
Stolen My Heart

Isabella smith a cursed princesses from birth her mother as a maid to the queen of ( gulden) but the lustful king eyes couldn't bear but to have is queen maid on night he took advantage of the poor maid and after a year Isabella was born out of spite and anger the queen asked a dark wizard to place a cured spell on the baby . Isabella heart would bleed untill her soul mate was found. Volga a ruthless and cruel demon lord who was fared by all and the king over all supernatural beings a long time war had been happening between the human and supernatural beings in other to stop the war Isabella is to wed the lord and become is wife. Read this beautiful love novel of two souls my novel is filled with romance,drama,pain,tragidy, revenge. Please support my novels it my first time writing

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Fantasy
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87 Chs

The vision

Isabella eyes slowly opened everything around her begin to take sharp becoming more clear. She groaned out in pain fill the sting at the back of her skull the memory of what had happened flashed true are mind. A sense of fear and panic hitting her . she tried moving but it was of no use her hands were tied behind her back and legs tied against the chair.

" Some one help me " She screamed loudly almost crying filling helpless in her state. she screamed repeatedly but it still went out the drain. her mind wondered one

how many days she most have been unconscious are friends most be so worried Volga most be searching for he she pictured the man worried look.

Her heart slowly breaking even only she had listened to Juliette warning but she had follow are doom gut like always.

Her eyes scanned the surroundings maybe their was a way out but their wasn't a single door leading out of the place it looked like she was brought to an abandoned warehouse only a small window was positioned on the wall. A voice spoke out of the dark shadows watching the woman try and move with the chair.

" Their is no use trying to escape even if you got out of the warehouse the spell around the place wouldn't let you leave. so their is totally no point trying" The voice was that of a woman she spoke in a dry plain voice.

" Who are you and what do you want from me ? " She screamed demanding for a explanation on why they had taken her hostage.

she heard another voice it was a voice of a man.

" Amanda can you ask her to short up am trying to get some sleep" The man pissed voice rang in the darkness.

The lady sighed resting against a pole in the shadows she stared at the man annoyed look .

" Stop asking questions princess you will find out in due time try and get some rest " She lady spoke not bordering to respond to her loads of questions.

Isabella was angry of how helpless she was at the moment.she understood why the supernatural beings didn't want her as a their queen she couldn't even protect herself from a single woman how could she lead them all if a problem was to arise.

" I won't stay quiet untill someone explains to me why I have been taking captive" she screamed at the top of her voice wanting to anger the people hiding in the shadows it was her own way of venting her anger and frustration at them .

" it not you we want " She responded angered by Isabella screaming. The man spock not liking the fact Amanda was revealing the things the had specifically told them not to say.

" Amanda what are you doing?" the man asked not in a warning tone..

" It not like it would count in a few hours if she knew ramus. we want your mate not you" She told Isabella the answer she wanted to hear.

Her eyes moved back and forth in it sockets she couldn't understand what the wanted from Volga. Fear going up her spine she was going to be the cause of what ever harm at came to Volga. she pulled against the chair..

" What do you want from my mate , what did he ever do to you" She screamed in fear trying not to boost out in tears.

A chuckle left the woman lips " What did he ever do to me oh.. dear princess what kind of being do you think your mate his an angle or some god. you don't know the kind of beast your sweetheart his. " The woman spoke venom coming out of her mouth it was filled with hate and rage.

" Calm down Amanda " the man tried to calm the woman rage...

Isabella shock her head not wanting to believe the woman lies are husband was a good man. he wouldn't harm a fly he had been so nice to her and to everyone at the castle this people only wanted to corrupt her thoughts she wasn't going to let them win Volga would find her soon and everything would be fine again her hands folded into a fist.

Volga house stood proud amongst the other means. Alpha diago and the other wolf's soldiers transformed back into their human form walking over to lord's house.

diago gave a light bowl before the beast because volga human side wasn't awake.

" Your majesty we got a news from the valley of phonics that they had sported a large pack of stray wolf's, black witch, wizards , vampires and other beings which were punished and band from their kingdom I think the have your mate your highness you couldn't locate her with the bound between you two because of the strong magic preventing dark beings from hell " diago spoke calculating his words not to say something to enrage Volga even more.

A horrifying smirk appeared on the demon face.

