
Stigma - The foretold villainess- By Neshowbdo

Living is hard,Dying is easy. 1868, London, the dream land was still renovating itself from its filth , diseases and crimes. The slum were overwhelmed with hunger and that hardship made her kill her own child and sister.She shot herself wishing to have a better afterlife as she was guilty for not having any hope in to survive in the future.But she opened her eyes she found herself as a one year old girl beside her sister who now was a twin of hers, in a world that is different. A new beginning as the Ruan sisters, born in a family that belongs to non-human monarchy.

Neshowbdo · Fantasy
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44 Chs

44. Rage

<p>Rose looked at Ruhan. He could have claimed Siya's place if he had wanted to. For some reason, Ryba wanted him to take, and Rose was able to read her mind. Ryba, on the other hand, remained silent. Rose sat quietly listening to what they were saying.<br/><br/>Her focus was disrupted by the constant buzzing in her ear.<br/>Rose's physical condition was changing, and she was having trouble reading people. But she didn't reveal her flaw yet. She could obviously hear everyone but Lily at this point. Rose drew Lily close to her and then stood in front of her, face to face. Lily's palm trembled as she heard what Rose said. Elyich is a friend of Tao Shin's, and Tao Shin was present when Elyich molested Lily in her previous incarnation. <br/>Lily's stare in Rose's eye, made Rose tremble as well, 'Don't lose yourself,Lily. At least we could meet Daisy.'<br/>Daisy had blue eyes and ginger hair but she looked exactly like Lily, which was by luck. <br/><br/>The weather had suddenly turned dismal. Within a few moments, rain would begin to fall. Elyich smiles, hoping that it will rain soon and that the conflict will be over,'I accept the challenge.' He said.<br/>"At least I can practice for it later and defeat this kid" Elyich was busy scheming in his mind.<br/>Rose delivered whatever she could listen from Elyich to Lily's mind.<br/><br/>Except for Ruhan, Rose, and Lily, everyone rushed inside.<br/>The rain was falling steadily, and the sky appeared to be very sorrowful, as if it wouldn't stop raining any time soon. Lily was relieved to see her tears being washed away by the rain. The three of them were standing in the middle of the practice ground. Lily found the rain to be extremely soothing. She drew her eyes shut. Ruhan was still keeping his eye on Lily. He noticed as they stood in the rain, Rose didn't let go of Lily's hand.<br/><br/>While sipping tea, Tao Shin and Elyich were chatting. From the outside, Rose could hear them. They were miles distant, but she could definitely hear them. They were discussing how to conduct the trades with humans. Jinns would frequently provide humans with numerous fresh business ideas or educate them how to start a business.<br/><br/>Lily walked towards the mansion as she kept listening to the plans and programs Tao Shin was discussing with Elyich. Rose followed behind and Ruhan stayed behind.<br/><br/>They were talking by the fireplace. Lily didn't like how they were smiling all happy. Erliyen walked down the stairs while observing the change in Lily's expression. The pale face, blue lips resemble the dead person. Rose looked at Erliyen as Rose could feel the thoughts Erliyen was having. The sense of it made Rose confused. The length of losing her power to sense the emotions was getting reduced.<br/>"This will be a problem." Rose became worried as the instability was getting out of her assumption.<br/><br/>'Siya.' Erliyen called out her name and Lily's concentration shifted on Erliyen's.<br/><br/>The blue beautiful eyes were looking at Lily with an expression that hardly Lily ever sees on Erliyen's face. A sympathetic smile. Rose flinched as she suddenly felt the rush of Lily's thoughts inside her head. Rose holds her temples as the sight of hers starts to blur. Lily stepped towards Erliyen when Erliyen was at the bottom of the staircase. Lily hugs Erliyen. Erliyen was surprised. Her heart started to beat faster as she touched Lily's hair. She caressed through her long hair. Rose tried to suppress the overwhelmed amount of thoughts that was flowing inside her. The nausea started to bitter the taste inside her mouth.<br/><br/>Rose crossed her hands over her chest trying to suppress the trembling on her shoulders. Rose walked away from there and went upstairs in her room. Lily was still holding Erliyen tightly.<br/>'Is there anything you want to tell me?' Erliyen whispers.<br/>Rose couldn't help but hear what Erliyen was asking. Rose closed her eyes as she hoped Lily wouldn't say what was in her mind.<br/><br/>'I want to kill someone,Ma.' Erliyen becomes silent after hearing that. <br/>Rose fell while she hurried out to stop Lily but stopped as she heard Lily's heart.<br/>'I want to kill that person and cut his dead body into pieces. Strangle his soul and make it vanish so that it can never return.' Tears fell down from Lily's eyes as well as Rose's.<br/>Erliyen sighs, 'So what is stopping you?' <br/>Lily thought Erliyen would oppose it or console Lily to calm down. Rose swallows her unease after hearing Erliyen.<br/>'Me.' Lily buried her face again into her mother's chest.<br/>The darkness inside her was making Lily nauseous and hate herself.<br/><br/>'Just because something seems dark, doesn't mean there is nothing good at all.' Erliyen pats on Lily's back.<br/>Rose didn't want Erliyen to say any word to Lily. She ran to her quickly.<br/>'Sorry, mother! I think she is not in her right mind.' Rose takes away Lily from Erliyen.<br/>'She seems to take the defeat into her heart.' Rose tried to divert whatever Erliyen was thinking.<br/>Lily, watching Rose's pale face, quickly touched her cheek, 'What's wrong with you? Why are you so pale?'<br/>Hearing from Lily, Erliyen noticed that as well.<br/>'Right…why are you so pale?' Erliyen touched Rose's skin to feel if anything was wrong.<br/>Erliyen frowned,'Your heart…'<br/>'It's from the rain…I feel a bit…cold.' Erliyen listened to whatever Rose said then said, 'Then you should warm up and not just roam around in wet clothes when you can just dry it out.' Rose quickly vapourised the water that was on her clothes and made it dry while Erliyen was pointing out. <br/>Tao Shin noticed Lily was upset and Rose was talking with Erliyen. He was interested to hear what three of them were talking about so he got up from his seat and went to them. Lily trembled as she heard Tao Shin's step getting closer. Rose grabbed Lily's wrist and pulled to take her upstairs, 'I have something to discuss with Siya, mother. I'm sorry.'<br/><br/>Erliyen nodded, and they hurried away before Tao Shin arrived.<br/>'Can you tell me what happened to Sayo? She appears to be...pale.' Rose was causing Tao Shin concern. Rose smirked as she listened to his thoughts. Her pupils dilated and her eyes turned green. She felt the urge rising to kill Tao Shin alongside Elyich. This time Lily holds Rose's hand to calm Rose. Rose was astounded to see Lily become calm. As if it was the silence before the storm.</p>