

Prison hospital.

Jiang Xiaoyue was lying on her bed. Every time she felt pain, it was as if someone was hitting her head with a steel bar, one blow after another, until the steel bar dug into the top of her toe.

The pain was so intense that it was not exaggerated at all.

The memories that were sealed away in his mind were fiercely knocked out one layer after another by the pain.

She was afraid that the child's calcium deficiency wasn't good, so she always ate a lot of food. She chewed and swallowed all of the bones that she could chew.

The child was too difficult to bear, and it felt like it was going to take her life.

This sort of pain was worse than death.

Jiang Xiaoyue's breathing became weaker and weaker.

The doctor shouted, "Think of a way, think of a way, the mother is about to lose consciousness, can't! A coma can lead to death! "

There was a distant smell of disinfectant and a conversation with the doctor in Jiang Xiaoyue's ears, "It's twins, a man and a woman."

"The boy is too weak, the girl is better."

"Give me the girl and the boy will be left to her. Remember to hypnotize her and tell her that she had only one child and that she had only one child. "

It was Lin Shan's voice!

Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly opened her eyes!

The doctors were all shocked, "This woman's willpower is really strong, and she's also very obedient. Just a moment ago, I couldn't even take it anymore. "

"Women who are mothers are always like that. For the sake of their children, they will definitely be able to persevere."

On the day that Jiang Xiaoyue was released from prison, it rained heavily.

She didn't allow Gu Baili to pick her up, afraid that in the future, Li Si Cheng would investigate her and find out about her.

Neighboring Water Manor.

Jiang Xiaoyue stood outside the iron gate. She knew that Liszt should have asked Lin Shan Shan to move over.

In the garden, a five-year-old girl was chasing a butterfly. Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes turned red as she watched.

Lin Shan did not let Yang Yang go. After killing Yang Yang Yang, how could Lin Shan's daughter have a good ending?

"Pea …" Jiang Xiaoyue called out to the child in a low voice.

When Pea saw Jiang Xiaoyue, she carefully ran over, "Auntie Xiaoyue."

Jiang Xiaoyue's tears flowed down her face when she heard the child's soft voice. Pea still remembered her.

"Auntie, why are you crying?"

"Auntie's been blinded by the sand. Can you blow the pea for Auntie?"


"It's not easy to blow through the metal door. Can you blow the peas for Auntie?"

"Auntie Xiao Yue, wait for me."

Pea opened the iron door and walked out. Jiang Xiaoyue hugged her child and kissed him again and again. "Pea is good. Auntie, can I take you to eat dessert?"

"Yes, thank you Auntie Xiao Yue."

When Liszt returned to the neighbouring waterfront, the peas were gone. He was so angry that he almost burned his room to kill someone.

"You have so many people!" He couldn't even look at a child! It would be better if they all died! " Liszt hurried into the control room.

On the screen, Pea was talking to a blind spot outside the gate. He opened the gate and walked out.

It was obvious that the person who had tricked Pea must have been an acquaintance. Moreover, he was very familiar with the monitoring system of the adjacent water villa. Otherwise, it was impossible for him to avoid all the surveillance angles.

He called the police. He needed them to monitor the traffic.

If a cute little girl like a pea were to be sold by a trafficker, he wouldn't dare to even think about it.

Liszt felt as if his liver and spleen were split open and bleeding.

After calling the police, the police didn't find any suspicious vehicles parked outside the neighbouring waterfront, nor did any suspicious people appear.

"There's one possibility. This person is very familiar with this area. She can avoid all the surveillance dead angles and avoid the electronic eye on the road. She came down from the mountain road."

All of a sudden, Li Si Cheng's shoulder loosened up, as if he understood everything. He then said lightly, "Jiang Xiao Yue is out of prison."

"I'll wait for her to come and talk terms with me."

She was out of jail, would ask for money, negotiate terms, maybe include a divorce.

However, 12 hours later, Lieshen did not wait for Jiang Xiaoyue's call to negotiate the conditions. Instead, he received a call from the police, hoping that Lieshen would cooperate with the DNA test.

"An old wooden house on the outskirts of the city was on fire. It was a grown woman and a five-year-old girl … When burned to ashes, only DNA can be tested to compare and exclude... Because there's a metal box in the water tank with a will written by Jiang Xiaoyue. "