
Sterling Archer Reborn

Sterling Archer wakes up from his three year coma and has completely changed his personality. Due to Krieger giving him a experimental drug to test its effects which leads Archer to become more claim minded, having expanded his skills set that make a deadly spy for ISIS. With his new set of skills and mind set how well he's family and coworkers react to the new him. And how will Lana react to Archer becoming a more effective and charming spy

Shane_Delgado_03 · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 Escaping hell

In a dark alley two black figures are moving stealthily in the shadows as they entered a old containment storage facility. The two sneak pass the group of thugs who we're guarding the facility as they carefully arrived at their target.

Using a crowbar the female figure wearing a tactical stealth suit with goggles over her eyes, preying open the crate reviled a small statues made of dark grey stone. After retrieving the object the female clad figure placed the object in her bag that was around her slim waist.

The two clad figure then stealthy hurried to live the place through the same path they came in however as their about to finally open the door the suddenly froze as a phone suddenly began ringing.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Hearing the ringing the three men sitting around a table playing poker looked towards the sound of the ringing. The two figure heavily clade in black both looked towards the bag around the woman's waist in surprise.

However before they could both come to their senses the three men who set around the table immediately stood up and took out their guns and began firing at the two. The two black figures quickly run out of the storage facility the male clad figure run ahead of his partner arriving in front of a fence wall.

Facing his back against the fence he held his hands together, without even stopping the female clad figure jumped on to the black clad man's hand while the man pushed the woman over as she did a front flip over the fence. Landing on the other side of the fence turning around she began firing back at the men who were chasing them.

Using the suppressive fire the back clad man jumped onto a trash bin then used that force to jump onto the wall and summersaulting over the fence. The two then began running again for a few meters before arriving before hoping on a motorcycle and speeding off.

As multiple other motorcycle chanced after them speedily enter a crowded highway street were they now head to dough incoming vehicles and gun fire. As the catching up to the two black clad figures one of the men on the motorcycle tried to grab the black clad woman bag.

Reacting quickly the woman clad in black held on to the bag to preventing her pursue from taking it away from her. After failing to get the bag me reached out and removed the masks covering the woman's face

Three hours earlier in a hospital room a man began to slowly open his eyes for the first time in years the man didn't make a sound, but carefully scanned the room for any signs of danger.

Before careful considering his current situation as he now figured out that the many worlds, adventures people had all just been were all a hyper realistic dream scape or illusion. However he now remembers his real name and of those people in his dream that always appeared in every new dream.

Suddenly a shattering of glass coming from the enters of his hospital room, hearing the shattering of glasses Archer body tensed up as he hurriedly looked towards were the sound was come from.

"Ahhh"...Archer your a wake!" Exclaimed Malory Archer with a shock expression on her face as her mouth and eyes opened way.

"Mother ?" asked Archer as he still wasn't sure if this was in other dream world.

"That better not be another broken piece of glass or for the love of Sweet Cheeses!!" Exclaimed a chubby black nurse as

"Look Quinn he's finally awake." Said Malory with joy in her voice

"Awake? So this isn't another dream?" Asked Archer as he stared at his mother

"Yes, Archer you're finally awake." Said Malory as she grabbed another glass cup and poured in some alcohol handed it to Archer.

"Here your goanna need it?" Said Malory as she handed the glass filled with wine to Archer who just woke up two minutes ago.

"Really while I'm still here." Said the nurse displeased by Malory action of head some who just woke up from a coma.

Looking at the glass cup Archer shook his head and said "I'm fine mother I'm not into the mood of drinking right now." As he kindly refused to take the glass of wine from his mother and it's not because Archer no longer had any interest in drinking alcohol. But it really wasn't the best time to start drinking yet he might have a glass of wine after a few days and not now.

"Okay, suit yourself then." Said Malory not to surprised by Archer refusal to drink as it wasn't the first time he refused a drink from someone it was just one of those few times that Archer did something unexpected.

"So what happened and how long was I out for. " Asked Archer calmly not showing any hint of surprise or nervousness."

Drinking the glass of licker she tried to give Archer, Malory then took a deep breath and said slowly " Three...years." As she looked back at her son worried about how he'll take the new preparing to have the nurse sedate him if he want into some one of his rage modes.

Looking at the couch behind he saw that there were blankets and a few other things there. "And you waited here all this time?" Said Archer "Yes, I wanted to be here when you finally woke up." Replied Malory in a loving voice as she gently curtest his hair.

"Thanks you mother." Said Archer

Sighing Archer lead back on his bed closing his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. "Okay I need sometime to process all this for so can I please be left alone for now." Asked Archer as he then closed his eyes again and falling a sleep as it was still late in the night.

Archer wasn't too worried about entering the dream world again as the mysterious voice in his head had told him upon waking up from his coma that it will no longer be with him. And never in the hundreds of years they been together has it ones lied or went back on its words.

At first Archer didn't listen to it and had pay dearly for it having to go through the most surveyor pain in his entire life.

Malory on the other hand was a little surprised by Archer reaction to the whole situation right now as he didn't ask how she was over the years. Most surprisingly was he didn't ask about Lana, which Malory was sure would have been one of the first things he asked. As she just stood in front of his hospital bed not knowing what to say as this was a little to unexpected.

"Right, Ms Archer I think we should both leave Mr Archer for now and you also need to sleep as well." Said Gladys

"But, But."

"I know you've waited a long time for this day, but what a couple more hours now Ms Archer." Said Gladys

Malory kept quiet and stared at Archer face for a little while before taking another seep from her glass.

Three months later in a spacious apartment a luxury penthouse in New York City a phone range constantly.

'Ringing... Ringing'

Coming out of the bath room Sterling Archer came out of his shower wearing a bath towel around his waist. As his used a walking stick to support him self as he had received surveyor nerve damage needing a walking cane to walk.

Hearing his phone ringing he moved towards it and picked it up only to hearing his mother harsh criticism of him."Sterling, I expect to see you at work today? Commanded Malory as she held a glass of alcohol in her left hand while on the phone."

The previous Sterling Archer would have harshly yelled back into the phone with something he thought was clever and both profound.

But he currently didn't have the mood or energy to make up something like that currently as to him who had spent countless years having this types of childish arguments with his mother and everyone else he met. So he just gave a simple reply "Okey, I'll come in for today" and then quickly hung up the phone call.

A normal loving mother wouldn't have wanted her son who had just woken up from his three year long coma, now suffering from surveyor nerve damage needing a walking cane to walk. To come back to work for a not so secret organization that needed him to do high levels of physically dangerous feet after only three months.

After ending the phone call Archer want back to his bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. He had a bit of facial hair still covering his face with long flowing wave like that reached all the down to his neck. It basically looked like Tom Cruise hair style from mission impossible two.

Upon up the draw under the sink of the bathroom mirror he took out a razor blade and stared at it for awhile before finally rising it. "Huh... I guess it's time to get back to work?"