"Wow… mam, your son is incredibllleee…" he said somewhat dizzied and spun a few times.

Wang Ye nodded her head and then let go of the man she just whooped in angst for the entire match. However, then she noticed a few surly looking fellows were walking out of the gates with swords drawn.

"Arrest him!"