
Chapter 2

Stiles Pov 

I woke up and got ready for my first day at school and went to shower but I lost track of time and saw I will be late and thought nothing of it and got done and went to my car and started it up and drove to school.

As I arrive and see that there was a open parking spot in front of a girl I have not seen before and I went to park there and saw she was on the phone with someone.

I then got out of the car and took my but was stopped by the girl.

General pov 

Hi I'm Alisson Argent.

Hello to you as well I'm Stiles Stilinski and Stiles took her hand in a hand shake

Its my first day and I know its to much to ask but do you have a pen for me. Alisson asked Stiles 

Yea just give me a sec to take it out. Stiles said looking in his bag and found one which he gave to Alisson who smiled at Stiles and said thanks but Stiles was frozen as he admired her perfect smile.

Is that car yours asked Alisson admiring the impala and Stiles just responded with a simple yes as totally forgetting about school they spoke until the principal came to get her and told Stiles to go to class but Stiles told him he had to go quit Lacross and wanted to sign up for basketball tryouts which was today and the principal said nothing and just nodded but before they went away Stiles asked Alisson if she wanted to come watch him tryout which she agreed to do.

Classes ended and Stiles was by his locker when Scott came and asked him.

Hey Stiles you don't happen to like Alisson do you asked Scott 

We just friends Scott and I wont lie if she asked me out I would not say no I mean come on dude have you seen her smile its beautiful said Stiles all while Alisson who stood not to far away heard cause she wanted to talk to Stiles but stood frozen with a blush on her face.

Alisson then went to her locker and to put her books when someone came up to her and said 

Nice jacket where did you buy it asked a strawberry blond 

My mom got its for me in Paris said Alisson

I am Lydia by the way said the Lydia 

As they spoke someone came and put there arms around Lydia and kissed her cheek which made Alisson a little uncomfortable.

This is Jackson my boyfriend and leader of the Lacross team said Lydia 

What's Lacross asked Alisson 

Its the hottest sport in beacon hills said Jackson

They are holding tryouts today you should come said Lydia but then Alisson remembered Stiles has tryouts today too and she was gonna go support him so she declined Lydia and said she has other plans and then went over to Stiles who was still talking to Scott and then put her hands over Stiles eyes.

Guess who said Alisson 

Alisson I know its you I can tell by how beautiful your voice sounds said Stiles and turned around fast and picked Alisson up in a hug that made her giggle as he put her down meanwhile Scott left as he felt like he wanted to beat Stiles up for some reason.

I cant wait to see you play said Alisson to Stiles 

Well I guess I got to put on a show if I have such I beautiful girl that will cheer for me said Stiles and gave Alisson a kiss on the cheek which shocked her but it just made her smile.

Really Alisson you going to watch the weak thin bench warmer Stiles said Lydia

Alisson was confused as when she hugged Stiles just now she could feel his muscles but then she thought maybe Stiles wears baggy cloths which is they think he is skinny thought Alisson but did not say anything to Lydia 

Well does not matter its your lost but you are coming to my party this Friday said Lydia to Alisson who said she cant as its a family night and then left to got to the basketball tryouts to watch Stiles

Alisson went to sit on the bench and waited and then saw the team come out and then saw Stiles and knew she was not wrong as Stiles was super fit and then she saw him look at her and wink which she smiled at and waved at him.

The tryout match started and Stiles carried his team to victory against the main team and just as the buzzer was about to beat he dunked and just hung there looking at Alisson with a grin and jumped off and went to her as tryouts was done.

Enjoy the show Stiles said drinking water as he was tired as he had to carry the weight of his team alone but that will be different as the first team had good players that always made it to semi finales in the winter cup.

Yea you are pretty good said Alisson with a smile.

So you gonna head home now asked Stiles 

Yea I just have to phone my dad to come get me said Alisson 

Its fine you can ride with me but let me hit the showers and change then we can leave said Stiles as he kissed her cheek again and left to the showers.

They went to the car and saw the parking lot still had cars but as they looked further down they saw that the lacross team are still having tryouts but they just got in the car and drove off.

As they got to Alisson's house they saw mister Argent standing looking at the car but could not see inside as the windows are tinted and just kept standing waiting for Alisson as she said a friend would drop her off.

Why is he looking around like we don't exist asked Alisson looking at her father 

Well the windows are tinted and he does not know what car I drive so he still thinks your at school said Stiles.

Anyway you have to go said Stiles 

Yea said Alisson who was about to leave but went to kiss Stiles on the cheek but he turned his head and there lips connected and none of them pulled away each leaning deeper into the kiss till they stopped and looked at each other in the eyes with soft smiles and Stiles then became bold and kissed her one more time which Alisson loved and then got out the car with a grin on her face and went to her house but Stiles being who he was got out and waved at Chris Argent but Chris showed his gun tucked on his waist which made Stiles sweat drop and then got back in the car and drove off not before honking goodbye.

He got home and plopped down on his bed and grinned remembering Alisson's kiss and went to go sleep.

Thank for reading and check out my original work Life Is Strange, its a good read goodbye.

Next chapter