
Steven universe: Champange

Fuqyou · TV
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6 Chs

Battle With Jasper

The morning sun rose over Beach City, casting its gentle rays across the familiar streets and sandy shores. It was a day much like any other, where the ebb and flow of life carried on amidst the backdrop of turquoise waters and bustling promenades.

Champagne strolled down the boardwalk, his mind still buzzing from yesterday's training session with the Crystal Gems. The memory of summoning and commanding his snake creature, learning how to fight with Garnet, and mastering the use of a weapon with Pearl filled him with a mix of pride and wonder. Today, however, was a respite from intense practice—a day to relax and soak in the sights and sounds of Beach City.

Just as he was about to enter the fry shop, the delicious aroma of freshly cooked fries teasing his senses, Champagne felt a firm grip on his arm. Startled, he turned to see Principal Vern standing beside him, his expression stern.

"Champagne! You haven't been at school for 2 days, not to mention you still haven't turned in that apology letter!" Principal Vern's voice carried a mixture of concern and frustration.

Champagne could have easily freed himself from the Principal's grip, but he held back out of respect. "Principal Vern, you don't understand!"

"No, you don't understand," Principal Vern interrupted sharply, his tone unyielding. "You broke a boy's arm. They want you in prison, but I came out of my own pocket to pay them off. Just write the apology letter!"

A pang of guilt shot through Champagne's heart as he reluctantly followed Principal Vern towards the school. He knew he had responsibilities to fulfill, both as a member of the community and as someone striving to understand his newfound powers and responsibilities.

As they walked, Champagne's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. He couldn't shake the guilt of the incident that led to the boy's injury, nor the weight of the consequences he narrowly avoided. Despite his excitement over training with the Crystal Gems, the reality of his actions outside the magical world of Gem powers weighed heavily on his conscience.

Arriving at the school, Champagne took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead. He walked into the principal's office and sat across from Vern, who was typing on his computer. Champagne tapped his foot anxiously. "You're not leaving until that paper gets done," the principal grumbled, then stood up and walked out of the room. "Don't move," he warned.

Champagne huffed and stood up, starting to fiddle with things in the office. "Honestly, I thought this was going to blow over. It's not like he didn't deserve it. Guess you do suffer from other people's consequences."

Suddenly, he heard a faint bang. He hummed in confusion and listened out for it again. Another bang followed, but it was so distant that he thought it was just in his head. He opened the door, but the sound wasn't there. He closed the door and shook his head.

Out of nowhere, the wall next to him burst through, and a large arm grabbed his face, throwing him onto the schoolyard. Champagne groaned, trying to regain his bearings as he pushed himself up from the ground. The sudden attack had left him disoriented, but his training kicked in, sharpening his focus.

Standing amidst the rubble of the destroyed wall was a tall gem with tangerine skin and reddish orange markings on her face and arms. "What's this here? I felt a threatening sensation coming from this school, but you're just a human," she said, eyeing Champagne warily as she saw his eye. "A diamond?" she growled, then jumped, attempting to land her knees on Champagne, who leaped out of the way.

"What are you doing?!" Champagne yelled but was met with a punch from Jasper that sent him flying. "She's on the same level as Garnet!" he thought to himself as he stood up and attempted to pull out his weapon.

Before he could, Jasper lunged at him again, her movements swift and unrelenting. Champagne dodged, barely evading her powerful strikes. He could see the intensity in her eyes, a mix of aggression and something else—fear?

"Why are you attacking me?" Champagne shouted, his voice strained as he tried to keep his distance.

Jasper stopped, her expression hardening. "Champagne Diamond, I thought you were shattered! What are you doing here!?" she shouted and threw another punch, but Champagne caught her wrist and threw her into the air. "I've got to thank Luster for teaching me Aikido," he thought, then Jasper stood up and threw a punch, and Champagne threw a punch back, hitting each other in the face.

Their fists collided with a resounding crack, sending them both reeling back. Champagne wiped the blood from his lip, his heart pounding. Jasper shook her head, as if trying to clear her thoughts, and looked at him with a mix of respect and frustration.

