
Stolen My Heart

Isabella smith a cursed princesses from birth her mother as a maid to the queen of ( gulden) but the lustful king eyes couldn't bear but to have is queen maid on night he took advantage of the poor maid and after a year Isabella was born out of spite and anger the queen asked a dark wizard to place a cured spell on the baby . Isabella heart would bleed untill her soul mate was found. Volga a ruthless and cruel demon lord who was fared by all and the king over all supernatural beings a long time war had been happening between the human and supernatural beings in other to stop the war Isabella is to wed the lord and become is wife. Read this beautiful love novel of two souls my novel is filled with romance,drama,pain,tragidy, revenge. Please support my novels it my first time writing

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Fantasy
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87 Chs

The Mating Hunt ( 1)

Three days had pasted and Isabella had spent most of her time in the castle Library or the blue roses garden with adora and the other ladies. On the other hand Volga attended royal meetings he would always give her a kiss on the forehead before living their relationship wasn't that bad as she had thoughts it would be.

Are face was buried in a friction book when a guard walked on them. She dropped the book on the table.

" Hi Andrew " She smiled he was her personal body guard so as Micheal.

" Good day your highness I came to inform you of the lord return he as asked for your presence " He bowed and walked out.

Juliette squirreled in excitement" Do I see a blush "

Isabella rolled her eyes " Nope am just happy he is back home "

Grace teased " Someone as butterflies flying in her stomach "

" You ladies can think what ever you want I got to go see my husband " She tried to hide her blush.

They all walked out of the library walking into the halls the stopped at door and it was pulled opened letting walk into the large stylish parlor adora was sited in a couch dressed in a brown leather pants she was in a deep conversation with Volga and some other faces she couldn't recognize.

She stopped Infront Volga giving a bowl

" Welcome back your highness" Isabella greeted with a smile.

Volga eyes softened seeing his mate he pulled her by the hand placing her to sit on his lap. Isabella stared at him with a frown forming on her face she didn't like the awkward position and mostly Infront of their guest. Volga ignored her glare gentle robbing the stress lines on her forehead.

" You Look Stunning. So beautiful" Volga commented watching the woman try and hide her blush face his eyes glowed in delight forgetting the other people sitting in the room.

Adora coughed bringing their attention back to them..

" Get a room you too don't feed us dog food..I hope I get my mate today "

That reminded Volga he gently placed Isabella of his lap to sit by his side not taking his hand of her waist.

" Let me introduce you to people sitting Infront of you they are the high members of the court and I think it about time you got involved with my work "

Isabella nodded staring at the people Infront of her feeling a bit awkward with the strange stares they were trowing her way she now not all of them liked the fact she was there queen some of their gaze could burn her at once by now she would have been left in aches.

" The man dressed in grey prince Archer the roller the mermaid kingdom and the lady dressed in a bright red gown is queen Elizabeth the queen of White witch's. The man dressed in sliver is alpha diago the leader of blood moon pack,and last of all prince Jack he is the roller of the vampire nation and princess malisa the queen of the early god's "

Elizabeth smiled genuinely at Isabella the woman didn't really have a problem with Isabella the lord was free to have which ever woman he liked.

" Nice to meet you your highness what your name?. if I am permitted to ask " .

Isabella was very good at hiding her fears from people so that she would never me seen weak..

" My name is Isabella and nice to meet you too I hope we have the opportunity to know each other more "

" I'm sure we will " She responded..

Archer spoke in a straight voice he had no grudge either against the human but he still didn't see her as his queen she didn't have the skill and strength to lead them if a war was to break out in Volga absence..

" Nice to meet you princess it will be a honor working with you in the near future "

" so as i, I hope you will give me the benefit of duet "

" We will see princess "

Jack smiled charmingly getting off his sit taking Isabella hand " it a pleasure to meet you your highness " He smiled sweetly not caring Volga was giving him a death glare.

Isabella couldn't help but smile back her face going red the man was really charming.." Nice to meet you too "

If Only she knew a setting someone was sucking beside her..He didn't like that she blushed over another man.

Jack winked at Volga walking back to his sit sat crossing his legs.

Malisa faked a smile sweetly speaking to Isabella " Nice to meet you Isabella" she was the only one who didn't address her formally she called her name directly.

Isabella felt a odd vibe coming from the woman she couldn't understand why she felt alerted even with the woman smiling brightly. Volga was also shooting the woman a warning glare.

" Nice to Meet you as well queen malisa " she responded calmly smiling back at the lady.

" I Hope we get to know each other more we could even become friends after what we all here for " she smiled even brighter.

Juliette whispered into grace ears.

" She gives me the creeps I don't like are one bit "

" Neither do I " Grace responded saw true malisa fake smile.

Emma whispered in a low tone " I don't like the vibe coming from that lady "

Clara hummed also having the same thoughts" Let's make sure we don't let that woman come near Isabella no matter the cost "

Volga turned to face the of the court

" Today is the half moon festival you all know what that means the celebration of the gift of mate by the moon goddess so which of the lands would the event be taken place " He asked waiting for their response they all started to bring their different suggestions.

" I think we should celebrate it at the alpha back this year the moon over their stands out even more glorious this year two souls will meet " Queen Elizabeth spoke a smile spreed across her face.

" Your right it a wonderful celebration it a day for beings from all parts to come together and hope to be blessed with their soul mates and for those who lost a mate to be blessed with a new one and for those or rather have a mate it a night for their love to grow even much stronger" Volga spock taking a secret glance at Isabella direction it seemed she had cut his eyes a blush slowly appearing on her face. Some was boiling with rag as her nails dug into the flesh of her palm.

" My Lord I think to make this year fun for the beings already mated we should have a nice game " Malisa chipped in to get Volga attention on her.

The man stared at her with a straight face " I'm listening what kind of game "

She giggled" Always so serious I called the mating Hunt "

Jack seemed interested" Continue tell us what the rules of the game are "

" it very simple the females will give their mates a special gift then at dawn when the moon goes into hiding each and every female mated will go and hide in a secret sport in the woods and wait for their husbands to hunt them out with a blind fold rapped around their eyes only their six sense will guide to their mates were about if no able to find your mate before the moon resurface then those male mate loss " Malisa smiled brilliantly enjoying the positive reactions from the other members.

Isabella also thought the idea was brilliant adora liked it too.volga turned to face Isabella.

" Do you like the plan " He wanted her opinion it counted more than anyone else's. malisa smile went crocked I eyes almost raining bream stones on Volga.

" Yes I think the idea it a very nice one *

" Then it settled the ceremony is tomorrow I hope your pack can handle the preparation diago "

" Sure we will take care of it "He responded smiling gently at Isabella direction.she smiled back.

The meeting ended for the day the all greeted themselves goodbye for departing to their various kingdoms .

thanks guys for reading amigos everyone ✌️♥️♥️♥️☺️