" WELL PLAYED THE HAD TAKING MY MATE AWAY FROM ME. TOO GET BACK AT ME FOR TAKING THEIRS AWAY FROM THEM. WELL THEY WILL BE GETTING A BEFITTING RESPONSE FROM ME " Every time he spoke it came out more like a roar than a speech a roar that brought horror to a person soul.

The day break had arrived Isabella hadn't slept the whole night her head lowered. it slowly came up when the doors of the warehouse was pulled opened. so many men and women of different beings stepped into the warehouse the all had one terrible scare on their bodies.

She heard the woman voice who had been speaking to her hiding in the shadows now she could clearly see the woman form.

She was a serpent shifter just as Juliette the woman had various scares on her body while the man hard a large scratch that stretched across his face. The wounds still looked fresh like the hadn't healed for years.

Isabella couldn't stare anymore longer at the man faces it was to heart breaking to behold.

Amanda and ramus bowled at a woman she recognized instantly it was the black witch who had deceived her into a trap.

The lady wore a black hoody falling at her back her face was cold and plain unlike the friendly look she had worn when the first meet.

There eyes meet for a brief seconds before she looked away the other supernatural bowled before her. the lady stood facing them.

" Today is the day by fellow brothers and sister that the beast will release us from our long time torment and suffering it will all end. this human you see here is his mate the man who strapped us of ours "

Isabella couldn't believe her ears she stared at the large number of beings calming Volga had taken their soul mates from them she couldn't believe it she didn't want to believe it. and what freedom were the talking about she remembered the woman and the man talking silently in the shadows about the day of the end of there misery the kept talking about the blood moon the day of freedom. it looked like the we're all after revenge.

The lady took a stool facing her.

" Let me introduce myself probably we didn't have the time to get to know each other you can call me Emily remember this face the last moment you see it let it fill your dreams when you sleep at night " The woman spoke with a hidden glint in her eyes Isabella couldn't understand the woman complicated words.

" What do you want from me ? " She spate out at the woman face trying to pull the rope bounding her hands.

Emily smirked drawing forward closer to Isabella face.

" Like I said I want nothing from you. you see this faces let it be a reminder to you of what your mate have done to each and everyone of us " She suddenly grained in a creepy way continuing in her words she looked like a crazy person at this point.

Her perch black eyes lacked light.

" Let me tell you a story princess once upon a time we all had mates happy and peaceful then your husband came along raining war against every nation in the supernatural world using his power in pushing the nations to summit to him. those of us you see here are the ones who refused to bowl for his cruelty we disobeyed his orders and choice to start away against. sweet heart do you want to know his punishment for our route against him"

she wanted to scream at the woman to stop her body trembling already. The woman laughed loudly her eyes suddenly showing a deep amount of pain in them.

" He would punish us by killing your soul mate instead of the main offender "The woman finished her speech are look going freezing cold again.

" Sebastian come here " The woman called a man he stepped forward.

" Yes my queen what do you want me too do " He spoke in a calm cold voice.

" I want you too show our dear princess a vision of what are mate did to her kind I want her to truly see the monster she as been blessed with "

The man bowl holding Isabella head steel as his two toms were pressed to the side of her temple the man started to chant a spell in a foreign language.

Her eyes turned white in colour a her soul appearing in a battle ground she saw dead bodies of humans laying every we're her head turned forward when she heard the most horrifying voice cashing the most heart crashing sight ever a a man with blood covered all over his body he had hones on his head and his eyes were like flames those eyes she loved so much he had long fangs coming out of his mouth like a animal. his face was half beast and half human his hand was holding a child's head nails long like sword the lifeless eyes of the human child stared directly into hers she screamed out in the reality trying to draw her temple away from the man hold.

The beast took his hand up and brought it down some men held men, children,mothers ,old heads up and with the signal the sword the held against there trout's were drown forward and their trouts were slight opened blood spilling every we're the beast eyes were cold and lifeless.

Isabella trembled screaming and crying the spirit was broken the man took his tom of her temple stepping back. Emily watched the woman tremble and break down in tears crying.

" Why do you think we brought you here your Volga mate you will see what your mate can be " Emily spock standing up.

Isabella understood what the meant by the end. she was Volga mate what would he do to them for taking his mate he wouldn't spare them they wanted Volga to kill them that was the freedom the spoke off the blood moon.

Thank you all for reading byeeee.