"You've got some fight in you, but I still promise to shatter you when I get the chance. The other three Diamonds were evil, but they've redeemed themselves. You're not even close to being redeemable," she snarled, and Champagne's heart sank.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't even know you, but I'm not going to sit here and be talked down to just because of my 'creator.' I just wanted to write an apology letter, but now I can't even do that." He reached for his eye and pulled out a champagne-colored sword, getting into a stance. "You got it," he said with a determined face and an annoyed tone.

Jasper's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the sword, but she quickly recovered, her stance shifting as she prepared to engage. "You're serious, then. Let's see what you've got," she growled, lunging forward.

Champagne met her attack head-on, their weapons clashing with a metallic ring. The force of the impact sent sparks flying, and Champagne had to grit his teeth against the sheer power behind Jasper's strikes. She was relentless, each blow pushing him closer to his limits.

As they fought, Champagne's training with the Crystal Gems flashed through his mind. Garnet's lessons on strength and resilience, Pearl's precise technique, Amethyst's agility—all of it came together as he parried Jasper's attacks, looking for an opening.

"Come on, is that all you've got?" Jasper taunted, her strikes growing more aggressive.

Champagne's grip tightened on his sword. He focused, channeling everything he'd learned. With a swift movement, he sidestepped Jasper's next attack and brought his sword down in a calculated strike. Jasper barely managed to block, the force of the blow pushing her back.

"You're strong," she admitted grudgingly, her expression still fierce. "But you're not as menacing as before."

"That's because," Champagne growled, his fist engulfed in a brown light as he punched Jasper incredibly hard. "I'm not Champagne Diamond!"

Jasper staggered back, surprise and frustration mixing on her face as she struggled to regain her balance. The impact of the punch left her momentarily dazed, but she quickly recovered, her eyes narrowing with renewed determination.

"So, you're not the Champagne Diamond I knew," she muttered, wiping a trickle of glowing liquid from her lip. "Interesting. But that doesn't change anything."

Champagne raised his sword again, ready for whatever came next. "It changes everything. I'm not bound by the past, and I'm not here to be your enemy. But if you keep pushing me, I will defend myself."

Jasper let out a low growl, her stance shifting as she prepared for another round. "You've got guts, I'll give you that. But words won't save you in a fight."

Before they could clash again, a loud voice interrupted them. "Stop this, both of you!"

Champagne and Jasper turned to see Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Luster approaching rapidly, their expressions a mix of concern and resolve. Garnet stepped forward, her visor reflecting the sunlight as she spoke in her usual calm, authoritative tone.

"Jasper, I know what you think, but this isn't Champagne Diamond," Garnet explained, her voice carrying weight and certainty.

Jasper clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Yeah, I figured that out when he pulled out the sword. The real Champagne would've already shattered me."

Champagne's heart raced as he saw Luster among the Crystal Gems. Without hesitation, he rushed over and embraced her, seeking comfort in her presence. "Luster! That lady was so scary!"

Luster wrapped her arms around Champagne protectively, soothing him with a gentle rub on his back. "It's okay, Champagne. You're safe now."

Jasper shook her head, her expression still skeptical. "Does that look like a Gem who's capable of shattering a Diamond?"

Amethyst chimed in with a grin. "Nah, he's more likely to trip over his own sword."

Pearl stepped forward gracefully, her demeanor poised and diplomatic. "Jasper, we understand your concerns, but Champagne is not like the Diamonds of old. He's finding his own way, and we're here to guide him."

Garnet nodded in agreement. "He's part of our team now. We'll train him, help him understand his powers, and make sure he stays on the right path."

Jasper sighed deeply, her shoulders tense with frustration. "Fine. But if he messes up, don't expect me to hold back."

Luster gave Champagne a reassuring squeeze before releasing him."Come on, let's get that apology letter sorted out. I'll help you." Champagne nodded gratefully, feeling a surge of relief at having his friends by his side. He then looked back at Jasper's back and smiled, hoping it wouldn't be the last time they met.