
The beginning

The woman was lost. She ran as quickly as her body could carry her little legs could carry her big body, she knew they would be hunting her after they realized she had escaped and would they find her soon. She was set to be killed the next day, because she was what people called a witch or an alien or a demon. People called them many things because they had abilities, and when her tribe was found her husband and kids were the first to be killed and she had watched them die the day before. She was next. She was the queen, the most powerful woman out of her tribe and her husband the king and was the most powerful male. There tribe contained over 300 people. All that tried to get away while they were being taken were killed on the spot. Although they had powers they were never supposed to us them, because of how it effect there bodies. She was forced to marry her husband when she turned 23 after her first husband died and she truly didn't really love him but he still treated her well, even with this she was hesitant and wasn't sure about having children with him. She had 6 kids with her first husband who she had married at 14. Now she was 3 years into a marriage with the king and was finally pregnant and nearing the time of birth with the kings first child. She ran through the forest and up the mountain. Looking for a place to hide. She found a water fall and climb up where there was a cave behind it. She quickly climbed into it and started to us her abilities to speed up her pregnancy until she was giving birth. She forced her to not scream even though she was in pain for she didn't know how close any of her hunters were. Then there was crying. A little girl lay crying on the ground as the water and plants around began weaving a basket that the child lay in. The women smiled looking down at her crying newborn daughter. All of her children in the past were males. This was her first female child, the women looked puzzled and was unhappy with the outcome. A male child could of been left and would of had his powers and things around him to help him fend for himself. Men relied on there abilities from the ground and air and fire, as they were warriors in the old time when the tribes would fight and they were hunters. The women called from plants and water and light for there powers which were meant for healing and sometimes farming and preparing food and fresh water, it had been used before as a worriers skill but only by a few very powerful women one of which was in her ancestry. She was very powerful as well but not to the extent that her ancestors had been, because she wasn't the first born. The first born child of each gender was the most powerful in the family as they got more of the abilities. Since this was the first born for the king she would get more of his strengths and she was the first born female for the both two of them the little baby girl would have the most power that a female could have. She was still confused the doctors said she was supposed to give birth to a male, a baby boy not a girl. She was angry, after processing the fact that this child was a female she quickly left the cave behind the water fall. Never even so much as touching the newborn little girl she had just giving birth to, she the baby was still laying in the basket it had used its powers to weave for itself. She ran as far away as could from the new child. She knew her baby would most likely die but her newborn would be killed if the hunters found it so at least this was the child had a chance. She couldn't touch the baby or give it a name, as once that was done she was marked with there tribes sign, but since she never touched the little baby girl her mother had no clue that she already had her tribes sign on her shoulder, it was small. To a human if they found her there they would just think it was a birth mark since there was no burn or anything else around it.